A very probably flawed attempt at CH

  • Thread starter Haedadru
  • Start date
In summary: I now know where I went wrong.In summary, the continuum hypothesis is impossible to prove or disprove in ZFC.
  • #1
[There is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and that of the real numbers.]

Lets suppose we have the set F. We define F as the set of irrational numbers, which are greater than 0 and less than 1. (if x is a member of F, then 0<x<1). Now it is obvious, that FR is uncountable, since Cantor's diagonal argument holds here. And since it is uncountable, its cardinality is bigger than the set of the integers.

(FR is strictly a subset of ℝ, since a real number may be either rational or irrational; either algebraic or transcendental; and either positive, negative, or zero.)

Suppose we attempt a bijection, as in ( f:F→R ). We only need to pair all of the reals, that are greater than 0 and less than 1, to F. This is possible, since F is strictly a subset of ℝ. But there are infinitely more members in ℝ, in fact for any member of F, there are infinitely more members:
As we defined F, we stated that for any member x of F, x is greater than 0, but less than 1. Thus any x of F can be defined as the fractional part of an irrational number.
Say for example π : 3,14159265...
The fractional part of π is in F, since pi is irrational.
But in ℝ, we can find such numbers :
for all n, such that n is a integer.
And this is true for any member of F.
That is, for any x of F, there exists a subset of ℝ, whose members, have the aforementioned x as the fractional part:
say x is a member of F, then Ax={x + n | n∈Z, n≠0}.

Now we can biject Ax, for any x of F, to the set of all integers, that is f:AxZ . This is possible, because if we were to remove the fractional parts of all of the members of a Ax, we would get the set of all integers.

The set of all Ax, is uncountable, since for every x of F, there exists a Ax.

Any Ax is a subset of the real numbers.

Thus, the cardinality of F is greater than the set of integers, and less than the set of real numbers.

I doubt, that there aren't any flaws in this, or that this "proof" could in anyway be defined as formal or rigorous. But in both cases, I would like to know where I have gone wrong.
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  • #3
The problem with your argument: You never show that there is no bijection [itex]F \to \mathbb{R}[/itex]. Nothing in your argument supports the claim that there is no bijection. In fact, it is not difficult to show that there is a bijection between the irrationals in [itex][0,1][\itex] and [itex]\mathbb{R}[\itex].

The CH is independent of ZFC anyway, so there is no way you can actually settle the question using only the usual axioms for set theory.
  • #4
Actually, you argument also doesn't explain why the set F is uncountable. You quote Cantor's argument, but you don't explain why it works for this set.
(For example, a diagonalization might give you a rational number not in the list, but that is not in F so the argument doesn't work)

This is a good proof that [itex]|F|\times|\mathbb{Z}|=|\mathbb{R}|[/itex]. But due to funny facts on multiplication of cardinalities, this does not mean [itex]|F|<|\mathbb{R}|[/itex].
  • #5
Let F = the irrationals between 0 and 1. Let G = the rationals between 0 and 1.

Then [itex]F\cup G=]0,1[[/itex] and thus (recall that ]0,1[ has the cardinality of the reals):

[tex]|F\cup G|=|\mathbb{R}|[/tex]

We know that G is countable, thus [itex]|G|<|\mathbb{R}|[/itex]. If also [itex]|F|<|\mathbb{R}|[/itex], then [itex]|F\cup G|<|\mathbb{R}|[/itex]. Contradiction.
  • #6
Haedadru said:
[There is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and that of the real numbers.]

To show that one set has smaller cardinality than another, you need to show that there is NO POSSIBLE bijection between the sets.

It's not enough to show that one particular ATTEMPT at a bijection seems to fail.
  • #7
Oh crap, you're all right. I am done here, as in terribly wrong.

Thank you all for taking the time to show me the flaws.

Related to A very probably flawed attempt at CH

What is "A very probably flawed attempt at CH" about?

"A very probably flawed attempt at CH" is a scientific study that aims to explore the potential flaws and limitations of the CH (carbon-hydrogen) bond functionalization technique in organic chemistry.

Why is this study important?

This study is important because CH bond functionalization has gained significant attention in recent years as a promising method for synthesizing complex organic molecules. However, there are still many uncertainties and challenges associated with this technique, and this study aims to shed light on those potential flaws to encourage further research and improvement.

What methods were used in this study?

This study used a combination of theoretical calculations and experimental data to analyze the potential flaws of CH bond functionalization. The researchers performed computer simulations and laboratory experiments to test the efficiency, selectivity, and scalability of this technique.

What were the main findings of this study?

The main findings of this study revealed that while CH bond functionalization has great potential, there are several limitations and drawbacks that need to be addressed. These include low selectivity, difficulty in controlling regioselectivity, and challenges in scaling up the reactions.

What are the implications of this study for future research?

The implications of this study for future research are significant. It highlights the need for further studies to improve the efficiency and selectivity of CH bond functionalization, as well as the development of new techniques to overcome the identified limitations. This study also emphasizes the importance of thoroughly understanding the potential flaws of a technique before its widespread application in organic synthesis.

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