A system consists of two indistinguishable spin-1 fermions, both confined

In summary: A space-spin eigenstate is an eigenstate of the total spin that is associated with a particular location in space.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A system consists of two indistinguishable spin-1 fermions, both confined inside the same box of length L centred on the origin. The particles do not interact with each other.

a) What is the total energy of the ground state of this system? (Use the standard formulas for the energy eigenvalues of a single particle in a box.)
b) What is the spin angular momentum of the system in the ground state?
c) How many distince and mutually orthogonal space-spin energy eigenstates of the whole system are there in which there is one particle in the single-particle ground state and one particle in the single-particle first exctied state? Choosing these eigenstates so that they are also eigenvectors of the square and the z-component of total spin angular momentum, write explicit formulas for all these space-spin eigenstates. (Use alpha, beta notation for spin-up and spin-down states.)
d) With no interaction between the particles, the energy eigenstates described in part c) all have exactly the same energy (they are degenerate). We now introduce a repulsive interaction between the two particles. Describe the qualitative effect that this interaction has on the relative energies of the singlet and triplet eigenstates.

The Attempt at a Solution

a)E(subscriipt n)=(h^2 n^2)/(8mL^2)

there are 2 spin 1 fermions, n=1, so the total energy is=(h^2)/(3mL^2)

b)spin angular momentum=(1/2)+(1/2)=1
=(1/2)+(-1/2)=0 is this also possible?
=(-1/2)+(-1/2)=-1 is this also possible?

I haven't tried c and d yet. But I just wanted to check that I got questions a and b right because I am worried that I have misunderstood que a and b. Thank you if you reply.
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  • #2
blueyellow said:

Homework Statement

A system consists of two indistinguishable spin-1 fermions, both confined inside the same box of length L centred on the origin. The particles do not interact with each other.

a) What is the total energy of the ground state of this system? (Use the standard formulas for the energy eigenvalues of a single particle in a box.)
b) What is the spin angular momentum of the system in the ground state?
c) How many distince and mutually orthogonal space-spin energy eigenstates of the whole system are there in which there is one particle in the single-particle ground state and one particle in the single-particle first exctied state? Choosing these eigenstates so that they are also eigenvectors of the square and the z-component of total spin angular momentum, write explicit formulas for all these space-spin eigenstates. (Use alpha, beta notation for spin-up and spin-down states.)
d) With no interaction between the particles, the energy eigenstates described in part c) all have exactly the same energy (they are degenerate). We now introduce a repulsive interaction between the two particles. Describe the qualitative effect that this interaction has on the relative energies of the singlet and triplet eigenstates.

The Attempt at a Solution

a)E(subscriipt n)=(h^2 n^2)/(8mL^2)

there are 2 spin 1 fermions, n=1, so the total energy is=(h^2)/(3mL^2)
This isn't correct. How did you get a 3 in the denominator?

b)spin angular momentum=(1/2)+(1/2)=1
=(1/2)+(-1/2)=0 is this also possible?
=(-1/2)+(-1/2)=-1 is this also possible?
You have spin-1 particles, not spin-1/2 particles. Also, it's not exactly clear what you're calculating here. The angular momentum of a system is described by two quantum numbers, j and mj. You need to specify the possible values of both. Look up addition of angular momenta in your textbook if you're not sure how to do that.

I haven't tried c and d yet. But I just wanted to check that I got questions a and b right because I am worried that I have misunderstood que a and b. Thank you if you reply.
  • #3
I meant to type '4' in the denominator. It was a typo. Sorry.
  • #4
actually that was a typo on the homewok. fermiions are spin 1/2. I have now looked at que c nd d and I have no idea how to do them. Please help. I have tried, really, but the reason that I can't even produce a line or two of the attempt at the solution for c and d is that I am seriously stuck and have no idea what to do.
  • #5
Learn about the addition of angular momentum to get (b) done correctly. Your textbook covers this, and it probably goes over the case of two spin-1/2 particles.

In particular, you should know what the four eigenstates of S2 are, where S=S1+S2 and whether each state is symmetric or antisymmetric. From this, you can deduce which ones are allowed in the ground state.
  • #6
my notes say:

two electrons have spin eigenstates:

|0, 0>=(1/sqrt2) (|alpha 1>|beta2> -|beta1>|alph2>)
|1,0>=(1/sqrt 2)(|alpha1>|beta2>+|beta1>|alpha2>)
|1, +1>=|alpha1>|alpha>

Why would a state being symmetric or antisymmetric matter with respect to whether it is allowed in the ground state or not?

What is a 'space-spin' eigenstate? I've heard of 'spin eigenstates', but I have not seen the terminology 'space-spin' eigenstate used anywhere.
  • #7
You have two fermions, so they obey the Pauli exclusion principle.

The state of a particle consists of a spatial part and a spin part. For example, you might say a particle is in the n=1 state, which describes its spatial state, with its spin pointing up. A space-spin eigenstate would be one where both the spatial and spin parts are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.

In this problem, the Hamiltonian depends only on the spatial part, so all spin states are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. If the Hamiltonian contained terms that depended on the spin of the particle, then you'd find distinct spin eigenstates.

FAQ: A system consists of two indistinguishable spin-1 fermions, both confined

What is a spin-1 fermion?

A spin-1 fermion is a type of elementary particle with a spin of 1. This means that it has angular momentum and behaves like a tiny magnet, with a north and south pole. Examples of spin-1 fermions include protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What does it mean for two spin-1 fermions to be indistinguishable?

Indistinguishability refers to the fact that two particles cannot be differentiated from each other based on their properties. This means that in a system of two spin-1 fermions, it is impossible to tell which particle is which. They have the same mass, charge, and spin, making them indistinguishable.

How are two spin-1 fermions confined in a system?

In a system, two spin-1 fermions can be confined by a potential well, which is a region of space where the particles are more likely to be found. This potential well can be created by external forces, such as electric or magnetic fields, or by the interactions between the particles themselves.

What are the possible states of a system consisting of two spin-1 fermions?

There are four possible states for a system of two spin-1 fermions: singlet, triplet, quintet, and septet. These states correspond to the total spin of the system, which is a combination of the individual spins of the particles. The singlet state has a total spin of 0, the triplet state has a total spin of 1, the quintet state has a total spin of 2, and the septet state has a total spin of 3.

What is the significance of studying systems of two indistinguishable spin-1 fermions?

Studying systems of two indistinguishable spin-1 fermions can provide insight into the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics. These systems have unique properties and interactions, and understanding them can lead to a better understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. Additionally, the study of these systems has practical applications in fields such as materials science and quantum computing.
