A tricky countour integral (branch cuts)

  • Thread starter dnquark
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of contour integration to solve a simplified version of a given integral. The integral is transformed using z = e^{i\omega} and the branch cut is chosen to be from 1/2 to -infinity and from 3 to infinity. However, there is some confusion about how to account for the second branch cut and its effect on the integral. The conversation also includes a link to an illustration that shows how the first branch cut can be used to solve the integral.
  • #1
Hi all. I need to take the following integral by contour integration (it's actually a simplified version of another integral that I'm working on):

[tex]\int_{-\pi}^\pi \frac{e^{i\omega}}{\sqrt{e^{i\omega}-1/2}\sqrt{e^{i\omega}-3}}[/tex].

I am transforming it using [tex]z=e^{i\omega}[/tex] into
[tex]\frac{1}{i}\int \frac{dz}{\sqrt{z-1/2}\sqrt{z-3}}[/tex], where the integral is around the unit contour around the origin.

Now, it looks to me that there are two branch points: z=1/2 and z=3, and I'm choosing a branch cut from 1/2 to -infinity and from 3 to infinity. This is illustrated in the picture here

Along the branch cut from 1/2 to -infinity, the sqrt(z-1/2) is multivalued. The illustration that I linked shows how this can be used to solve the integral. However, I don't know how to account for the second branch cut.

To clarify: if, for instance, I use [tex]z-3[/tex] instead of [tex]\sqrt{z-3}[/tex], the integral works out. However, with the square root it doesn't work -- I don't think the second branch cut should matter because I'm not integrating anywhere in its vicinity, but apparently it does. I don't have anyone to ask about it... so I'm hoping there's a contour integration maven that reads this and explains things to me...

Edit: I wanted to clarify the linked diagram (link doesn't click for some reason so I have to copy/paste the URL).
The green line is the branch cut, the yellow contour is the integral that I seek (i.e. int dw from -pi to pi is the same as int of dz over the yellow contour); the red contour does not enclose singularities, so it's zero by the residue theorem...
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  • #2
Your original integral: is it supposed to be w.r.t. omega?

Anyways, I note that your original integrand is multivalued; what branch cut is it supposed to be using? I'm going to assume the branch cut required for the original integrand is the same one you decided to use for the integrand to your contour integral.

Could you clarify in what way your approach doesn't work?
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  • #3

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your question and diagram. Contour integration can definitely be tricky, especially when dealing with branch cuts. Let me try to provide some insight to help you understand why the second branch cut matters in this integral.

First, let's review the concept of branch cuts. A branch cut is a line or curve on the complex plane where a function is not single-valued. In your case, the function \sqrt{z-1/2}\sqrt{z-3} is not single-valued along the branch cut from 1/2 to -infinity. This means that when you take the square root of a complex number along that branch cut, you will get two different values depending on which side of the branch cut you are on.

Now, let's focus on the integral itself. The reason why the second branch cut matters is because when you transform the integral using z=e^{i\omega}, you are essentially integrating over a contour that encloses both branch points, z=1/2 and z=3. This means that you need to take into account both branch cuts in order to properly evaluate the integral.

To see why this is important, let's consider the integral over a small circular contour centered at z=1/2. Along this contour, the function \sqrt{z-1/2} will only take one value, since we are not crossing the branch cut. However, when we consider the integral over a contour that encloses both branch points, we are essentially integrating over a larger region where the function \sqrt{z-1/2} will take two different values. This is why the second branch cut matters in this case.

I hope this helps to clarify things for you. Contour integration can be challenging, but keep practicing and seeking help when needed. Good luck with your integral!

FAQ: A tricky countour integral (branch cuts)

What is a tricky contour integral?

A tricky contour integral is a mathematical concept that involves integrating a function along a specific path in the complex plane. It is called "tricky" because it often involves dealing with branch cuts, which are points in the complex plane where the function is not well-defined.

What are branch cuts?

Branch cuts are points in the complex plane where a function is discontinuous or undefined. They are usually located at points where the function has multiple values, such as square root functions or logarithmic functions. Branch cuts are important to consider when evaluating tricky contour integrals because they can affect the path of integration and the value of the integral.

How do you identify branch cuts?

Branch cuts can be identified by looking at the function and determining where it is not well-defined. This can include points where the function has a singularity, such as a pole or a branch point, or points where the function has multiple values. In some cases, branch cuts may not be explicitly stated, and it is up to the mathematician to identify them based on the function's behavior.

How do you deal with branch cuts in a contour integral?

Dealing with branch cuts in a contour integral can be tricky, but there are a few techniques that can be used. One method is to deform the contour of integration to avoid the branch cut, while still enclosing the same area. Another approach is to use a branch cut prescription, which involves adding a small imaginary part to the function to "cut" the branch cut and make the function well-defined. Ultimately, the approach used will depend on the specific function and contour being evaluated.

Why are branch cuts important in contour integrals?

Branch cuts are important in contour integrals because they can significantly affect the value of the integral. If not properly accounted for, they can lead to incorrect results. Additionally, understanding branch cuts can provide insight into the behavior of the function and help determine the appropriate contour of integration. Overall, considering branch cuts is crucial for accurately evaluating tricky contour integrals.
