A question on "Change of bound variables" Theorem (predicate logic)

In summary, the theorem says that if you have a formula with two sets of variables (free and bound), and you can rename one of the bound variables, then you can get an equivalent formula by replacing the bound variable with the new name.
  • #1
Hi all;
I need some clarification in red part; in how it is deduced from the theorem 2.5.6!
I know how the blue is deduced from the theorem but don't even know how to get blue form red in practice!(No algorithm is suggested...)
Anyway, any explanation is thanked...


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  • #2
Given a formula $\varphi$, we have two sets of variables: those that occur free in $\varphi$ and those that occur bound in $\varphi$. These two sets may have a nonempty intersection. We cannot do anything with free variables, but we can rename bound ones. So, for each bound variable $x$ select a new name that does not occur free and is free for $x$ and replace the variable with this name. It is often easier to select a completely new (called "fresh") variable name that does not occur in the original formula.

For example, let $\psi$ be \[x=0\lor\forall x\exists u\,f(x)=g(u,v)\] Then $FV(\psi)=\{x,v\}$ and $BV(\psi)=\{x,u\}$, so $FV(\psi)\cap BV(\psi)=\{x\}$. We would like to rename the bound $x$ by applying Theorem 2.5.6 to the right disjunct of $\psi$, i.e., to $\forall x\,\varphi[x/z]$ where $\varphi$ is $\exists u\,f(z)=g(u,v)$. We choose a new name for $x$, e.g., $y$, which is different from all variables in $\psi$. Then $x,y$ are free for $z$ in $\varphi$ and $x,y\notin FV(\varphi)$. Therefore, we can apply Theorem 2.5.6 to get $\models \forall x\,\varphi[x/z] \leftrightarrow \forall y\,\varphi[y/z]$, i.e., \[\models(\forall x\exists u\,f(x)=g(u,v)) \leftrightarrow (\forall y\exists u\,f(y)=g(u,v))\tag{*}\]By replacing the left-hand side of (*) with the right-hand side in $\psi$, we get an equivalent formula $x=0\lor\forall y\exists u\,f(y)=g(u,v)$.

It probably takes longer to read than to understand this. The idea is simple: choose a fresh variable name and replace a bound variable with this new name; you'll get an equivalent formula. If the old bound variable also occurred free, then you have one less variable that occurred both free and bound.
  • #3
As always...

FAQ: A question on "Change of bound variables" Theorem (predicate logic)

What is the "Change of bound variables" Theorem in predicate logic?

The "Change of bound variables" Theorem is a rule in predicate logic that states that we can replace any bound variable (a variable that is quantified by a quantifier such as "for all" or "there exists") in a logical expression with a different variable as long as that new variable does not already appear in the expression.

Why is the "Change of bound variables" Theorem important in predicate logic?

The "Change of bound variables" Theorem is important because it allows us to simplify expressions and make them easier to understand and prove. It also helps us to avoid confusion and errors that can arise from using the same variable in multiple quantifiers.

Can you provide an example of how the "Change of bound variables" Theorem is used in predicate logic?

Sure, let's say we have the logical expression ∃x(P(x) ∧ Q(y)). We can apply the "Change of bound variables" Theorem by replacing the bound variable y with a new variable z, as long as z does not already appear in the expression. This would result in the new expression ∃x(P(x) ∧ Q(z)).

Are there any limitations or exceptions to the "Change of bound variables" Theorem?

Yes, there are some limitations to the "Change of bound variables" Theorem. For example, if the new variable that we want to replace the old variable with is already bound by a quantifier in the expression, then we cannot apply the theorem. Additionally, the theorem does not hold for free variables, which are variables that are not quantified by a quantifier.

How does the "Change of bound variables" Theorem relate to other rules in predicate logic?

The "Change of bound variables" Theorem is closely related to other rules in predicate logic, such as the Distributive Law, De Morgan's Laws, and the Commutative and Associative Laws. These rules all help to simplify and manipulate logical expressions in different ways, but they all ultimately aim to make the expressions more understandable and easier to prove.

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