A supernova can out light a entire galaxy

In summary, a supernova is an incredibly powerful event that can outshine an entire galaxy. It is estimated that a supernova can release about 10^44J of energy, and this energy can be calculated based on the type of supernova. The core collapse phase of a supernova is so dense and energetic that only neutrinos are able to escape. This energy is small enough that the standard model of particle physics is likely to be correct, but the high densities within the supernova may produce novel effects. Some astronomers have been able to observe the neutrinos produced by supernovae, providing evidence for the accuracy of the core collapse theory.
  • #1
a supernova can out light a entire galaxy. I've read it can give out about 10^44J of energy is there anyone of you who now the amount of energy released mor exacly or even better know how to calculate it? i love calculating stuff.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Zelos said:
a supernova can out light a entire galaxy. I've read it can give out about 10^44J of energy is there anyone of you who now the amount of energy released mor exacly or even better know how to calculate it? i love calculating stuff.
From these, and links, you can get info on the energy release of a Type Ia and Type II supernova, respectively.


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  • #3
thank you labguy
kinda crappy, its using none SI units. else than that its good
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  • #4
Latest Supernovae - http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/snimages/

Some images show supernovaes outshining galaxies.

The energy release from the thermonuclear burning (~1044 J) - from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova, which also contains statements
As the density in the collapsing core skyrockets, electrons and protons are pushed together until their electrical attraction overcomes their inherent nuclear repulsion from each other. This combination, a process called "electron capture", creates a neutron and releases a neutrino. The neutrinos escape from the core, carrying away energy and further accelerating the collapse, which proceeds in milliseconds as the core detaches from the outer layers of the star and reaches the density of nuclear matter, where the neutrons press against each other and the entire core is the density of an atomic nucleus. This is the core collapse. At this point neutron degeneracy pressure is sufficient to balance gravity; however the core has actually overshot the equilibrium point and undergoes a slight bounce, creating a shock wave which slams into the collapsing outer layers of the star. A "proto-neutron star" begins to form at the core, though if it is massive enough, it will continue collapsing to form a black hole.

The core collapse phase is known to be so dense and energetic that only neutrinos are able to escape the collapsing star. Most of gravitational potential energy of the collapse gets converted to a 10 second neutrino burst, releasing about 1046 joules (100 foes). Of this energy, about 1044 J (1 foe) is reabsorbed by the star producing an explosion. The energy per particle in a supernova is typically 1 to 150 picojoules (tens to hundreds of MeV). The neutrinos produced by a supernova have been actually observed in the case of Supernova 1987A leading astronomers to conclude that the core collapse picture is basically correct.

This energy is small enough that the standard model of particle physics is likely to be basically correct, but the high densities may include corrections to the standard model. In particular, Earth based accelerators can produce particle interactions which are of much higher energy than are found in supernova, but these experiments involve individual particles interacting with individual particles, and it is likely that the high densities within the supernova will produce novel effects. The interactions between neutrinos and the other particles in the supernova take place with the weak nuclear force which is believed to be well understood. However, the interactions between the protons and neutrons involve the strong nuclear force which is much less well understood.
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  • #5
Zelos said:
ts using none SI units

Just as an FYI, 1 foe = 1E51 ergs = 1E44 joules.
  • #6
Just some bragging here, I actually took the spectra for SN 2005df (first on the list Astronuc provided)a couple of days after it was discovered at Siding Springs observatory. The spectra provided the information necessary to determine that it was a type 1a supernova.

Related to A supernova can out light a entire galaxy

1. What is a supernova?

A supernova is a powerful explosion that occurs at the end of a star's life. It is one of the most energetic events in the known universe and releases an incredible amount of energy, heat, and light.

2. How does a supernova outshine an entire galaxy?

During a supernova, the explosion releases an enormous amount of energy, which can outshine an entire galaxy for a brief period of time. This burst of energy can be seen across vast distances in the universe and can even outshine the combined light of all the stars in its host galaxy.

3. What causes a supernova?

There are two main types of supernovae: Type I and Type II. Type I supernovae are caused by the explosion of a white dwarf star, while Type II supernovae are caused by the collapse of a massive star. In both cases, the explosion is triggered by the star running out of nuclear fuel.

4. How often do supernovae occur?

Supernovae are relatively rare events, with only a few occurring in our galaxy every century. However, they are more frequent in other galaxies, with an estimated one supernova occurring every second in the observable universe.

5. Can a supernova harm Earth?

A supernova would have to occur relatively close to Earth to have any significant impact on our planet. Fortunately, there are no known stars close enough to Earth that could potentially become supernovae in the near future. However, if a supernova were to occur within 30 light-years of Earth, it could potentially cause damage to the ozone layer and harm living organisms on our planet.

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