ABB's Efficient Hit Rate: 186 Empty Bullet Cases at Utøya

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In summary, it was revealed that 186 empty bullet cases/holders were found at Utøya by the police. Out of the 586 youths present, 135 were registered as dead or injured, although some may have not been shot. ABB took aim and did not waste many bullets, indicating some form of training. While he did take weapons lessons at a shooting club, he does not have any other professional training.
  • #1
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It was revealed today that the police have found 186 empty bullet cases/holders at Utøya.
135 of the youths at Utøya (of 586 present) were registered at dead or injured, although some of those dead (and probably of those injured) were not shot (for example, one boy drowned because he couldn't swim, another fell off a mountain ledge he had climbed onto).

Since several victims were multiply shot, ABB clearly took aim and didn't waste a lot of bullets, even if the number of bullets actually shot is larger than 186 with a rather wide margin.
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  • #2
does he have training as a professional?
  • #3
Proton Soup said:
does he have training as a professional?

He needed to take some weapons lessons at a registered shooting club in order to gain his license for the Glock in January this year.

Beyond that, he doesn't have any professional, registered training as far as I know.
  • #4
Fine - Sounds like a righteous hit.
  • #5

I would first like to extend my condolences to those affected by the tragic events at Utøya. The information regarding ABB's efficient hit rate and the number of victims is certainly concerning and warrants further investigation.

It is important to note that the number of empty bullet cases does not necessarily reflect the exact number of shots fired. As mentioned, some victims were multiply shot and it is possible that some bullets did not hit a target or were not recovered. Additionally, the wide margin in the actual number of shots fired could be due to factors such as weapon malfunction or human error.

However, the fact that ABB took aim and did not waste a lot of bullets suggests a calculated and intentional approach to the shooting. This could potentially indicate premeditation and a desire to cause harm to as many victims as possible.

Further analysis of the bullet cases and other evidence from the scene will be crucial in understanding the exact nature of the shooting and ABB's actions. It is also important to consider any potential motives or underlying factors that may have influenced ABB's behavior.

In conclusion, while the information regarding ABB's efficient hit rate is concerning, it is important to approach this as a scientific investigation and gather all available evidence before drawing any conclusions. Our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones during this difficult time.

FAQ: ABB's Efficient Hit Rate: 186 Empty Bullet Cases at Utøya

What is ABB's Efficient Hit Rate?

ABB's Efficient Hit Rate refers to the number of successful hits divided by the total number of shots fired. In the context of the event at Utøya, it specifically refers to the number of hits made by the perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, out of the total number of empty bullet cases found at the scene.

How many empty bullet cases were found at Utøya?

186 empty bullet cases were found at the scene of the shooting at Utøya. These were all fired by Anders Behring Breivik during his attack on the island.

What does the Efficient Hit Rate reveal about the perpetrator's accuracy?

The Efficient Hit Rate of 186 empty bullet cases at Utøya suggests that Anders Behring Breivik had a relatively low accuracy rate. Out of the 186 shots fired, only 8 victims were hit, resulting in a hit rate of 4.3%. This indicates that he was not very accurate in his shooting and may have missed his targets.

How does the Efficient Hit Rate compare to other mass shootings?

The Efficient Hit Rate of 186 empty bullet cases at Utøya is relatively low compared to other mass shootings. For example, in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the perpetrator had a hit rate of 18.2%, and in the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, the hit rate was 21.4%. This suggests that Anders Behring Breivik's shooting accuracy was significantly lower than in other similar incidents.

What other factors may have influenced the Efficient Hit Rate at Utøya?

There are several factors that may have influenced the Efficient Hit Rate at Utøya. These include the perpetrator's level of training and experience with firearms, the type and condition of the weapon used, the distance and angle of the shots, and the presence of any obstacles or barriers that may have affected the trajectory of the bullets. Mental state and emotional factors may also have played a role in the accuracy of the shooting.

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