A'A and A have the same null space

In summary, the conversation discusses the validity of a proof that the null space of A'A is equal to the null space of A. The argument presented uses the fact that non-trivial solutions of A'Ax=0 form a basis for the null space of A'A, and shows that the null space of A can be written as a linear combination of this basis. The conversation also clarifies that A' represents the transpose of A, and further discussions revolve around the validity of the fourth argument in the proof.
  • #1
I'm trying to prove that the null space of A'A is the null space of A, this is what I have so far,

1) A'Ax=0, non trivial solutions are a basis for the null space of A'A

2) x'A'Ax=0

3) (Ax)'Ax=0

4) Since (Ax)'A is a linear combination of the col's of A, we see that the null space of A can be written as a linear combination of the basis for the null space of A'A.

Therefore, they have the same null space.

--> Is this proof valid? I am unsure if argument 4 holds ground, but it seems to make sense to me =P
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  • #2
Is A' your notation for the transpose of A?
  • #3
It is, sorry for not making that clear!
  • #4
didnt think throguh your 4), but this is what you can do once you get to 3):

Ax= 0 => (Ax)'Ax = (Ax|Ax) = ||Ax||^2 = 0 <=> Ax = 0

where (,|,) denotes the scalar product and ||.|| is the norm induced by the scalar product ( ||u|| = sqrt(u|u) ).
  • #5

Yes, your proof is valid. You have correctly shown that the null space of A'A can be written as a linear combination of the basis for the null space of A, and vice versa. This means that any vector in the null space of A'A can also be written as a linear combination of the basis for the null space of A, and vice versa. Therefore, the null space of A'A and the null space of A are equivalent and have the same basis, making them the same null space. Good job!

FAQ: A'A and A have the same null space

1. What is the null space?

The null space, also known as the kernel, of a matrix is the set of all vectors that when multiplied by the matrix result in the zero vector. In other words, it is the set of all solutions to the equation Ax=0, where A is the matrix and x is a vector.

2. How do we determine if two matrices have the same null space?

To determine if two matrices, A and B, have the same null space, we need to check if the null space of A is equal to the null space of B. This can be done by finding the reduced row echelon form of both matrices and comparing their pivot columns. If the pivot columns are the same, then the null space is the same.

3. What does it mean if two matrices have the same null space?

If two matrices have the same null space, it means that they have the same set of solutions to the equation Ax=0. This also means that the columns of the two matrices are linearly dependent, as any vector in the null space can be written as a linear combination of the columns.

4. Can two matrices have the same null space but different dimensions?

Yes, it is possible for two matrices to have the same null space but different dimensions. This can happen when one matrix is a scalar multiple of the other, or when one matrix is a submatrix of the other. In both cases, the null space will remain the same.

5. How is the null space related to the rank of a matrix?

The null space and the rank of a matrix are related by the rank-nullity theorem, which states that the rank of a matrix plus the dimension of its null space is equal to the number of columns in the matrix. In other words, if a matrix has a high rank, its null space will have a low dimension, and vice versa.

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