A spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation

In summary: What is the something?Also, your final answer for v looks wrong. The final answer should be a number, not an expression. And, the units of the number should be m/s. You have an expression with units of (m/s)^2. Did you mean to square something in your expression?In summary, In summary, we consider a charged wire with constant linear charge density λ. The wire has length 2πa and is attached to the edge of a disc with radius a. In the central region of the disc (a circular region of radius b<a) a constant magnetic field B is applied (perpendicular to the disc). The magnetic field is then suddenly turned off. We obtain the
  • #1
Gabriel Maia
Consider a charged wire with constant linear charge density λ. The wire has length 2πa and is attached to the edge of a disc with radius a. In the central region of the disc (a circular region of radius b<a) a constant magnetic field B is applied (perpendicular to the disc).

The magnetic field is then suddenly turned off. Obtain the torque due to the emf induced in the wire, in terms of ∂B/∂t.

From this result calculate the disc final angular momentum.

Now... when we suddently turn the magnetic field off a emf is induced in the wire. This emf is given by


It is the variation of the magnetic flux. Right? I suppose I could obtain the electric field associated to ε by taking its gradient. The B field is, however, say, in the z direction. How come it will generate a central force to rotate de disc?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Gabriel Maia said:

It is the variation of the magnetic flux. Right? I suppose I could obtain the electric field associated to ε by taking its gradient. The B field is, however, say, in the z direction. How come it will generate a central force to rotate de disc?

Thank you.

The electric field generated by the changing B field is not a conservative electric field. So, E is not the gradient of a potential. However, ε is related to the electric field via a line integral of E. Can you make this more precise by setting up the line integral? Think about the direction of the induced E field at the edge of the disc.

You do not need to generate a central force to rotate the disc. You need a torque. Can you see how the electric field at the edge of the disc will produce a torque? Again, you will need to be clear on the direction of E at the edge of the disc.
  • #3
The Lenz Law tells us that an electric current will be generated in the wire in order to oppose the magnetic field variation. Therefore the electric field should be perpendicular to the radius of the disc. If the magnetic field is in the z direction and the disc lay on the xy plane, the electric field (and consequently the electric force) should also be on the xy plane. The force will be, as I said, perpendicular to the radius of the disc and therefore the torque will be in the z direction as the magnetic field.

I'm thinking about the expression for the torque, but is this vectorial analysis ok?

Thank you for your help.
  • #4
Yes, the electric field will be perpendicular to the radius and tangent to the disc. You will not need to worry about the induced current in the wire. Just worry about the force that the electric field exerts on the linear charge density of the wire.
  • #5
Let's see...

the emf is given by


where dl is an element of the wire. It has the same direction of E. This is a line integral so we have that


where a is the radius of the disk. Now... ε is also wrote as minus the time variation of the magnetic flux. We arrive then at


where b is the radius of the circular area where the magnetic field is applied. The electric field is then


The total charge of the wire is q=2πaλ. The electric force is therefore


and the torque, at last should be


I believe that's it... is it?
  • #6
I believe your answer is correct. But, the derivation might be questioned a little. You wrote that the electric force on the wire is F=-λπb^2∂B/∂t. But, in fact, the total electric force is zero. Think about the direction of the force on each element of arc length of the wire and the result of adding all of the force elements (as vectors).

A better way is to consider the torque ##\vec{d\tau}## on each element of arc length. What is the direction of ##\vec{d\tau}##? Are the directions of ##\vec{d\tau}## the same for all arc length elements? Express ##d\tau## in terms of ##a##, ##\lambda##, ##E##, and ##dl##. Then integrate ##d\tau## over all the arc length elements. Your expression should involve ##\oint{E\;dl}## which you can relate directly to ε.
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  • #7
I see... my derivation is really flawed. Let me rethink it.

the torque of an element dl of the wire is

dT=a × dF

This electric force is


where, we know, dq=λdl. We know the direction of the torque so we can write it as


where dl = ad[itex]\varphi[/itex] . Integrating all over the wire gives us


Now let's focus on the electric field E. We know that its line integral is equal to minus the time derivative of the magnetic flux


E, however, varies with time, not with space. Therefore we obtain



and then... finally


and a new aspect of the problem... the angular moment of the disc is



But the angular moment is


where I is the moment of inertia of the wire-disk configuration and [itex]\omega[/itex] is its angular velocity. The speed of the spinning disk is then

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  • #8
I have one more question about this problem and I would appreciate very much your help. Just tell me how I'm going so far, please.

Thank you.
  • #9
Your derivation of the torque now looks good! If you want, you can make a bit more "elegant" by noting that the integral over the torque is ##\int{d\tau} = \oint{a\lambda E\;dl} = a\lambda\oint{E\;dl}=a\lambda\varepsilon##. So, you don't need to actually find an expression for E separately. But your derivation is good.

Now, your relationship between angular momentum and torque appears to be backwards. Net torque equals rate of change of angular momentum. You appear to have assumed that angular momentum is rate of change of torque.
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  • #10
My bad. You're right. So... I'm trying to find the magnetic field this spinning disk will produce at the axis around which it's spinning.

We have found the torque to be


and the torque is related to the angular moment by


and therefore L is


We can write L as


where I is the moment of inertia and [itex]\omega[/itex]=v/a is the angular velocity. v can then be written as


We know that the electric current is


which gives us


I then have planned to use this current in the very known result of the magnetic field due to a current in a circular circuit


Is my current derivation ok?
  • #11
That looks right to me. Good work.
  • #12
Thank you. And thank you very much for your time. You helped me a lot.

Related to A spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation

1. What is a spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation?

A spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation is a phenomenon in which a disc or any other object rotates when exposed to a changing magnetic field. This is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, where a moving magnetic field induces a current in a conductor, causing it to rotate.

2. How does a spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation work?

When a spinning disc is placed in a changing magnetic field, the magnetic field lines exert a force on the free electrons in the disc, causing them to move. This movement of electrons creates a current, which in turn creates a magnetic field that interacts with the original magnetic field, resulting in a rotational force on the disc.

3. What are the applications of a spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation?

A spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation has various applications, including electric generators, electric motors, and magnetic levitation. It is also used in devices such as hard drives, loudspeakers, and electric meters.

4. Can a spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation be used to generate electricity?

Yes, a spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation can be used to generate electricity. This is the basis for electric generators, where the rotational motion of the disc is converted into electrical energy.

5. Are there any safety concerns or risks associated with a spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation?

There can be potential safety concerns when dealing with strong magnetic fields, but as long as proper precautions are taken, the spinning disc due to a magnetic field variation is generally considered safe. However, it is important to handle strong magnets with care and keep them away from sensitive electronic devices and pacemakers.
