A question about normal ordering (regarding Weinberg's QFT Vol 1. p. 200)

In summary, Weinberg states that any normal-ordered function of fields can be expressed as a sum of ordinary products of the fields with c-number coefficients. This is based on the concept of normal ordering, which involves rearranging operators in a specific way to simplify calculations. This allows for the function to be rewritten in terms of just the fields, even though the difference between the original function and its normal ordered version involves all four components of the fields.
  • #1
In the lower part of page 200 in his book, Weinberg says that any normal-ordered function of the fields can be expressed as a sum of ordinary products of the fields with c-number coefficients.

I don't quite see this.

A field can be decomposed in terms of parts that contain either only creation operators or only annihilation operators.
[tex] \phi(x) = \phi_{+} (x) + \phi_{-} (x)[/tex]
[tex] \phi^{\dagger}(x) = \phi_{+}^{\dagger} (x) + \phi_{-}^{\dagger} (x)[/tex]

If we consider a function of fields
[tex]F(\phi(x), \phi^{\dagger}(x))[/tex]
and its normal ordered version
[tex]:F(\phi(x), \phi^{\dagger}(x)):[/tex],
the difference between the two seems to involve all of the following quantities.
[tex] \phi_{+} (x), \,\phi_{-} (x),\,\phi_{+}^{\dagger} (x),\, \phi_{-}^{\dagger} (x)[/tex]

However, Weinberg says that we can express it in terms of only
[tex] \phi(x),\, \phi^{\dagger}(x)[/tex].

Is there any simple argument to justify this? My impression is that Weinberg would provide some arguments in the book unless it is too obvious.
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  • #2

I can offer some insights on this topic. Weinberg's statement is based on the concept of normal ordering, which is a mathematical tool used in quantum field theory to simplify calculations. Normal ordering involves rearranging the operators in a product so that all creation operators are to the left of all annihilation operators.

In the case of a function of fields, F(\phi(x), \phi^{\dagger}(x)), the normal ordered version can be expressed as a sum of ordinary products of the fields with c-number coefficients. This can be seen by considering the expansion of the function in terms of creation and annihilation operators. Since normal ordering involves rearranging these operators, it can be rewritten in terms of just the fields \phi(x) and \phi^{\dagger}(x).

To understand this concept better, let's consider a simpler example. Suppose we have a function of two variables, f(x,y), and we want to normal order it. The normal ordered version would be written as :f(x,y): = f(x,y) - f(y,x). Here, we can see that the difference between the normal ordered version and the original function involves both x and y variables, but the normal ordered version can be expressed in terms of just x and y.

Similarly, in the case of a function of fields, the normal ordered version can be expressed in terms of just the fields \phi(x) and \phi^{\dagger}(x), even though the difference between the two involves all four components \phi_{+} (x), \,\phi_{-} (x),\,\phi_{+}^{\dagger} (x),\, \phi_{-}^{\dagger} (x). This is because the normal ordering process involves rearranging these components in a specific way, resulting in a simplification of the expression.

In conclusion, Weinberg's statement is justified by the concept of normal ordering, which allows us to express a function of fields as a sum of ordinary products of the fields with c-number coefficients. This simplification is possible due to the specific rearrangement of creation and annihilation operators involved in the normal ordering process.

FAQ: A question about normal ordering (regarding Weinberg's QFT Vol 1. p. 200)

1. What is normal ordering in quantum field theory?

Normal ordering is a mathematical technique used in quantum field theory to rearrange operators in an expression so that creation operators are on the left and annihilation operators are on the right. This allows for easier calculations and helps to avoid divergences in certain calculations.

2. Why is normal ordering important in quantum field theory?

Normal ordering is important because it helps to simplify calculations and make them more manageable. It also helps to ensure that certain calculations do not result in infinite or undefined values, which can happen when operators are not properly ordered.

3. How is normal ordering different from time ordering in quantum field theory?

Time ordering is a technique used to rearrange operators in an expression so that they are in the correct chronological order. Normal ordering, on the other hand, rearranges operators based on their creation and annihilation properties. While time ordering is important for calculating time-dependent quantities, normal ordering is important for avoiding divergences in certain calculations.

4. Can normal ordering be applied to all operators in quantum field theory?

Normal ordering can be applied to all operators in quantum field theory, but it is most commonly used for creation and annihilation operators. This is because these operators are the most likely to cause divergences in calculations if not properly ordered.

5. Are there any limitations to normal ordering in quantum field theory?

Normal ordering is a useful tool in quantum field theory, but it does have its limitations. It is not always applicable to all types of operators and may not always produce meaningful results. Additionally, normal ordering can become more complicated in certain situations, such as when dealing with non-Abelian fields.

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