A ZERO Curl and a ZERO divergence

In summary: However, in order to get the proof, one needs to be familiar with the language of differential forms, which is not something that is typically taught in freshman-level physics courses.
  • #1
Robt Massagli
A ZERO Divergence Vector Field

There is theorem that is widely used in physics--e.g., electricity and magnetism for which I have no proof, yet we use this theorem at the drop of a hat. The theorem is this:

Given sufficient continuity and differentiability, every vector function A such that div(V) = 0 yields a vector function U such V = curl(U).

Is there a simple proof of this?
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  • #2
I think a proof of this might go along the lines of constructing (a formula for) the vector potential, where the construction holds only for divergence-less vector fields.

Also, there are likely issues of the region over which you are integrating. Your statement above may only be guaranteed locally, a subtle point that is often glossed over in physics courses.

I'll try to describe this issue in the case of a curlless vector field being the gradient of some scalar potential.

The vector field (-y/r,x/r), I think that has zero curl, so locally it has a scalar potential, but globally it is not possible. The theorems don't apply because there is a singularity in the vector field at the origin.

You can visualize the potential function as a winding staircase, so the gradient points up the stairs, locally you can describe the height of the stairs, but if you make more than a full loop around the pole, your height will not be well defined over the plane.
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  • #3
This is not true. We need certain conditions on the domain in order to get this result. A nice condition that we can demand is that the domain of the vector field is open and star-shaped. For example, an open ball would satisfy this, or entire [itex]\mathbb{R}^3[/itex] would satisfy this as well.

In the case of an open and star-shaped domain, the result is true and is given by the so-called Poincaré lemma. Even more general, the Poincaré lemma holds for contractible domains.

A proof of this can be found in "Calculus on manifolds" by Spivak. The result is theorem 4-11 p94. However, it is stated in the language of differential forms. Exercise 4-19 in the same chapter relate differential forms to the more common notions of div, grad and curl.
  • #4
I made a typo above, I think my example should have been

  • #5

Robt Massagli said:
There is theorem that is widely used in physics--e.g., electricity and magnetism for which I have no proof, yet we use this theorem at the drop of a hat. The theorem is this:

Given sufficient continuity and differentiability, every vector function A such that div(V) = 0 yields a vector function U such V = curl(U).

Is there a simple proof of this?
I think you are referrring to a particular case of a general result called Poincaré Lemma, which states under which condition a function called "potential" can exist, in a wide range of situations. It is indeed an extremely powerful result.

Related to A ZERO Curl and a ZERO divergence

1. What is a zero curl?

A zero curl is a mathematical concept that describes a vector field in which the curl, or rotational component, is equal to zero at every point. This means that there is no rotation or swirling motion in the vector field, and the field is considered to be irrotational.

2. How is a zero curl different from a zero divergence?

A zero curl and a zero divergence are both properties of vector fields, but they describe different aspects of the field. While a zero curl means there is no rotation in the field, a zero divergence means there is no net flow or accumulation of the vector field at any point.

3. Why are zero curl and zero divergence important in physics?

Zero curl and zero divergence are important concepts in physics because they are used to describe and analyze the behavior of vector fields in various physical systems. They are especially relevant in the study of fluid mechanics and electromagnetism, where vector fields play a crucial role.

4. Can a vector field have both zero curl and zero divergence?

Yes, a vector field can have both zero curl and zero divergence. In fact, a vector field with zero curl and zero divergence is called a conservative vector field, which means that the line integral of the field around a closed loop is always zero.

5. How can the concepts of zero curl and zero divergence be applied in real-world situations?

The concepts of zero curl and zero divergence have numerous real-world applications. For example, they are used in weather forecasting to analyze wind patterns and in fluid dynamics to study the flow of liquids and gases. They also play a crucial role in the design and analysis of electrical circuits and electromagnetic systems.

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