A third road? Strings from a new perspective

In summary, the conversation discusses the attempt to create a more fundamental view of quantum mechanics using strings and the Bohmian interpretation. The lack of a position operator in quantum field theory is seen as a fundamental problem and the proposed solution is to improve QFT to include physical rods and clocks. This would provide a conceptual motivation for renormalization and allow for a natural cut-off for non-gravitational theories. However, there is also a suggestion for a more radical treatment if traditional methods do not yield results.
  • #1
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strings are derived from an attempt to formulate a more fundamental view of quantum mechanics, based on Bohmian interpretation of quantum mechanics. Such a more fundamental view is motivated by some foundational problems of quantum field theory (QFT), such as the fact that there is no particle position operator in QFT, while particle positions are what we really MEASURE in experiments.

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  • #2

In my opinion, which you may or may not care about, your diagnosis is right and reflects a deep physical paradox, but your prescription will kill the patient. The lack of a position operator in QFT is an indication of a fundamental problem, just as the lack of a time operator in QM is. It seems to me that the obvious cure is to improve QFT to include physical rods and clocks, yielding position and time operators.

This viewpoint gives a nice conceptual motivation for renormalization. We expect conventional QFT to be a good approximation in the limit that our rods are very heavy and thus classical, because the outcome of a classical experiment is a c-number. Thus QFT should be a good description for quanta of energy well below the rod mass, which thus acts as a natural cut-off. For non-gravitational theories, which don't interact with mass, it should be possible to take the rod mass to infinity, but the parameters in the approximate QFT description may require renormalization.
  • #3
Thomas Larsson said:
In my opinion, which you may or may not care about, your diagnosis is right and reflects a deep physical paradox, but your prescription will kill the patient.
I like the way you said that. Still, when the traditional cures do not give results, sometimes one should try to risk with a more radical treatment. This is what I try to do.

FAQ: A third road? Strings from a new perspective

1. What is the concept of "A third road"?

"A third road" refers to a new perspective on strings in physics, which combines elements of both string theory and loop quantum gravity.

2. How does this perspective differ from traditional string theory?

This perspective offers a more holistic view of strings, incorporating ideas from loop quantum gravity such as discrete space-time and a varying speed of light.

3. What are the potential implications of this new perspective?

If proven to be accurate, this new perspective could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe, potentially solving some long-standing problems in physics.

4. How is this perspective being studied and tested?

Scientists are using mathematical models and simulations to explore the implications of this new perspective and comparing them to existing data from experiments and observations.

5. Are there any criticisms or challenges to this perspective?

As with any new theory, there are debates and criticisms within the scientific community. Some argue that the concept is too complex and lacks empirical evidence, while others believe it has potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

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