A question about Sequence Space

In summary, the conversation is discussing the collection of all cylinders of all ranks and whether it is a field. A cylinder of rank n is a set of n-long sequences of elements of S, where H is a subset of S^n. The question is whether the collection of all cylinders of all ranks, denoted as Ao, is a field. To show this, it must be proven that the complements of each element and the union of any two elements are also in this set. It is questioned whether these properties, typically used for sigma fields, are also valid for a field.
  • #1
1. Show that Ao, the collection of all cylinders of all rank is a field.

A cylinder of rank n is a set of the form { w∈S^∞ : R1(w)R2(w)...Rn(w) ∈ H}
where H is a set of n-long sequences of elements of S. That is H is a subset of S^n

now think about a toss a coin question.
0(tail=fail) and 1(head = success)
here Ai is the event that ith toss is a head
A1= { w: R1(w)∈{1}}
A2= { w: R1(w)R2(w)∈{11,01}
A3= { w: R1(w)R2(w)R3(w)∈{111,101,011,001}
.so all the Ai are cylinder sets.

Now my question is let Ao be the collection of all cylinders of all rank, then is Ao a field ?
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  • #2
You're not likely to get a reply other than this one if you don't show some attempt at your problem.
  • #3
I changed my question with more details.
I think to show this collection is a field, I have to show the complements of each elements is again in this set and the union of each element is also in this set. But I think this properties are for sigma field. Are they valid also for field ?

Or to show just that

A and B be two elements of this set then I have to show that A union B is also in this set and
when A is an element of this set its complement is also in this set

is enough for field ?

FAQ: A question about Sequence Space

1. What is sequence space?

Sequence space refers to the theoretical space that contains all possible sequences of a given length and composition. It is used in fields such as genetics and bioinformatics to understand the diversity and evolution of biological sequences.

2. How is sequence space related to protein structure?

Sequence space is related to protein structure because the amino acid sequence of a protein determines its three-dimensional structure and function. Changes in the sequence can result in changes to the structure, which can affect the protein's function.

3. What is the importance of sequence space in evolution?

Sequence space plays a crucial role in evolution as it allows for the exploration of new sequences and the potential for the emergence of new functions. It also allows for the diversification of existing sequences, which can lead to adaptation and survival in changing environments.

4. How is sequence space calculated?

Sequence space is typically calculated using mathematical models that take into account the number of possible sequences for a given length and composition. These models also consider the likelihood of certain mutations occurring and the effects of those mutations on the sequence's fitness.

5. How can sequence space be visualized?

Sequence space can be visualized through various methods, including sequence logos, which show the relative frequency of different amino acids at each position in a sequence. Other methods include sequence similarity networks and phylogenetic trees, which show the relationships between different sequences and their evolutionary history.
