A vector space W over the real numbers is the set of all 2 x 2

In summary, Deveno says that in order for the map from R4 to W to be an isomorphism, it must have the following properties: - one to one (injective) and onto (surjective)- ker(T) = {0} and range(T) = W- The inverse map T^-1 must exist- dimension of both R4 and W must be the same.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A vector space W over the real numbers is the set of all 2 x 2 Hermitian matrices. Show that the map T defined as:

T(x,y,z,t) =
[t+x y+iz]
[y-iz t-x]

from R4 to W is an isomorphism.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that for the map to be isomorphic it has to have the following properties:
- one to one (injective) and onto (surjective)
- ker(T) = {0} and range(T) = W
- The inverse map T^-1 has to exist
- dimension of both R4 and W has to be the same.

I don't really know how to apply these properties in showing that the map is isomorphic. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advanced!
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  • #2

An isomorphism is by definition a linear bijection, and a bijection is by definition a map that's both injective and surjective. So there are three things you must verify:

1. T is linear.
T(ax+by)=...(use what you know about T here)...aTx+bTy.​
2. T is injective.
Show that Tx=Ty implies x=y.​
3. T is surjective.
Let z be an arbitrary 2×2 hermitian matrix. Prove that there's an x in ℝ4 such that Tx=z.​
  • #3

a hint, sort of:

can you find linearly independent (over R, not C) 2x2 matrices in Mat2x2(C), A,B,C,D such that:

T(x,y,z,t) = xA + yB + zC + tD?

linearity is easy to prove, if so, and so is bijectivity.

(why? because if {A,B,C,D} is LI, it's a basis of something, right?)

another way to prove injectivity:

show ker(T) = {(0,0,0,0)}.

a pre-image of w in W should not be hard to find. figure out what y and z have to be, first, and then tackle x and t. you should get a system of two equations in x and t, easy to solve.
  • #4

1) Your definition of "isomorphism" is incorrect. What you have defined is simply a one-to-one map from one set onto another. You have completely ignored the algebraic structure.

2) And that means your sets must have an algebraic structure. Since you have defined W as a set of matrices, you already have a well defined addition and scalar product. But you are assuming (a, b, c, d)+ (u, v, w, x)= (a+u,b+ v, c+ w, d+ x), and x(a, b, c, d)= (ax, bx, cx, dx) and that really should have been stated.

3) As Deveno said, in addition to showing that the function one to one and onto, you must show that it "preserves" the operations: T(u+ v)= T(u)+ T(v) and T(av)= aT(v).

FAQ: A vector space W over the real numbers is the set of all 2 x 2

1. What is a vector space over the real numbers?

A vector space over the real numbers is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of objects (vectors) and two operations, vector addition and scalar multiplication, that satisfy certain properties. In simpler terms, it is a collection of vectors that can be added together and multiplied by real numbers.

2. What does it mean for a vector space to be "2 x 2"?

When a vector space is described as "2 x 2", it means that the vectors in the space have two components or dimensions. In the case of a 2 x 2 vector space over the real numbers, each vector would have two real numbers as its components.

3. How is a vector space over the real numbers different from other vector spaces?

A vector space over the real numbers is different from other vector spaces in that it uses real numbers as its scalars, rather than numbers from a different field, such as complex numbers. Additionally, the operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication must follow specific rules in a real vector space, such as commutativity and distributivity.

4. What are some examples of 2 x 2 vector spaces over the real numbers?

Some examples of 2 x 2 vector spaces over the real numbers include the space of 2 x 2 matrices, the space of 2D geometric vectors, and the space of 2D coordinate points. These spaces all have two real numbers as their components and follow the rules of vector addition and scalar multiplication.

5. What is the significance of a vector space being "2 x 2"?

The significance of a vector space being "2 x 2" lies in the fact that it is a specific type of vector space with two dimensions. This can have practical applications in fields such as geometry, physics, and computer graphics, where 2D representations are commonly used. It also allows for straightforward calculations and operations on the vectors within the space.
