A roller coaster's force and energy?

In summary, the design of a rollercoaster must take into consideration the forces acting on the car at different points, particularly at the top and bottom of a loop. At the top, the forces are balanced with weight and normal forces pointing in opposite directions. The concept of zero force at the top means that the centripetal acceleration and gravitational acceleration are equal. The speed of the car can be calculated using the lost Gravitational Potential Energy and the gained Kinetic Energy. The weight force must be less than or equal to the necessary centripetal force for the car to follow the circular loop. Otherwise, it will become a free-fall projectile.
  • #1

I had to design a rollercoaster that some what looks like this.

And I have to figure out forces at the top and bottom of the loop.

Can you tell me if i got this right??

The force of the top will be weight and normal force pointing down and

bottom will have weight down and normal force up.

Also, what does it mean to have force is zero at the top of the loop?

Can there be potential energy and kinetic energy at the loop?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
there is potential and kinetic at work -

I don't know if this is your normal force, but you should include the centripetal acceleration.

zero force at the top means centripetal acceleration (pointed up) equals gravitational acceleration (pointed down).
  • #3
The speed of the car at any point can be found by calculating the lost Gravitational Potential Energy from the release point to the height in question. Then you can say that the Kinetic Energy gained is equal to the GPE lost - that will give you the speed at any height. We're ignoring frictional losses here.

The car will follow the circular loop as long as its weight force is less than (or equal to) the centripetal force needed to keep it moving around a circle of that radius. If the weight force is greater, then the car will follow a tighter curve than the track - i.e. come away from the track and become a free-fall projectile.

If you are having a problem visualising this then draw some arrows showing the weight force and the force with which the car is pressing against the track. Obviously, (?) the weight force must be less than or equal to the force on the track or the car will fall.
The limiting case is when there is actually no force on the car when it's at the top of the curve - it's barely touching.

FAQ: A roller coaster's force and energy?

1. How does a roller coaster's speed affect its force and energy?

The speed of a roller coaster directly affects its force and energy. As the roller coaster increases in speed, its kinetic energy also increases, resulting in a greater force on the riders. This is why roller coasters often have steep drops and sharp turns to maintain high speeds and provide a thrilling experience.

2. What types of energy are involved in a roller coaster's motion?

A roller coaster's motion involves both potential and kinetic energy. The potential energy is stored in the coaster at the top of a hill or drop, and is converted into kinetic energy as the coaster moves down the track. The kinetic energy then decreases as the coaster slows down and gains potential energy at the top of another hill or drop.

3. How does a roller coaster's design impact its force and energy?

The design of a roller coaster plays a crucial role in determining the force and energy experienced by riders. The height, steepness, and shape of the track all affect the amount of potential and kinetic energy the coaster has. Additionally, the type and location of the coaster's brakes can also impact its force and energy.

4. How do different elements of a roller coaster, such as loops and corkscrews, affect its force and energy?

Elements such as loops and corkscrews add excitement to a roller coaster ride, but they also impact its force and energy. These elements can increase the speed and change the direction of the coaster, resulting in changes in kinetic and potential energy. They can also create forces on riders, such as g-forces, which can be both thrilling and potentially uncomfortable.

5. How does the weight and size of riders affect the force and energy of a roller coaster?

The weight and size of riders can impact the force and energy experienced on a roller coaster. Heavier riders will increase the overall weight of the coaster, potentially increasing its potential energy and resulting in a faster ride. Additionally, taller or larger riders may experience different forces, such as g-forces, due to their positioning on the coaster's seats.
