A question on cryptography....

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  • Thread starter chisigma
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In summary, the recent case 'datagate' suggests me to ask whether you think the security of a cryptosystem using a $k_{n,m}$ for the message m and a $k_{n,m+1}$ for the message m+1 is compromised if the same key is used to code both plaintexts.
  • #1
Gold Member
The recent case 'datagate' suggests me to prose to You a question I didn.t resolve completely. Let's suppose that we have a plaintext $p_{n}$ and we code it with a key $k_{n}$ generating a chipertext...

$\displaystyle c_{n} = p_{n} + k_{n}\ (1)$

... where the sum is modulo some 'large number' N. It is well known that the (1) is 'theoretically secure' if and only if...

a) the sequence $k_{n}$ is 'absolutely random'...

b) the sequence $k_{n}$ is to be use only for a single message...

It is also well known that this solution has many pratical problems, mainly the necessity to have a large number of sequence $k_{n}$ only for have a secure communication between two persons. An idea to overcome that drawback may be to use a $k_{n,m}$ for the message m and a $k_{n,m+1}$ for the message m+1 and in the message m to communicate...

$\displaystyle c_{n,m} = p_{n,m} + k_{n,m},\ h_{n,m}= k_{n,m} + k_{n,m+1}\ (2)$

What is Your opinion regarding the security of this type of cryptosystem?...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I should think communicating $h_{n,m}= k_{n,m} + k_{n,m+1}$ would greatly compromise the security of the so-called One-Time Pad, as you've described it. Naturally, for a single transmission, your proposal will have the same level of security as a one-time pad normally does. However, the additional information could be decoded once several messages have been transmitted in this way, in order to figure out what the next $k$ will be.

In general, communicating much of any key information along with the ciphertext is a bad idea.
  • #3
May be that for the readers and for me is useful to remember some basic concept. A ciphertext $\displaystyle c_{n}$ is given by...

$\displaystyle c_{n}= p_{n} + k_{n}\ \text{mod}\ N\ (1)$

... i.e. the sum modulo N of a plaintext and a key. The main difference between a plaintext and a key is that the key is 'random' and a plaintext isn't random. Why the use of the same key to code two different plaintexts is 'a bad choice'?...

Let's suppose that the two plaintexts are monday and friday. In that case with a systematic search i find, sooner or later, the key that produces the playntext monday produces the plaintext friday and both the ciphertexts are brooken. Completely different is the situation if the same key is used to code a plaintext and another key. In that case monday produces something like jaab?+ and friday something like \gw>o@ and it's impossible to extablishes which plaintext is 'more probable'...

Am I right?...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
Last edited:

FAQ: A question on cryptography....

1. What is cryptography?

Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. It involves converting plain text into a coded or unreadable form, known as ciphertext, using algorithms and keys. The intended recipient can then use a key to decipher the ciphertext and read the original message.

2. How is cryptography used?

Cryptography is used to protect sensitive information and ensure secure communication. It is commonly used in online transactions, email communication, and messaging apps to protect personal and financial information from being intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties. It is also used in data storage and authentication processes.

3. What are the different types of cryptography?

There are several types of cryptography, including symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, and hashing. Symmetric cryptography uses a single key to both encrypt and decrypt the message, while asymmetric cryptography uses a public and private key pair for encryption and decryption. Hashing, on the other hand, uses a mathematical algorithm to convert data into a fixed-length code for secure storage or verification purposes.

4. Is cryptography unbreakable?

No, cryptography is not completely unbreakable. While it provides a high level of security, there are always risks involved. The strength of the encryption depends on the complexity of the algorithm and the length of the key. As technology advances, some encryption methods may become vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, it is essential to regularly update and improve cryptographic techniques.

5. What role does cryptography play in cybersecurity?

Cryptography is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity. It helps protect sensitive data from being accessed or tampered with by unauthorized individuals or malicious hackers. It also ensures the integrity and authenticity of data by providing methods for secure authentication and verification. Without cryptography, confidential information and online transactions would be vulnerable to cyber attacks and fraud.

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