A question about Smokers Blood

  • Thread starter Mr. Robin Parsons
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In summary, the question is raised about why Smokers Blood is considered "transfusably safe," even though there are known health risks associated with secondhand smoke. The answer seems to be that it's a personal choice to smoke, and even though the health risks are known, it's better to have some blood than none at all.
  • #1
Mr. Robin Parsons
A question about Smokers Blood...

Saw a very interesting question raised, in the local paper, the other day. Why is it that Blood transfusion Agencies allow smokers to donate blood, and it is considered "transfusably 'safe' blood", (means it's just fine to put it into you) when it has all those little "nasties" that you hear about existing in Second Hand Smoke?

Anyone for a little Truth V Propaganda...cause you can smoke a carton of cigarettes (only and in your entire lifetime) and, assuredly, unless you are the exception to the regularity of the rules, (alergic to nicotine, as example) it will not kill you, but sending smokers outside, into the Canadian Fridgid Air will, Garanteed Hasten your demise!
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Saw a very interesting question raised, in the local paper, the other day. Why is it that Blood transfusion Agencies allow smokers to donate blood, and it is considered "transfusably 'safe' blood", (means it's just fine to put it into you) when it has all those little "nasties" that you hear about existing in Second Hand Smoke?
Because smoker's blood is better than no blood at all?

Anyone for a little Truth V Propaganda...cause you can smoke a carton of cigarettes (only and in your entire lifetime) and, assuredly, unless you are the exception to the regularity of the rules, (alergic to nicotine, as example) it will not kill you, but sending smokers outside, into the Canadian Fridgid Air will, Garanteed Hasten your demise!
Well, it is a personal choice to smoke. I don't know all the details of second hand smoke, and how the damage compares with gasoline fumes coming out of the exhaust of cars or scooters, but I sure know I don't like to be standing in them :)

In the Netherlands they have recently banned smoking in trains (before there were separate cabins) and on stations, with the exception around specially placed pillars. It looks rather pathetic to see all these smokers running to the pillar in between trains, hustling together in a big cloud of grey/blueish opaque fumes, with the occasional smoker venturing out of the territorium claiming independance, shortely there after being ticketed for challenging the system..
  • #3
Don't agree with smoking either, even though I am addicted to the stuff...but wondered about just how much was present, in the blood, from one cigarette, or even sustained smoking, contributes how much to the blood gases? and the other constituent 'particles' that constitute Human blood?

Compared to second hand smoke?...while living in a city, back in the late Ninties, it was on both radio, and TV, that people shouldn't be riding bicycles, in traffic, due to the smog being more damaging to the lungs, then the benefits of the excersize...so??

FAQ: A question about Smokers Blood

What is "Smokers Blood"?

"Smokers Blood" is a term used to describe the blood of individuals who smoke tobacco products. It refers to the changes and potential health risks that smoking can have on the composition and function of blood in the body.

What are the effects of smoking on blood?

Smoking can have a variety of negative effects on blood. It can increase the levels of carbon monoxide and nicotine in the blood, decrease the amount of oxygen that can be carried by red blood cells, and cause inflammation and damage to blood vessels. These changes can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues.

How does smoking affect red blood cells?

Smoking can cause changes in red blood cells, such as reducing their ability to carry oxygen and increasing their tendency to clump together and form blood clots. This can lead to decreased oxygen delivery to tissues and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Can the effects of smoking on blood be reversed?

While quitting smoking can improve some of the negative effects on blood, such as reducing carbon monoxide levels and improving oxygen delivery, other changes may be permanent. It is important to quit smoking as soon as possible to reduce the risk of long-term damage to blood and overall health.

Are there any tests to measure the effects of smoking on blood?

There are several tests that can be used to measure the effects of smoking on blood, such as measuring carbon monoxide levels, checking for signs of inflammation, and evaluating the function of red blood cells. These tests can help assess the impact of smoking on an individual's health and guide their quitting process.

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