A time-energy uncertainty relation

In summary: This is true, but only in principle. In practice, we can't measure energy with arbitrary accuracy (at least not without some sort of error).In summary, the time-energy uncertainty relation is not fundamental, but it is still true that the uncertainty in energy and the duration of a measurement process roughly satisfy equation (5).
  • #1
I am reading this: http://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0609163.pdf
And Demystifier claims that "The time-energy uncertainty relation is not fundamental"
However the proof is done in non-relativistic QM, where t and x are treated differently. My question is, what's about relativistic QM?
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  • #2
The answer depends on what exactly one means by "time" (quantum observable or classical external parameter?), by "energy" (the Hamiltonian or merely the time derivative multiplied with ##i\hbar##?) and by "relativistic QM" (Bjorken Drell 1 or Bjorken Drell 2?).

For one (but not the only one) possible answer see http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0811.1905
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  • #3
Demystifier said:

Thank you. I have a clearer picture now.
However, with every new article I read I have a feeling going into deeper and deeper circles of relativistic QM hell.
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  • #4
Taking a step back, you can say that if any two observables are related by a Fourier transform, then there is a Heisenberg-style uncertainty relation connecting them.

Since position and momentum are related by a Fourier transform, you can prove the Heisenberg relation for position [itex]x[/itex] and momentum [itex]p[/itex].
Since frequency [itex]\omega[/itex] and time [itex]t[/itex], are also related by a Fourier transform, you can prove a Heisenberg relation between frequency and time.
Though time is not an observable, you can still say that these are both "fundamental" in that they only rely on variables being related by Fourier transforms. Indeed, these previous two relations exist in other forms for classical waves.

For example, it's not possible for a pulse of sound to have a well-defined musical pitch, and for that sound to last an arbitrarily small time. If you were to play "concert A" for a second or two, it would be a well-defined note, but the smaller the duration of that note, the more the note just sounds like a chirp, or pop, without a well-defined pitch. (see for example http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/uncertainty.html)

The other kind of energy-time uncertainty relation takes some extra derivation, and it relates the uncertainty of the energy [itex]E[/itex] of a particle, to the uncertainty in the time evolution of an observable [itex]B[/itex] of that particle.
[itex]\sigma_{E}\frac{\sigma_{B}}{|\frac{d\langle B\rangle}{dt}|}\geq\frac{\hbar}{2}[/itex]
What this means is that if there is some aspect of the quantum state of a particle that is short lived or rapidly varies, then the uncertainty in the energy of that particle cannot also be arbitrarily small.
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  • #5
jfizzix said:
What this means is that if there is some aspect of the quantum state of a particle that is short lived or rapidly varies, then the uncertainty in the energy of that particle cannot also be arbitrarily small.

I know about it, but however, this is interesting - quote from the article:

Although (5) is not a fundamental relation, in most practical situations it is still true that the uncertainty ∆E and the duration of the measurement process ∆t roughly satisfy the inequality (5). However, there exists also an explicit counterexample that demonstrates that it is possible in principle to measure energy with arbitrary accuracy during an arbitrarily short time-interval [9]

Related to A time-energy uncertainty relation

1. What is the time-energy uncertainty relation?

The time-energy uncertainty relation is a principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exact energy and exact time of a quantum system. This principle is a result of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and is expressed mathematically as ΔEΔt ≥ h/4π, where ΔE is the uncertainty in energy, Δt is the uncertainty in time, and h is Planck's constant.

2. Why is the time-energy uncertainty relation important?

The time-energy uncertainty relation is important because it sets a fundamental limit on how precisely we can measure certain physical quantities in the quantum world. It also has implications for various phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as the decay of unstable particles and the behavior of quantum systems over time.

3. How is the time-energy uncertainty relation related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

The time-energy uncertainty relation is a consequence of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, such as position and momentum, with absolute precision. The time-energy uncertainty relation specifically deals with the relationship between the uncertainties in time and energy.

4. Can the time-energy uncertainty relation be violated?

No, the time-energy uncertainty relation is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics and cannot be violated. It is a result of the probabilistic nature of the quantum world and the limitations of measurement at the quantum level. However, the uncertainty can be minimized by using more precise measurement techniques.

5. How does the time-energy uncertainty relation impact quantum technologies?

The time-energy uncertainty relation has important implications for quantum technologies, particularly in the field of quantum computing. It sets a limit on how precisely certain quantum operations can be performed, which can affect the accuracy and efficiency of quantum algorithms. Understanding and accounting for this uncertainty is crucial in the development and implementation of quantum technologies.

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