A Simple Explanation of Zeta Function Analytic Continuation and Its Results

  • Thread starter franic
  • Start date
In summary, the Riemann h state claims that the formula for the prime counting function can be derived from the zeta function, without any additional assumptions. This is difficult to work with, as the sum involved is infinite. It's unclear if this means that if a proof is found, that a prime generator will be uncovered along with the proof.
  • #1
Can one use ***simple*** words to intuitively explain what does it mean that the (analytic continuation of the) Riemann zeta function yields

zeta(0) = 1+1+1+1+1+... = -1/2 ?
zeta(-1) = 1+2+3+4+5+... = -1/12 ?

Thank you!
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  • #2
Well, firstly the sums you've written down aren't zeta of 0 or -1

The zeta function has a power series that is valid only for certain inputs.

Every power series has a radius of convergence, right?

Well, in some cases one can extend functions onto other patches so that on the overlap of two patches the functions agree.

For instance

x - x/2 + x/3 - x/4 +...

is the expansion of log(1+x) about x=0, and os only valid for |x|<1

Obviosuly one may extend this to a function, log(1+x) for all x not equal to -1.

The extension to other patches will have different power series expansions inside those patches. The expansion you've used for zeta is not valid in the area in which you're evaluating zeta, you'd have to use a different power series there, ie zeta(0) ISN'T 1+1+1...

I can't really think of anything else to say about it
  • #3
You've presumable seen that [itex]\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}n^{-s}[/itex], valid when the real part of s is greater than 1. If you try to put in something with real part less than 1, this series diverges, I'm sure you've seen the harmonic series, this is just [tex]\zeta(1)[/tex].

Using some analytical trickery (which you may or may not find simple or intuitive), it turns out it's possible to find a function f(s) that is valid for any complex number s (except a "pole" at s=1) and has the property that [tex]f(s)=\zeta(s)[/tex] whenever the real part of s is greater than 1. Since this function f agrees with Zeta where Zeta is defined by it's Dirichlet series (that infinite sum above), we're going to use this f to define Zeta for all complex values. This what's meant by analytic continuation, and it turns out there's only one analytic continuation of Zeta to the entire complex plane.

So, using this f(s) it's possible to any value of Zeta we like, such as [tex]\zeta(0)\equiv f(0)=-1/2[/tex], [tex]\zeta(-1)\equiv f(-1)=-1/12[/tex], [tex]\zeta(-2)\equiv f(-2)=0[/tex] (I'm using [tex]\equiv[/tex] to mean "defined as"). If you were to blindly substitute these s values into the Dirichlet series and ignore matters of convergence, you get the equations you've written.

Don't read much into this. For a simple analogy, consider the function g(x)=x/x. This is undefined at x=0 and the constant 1 everywhere else. Set f(x)=1. In a similar sense to our analytic continutation of Zeta above, f(x) is a continuation of g(x) to the entire real line, so we can now define some reasonable value of g at x=0, namely [tex]g(0)\equiv f(0)=1[/tex]. Same as above, if we ignore the initial defects our formula for g(x) had at 1, we get the equation 0/0=g(0)=1. This is a bit of nonsense of course, if you've taken any calculus you should know the dangers of 0/0.
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  • #4
Thanks a lot and CIAO from Italy!
  • #5
riemann h

As far as I can tell Riemann h states that he conjectures that his formula determines the EXACT quantities of primes up to a given whole number .Does this mean that if a proof is found, that a prime generator will be uncovered along with the proof?
  • #6
guitry said:
As far as I can tell Riemann h states that he conjectures that his formula determines the EXACT quantities of primes up to a given whole number .

I think you've got something confused here. The Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to saying the folowing is true for every [tex]\epsilon>0[/tex]:


Where Li(x) is the usual logarithmic integral and [tex]\pi(x)[/tex] is the usual prime counting function. Notice the big-O error term, that can keep you a long way off from using this to find the exact number of primes up to a given x.

However it's not clear to me that this is what you mean by "his formula". If you mean Riemann's so-called explicit formula for [tex]\pi(x)[/tex], then this creature already expresses [tex]\pi(x)[/tex] exactly as an infinite sum over the zeros of zeta without any additional assumptions. It's just not an easy thing to work with due to this infinite sum. The more we know about the location of the zeros (such as if the Riemann hypothesis is true) the better capable we are of dealing with this nasty sum that's involved, and we can get a better error term in the prime number theorem (such as the form I've stated above).

guitry said:
Does this mean that if a proof is found, that a prime generator will be uncovered along with the proof?

It will probably take some very deep and high powered (probably currently unknown) tools to solve, so who knows what other consequences will follow? However I doubt it will produce the kind of prime generator you might be looking for.

FAQ: A Simple Explanation of Zeta Function Analytic Continuation and Its Results

What is a zeta function?

A zeta function is a mathematical function that is defined for complex numbers. It is usually denoted by the Greek letter ζ (zeta) and is defined as the infinite sum of the reciprocal of the powers of natural numbers. It has applications in number theory, analysis, and physics.

How is the zeta function related to prime numbers?

The zeta function is closely related to the distribution of prime numbers. In particular, the Riemann zeta function, which is a special case of the zeta function, is intimately connected to the distribution of prime numbers. The Riemann Hypothesis, one of the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics, is a conjecture about the behavior of the Riemann zeta function and its relation to prime numbers.

What is the importance of the zeta function in mathematics?

The zeta function has a wide range of applications in mathematics, including number theory, analysis, and physics. It has been used to study the behavior of prime numbers, to prove theorems about the distribution of prime numbers, and to investigate the properties of different types of numbers. It also has connections to other important mathematical functions, such as the gamma function and the Bernoulli numbers.

How is the zeta function calculated?

The zeta function is typically calculated using the Euler-Maclaurin formula, which is a method for approximating the sum of a series. However, there are also other methods for calculating the zeta function, such as the Riemann-Siegel formula and the Mellin transform. These methods are often used to calculate the zeta function for specific values or to study its behavior for different types of inputs.

What are some real-world applications of the zeta function?

While the zeta function is primarily a mathematical concept, it has been applied to various real-world problems. For example, the Riemann zeta function has been used in cryptography to generate secure random numbers. It has also been used in physics to study the behavior of quantum systems and in engineering to model the dynamics of complex systems. Additionally, the zeta function has been used in music theory to study the distribution of musical intervals.
