Abelian Simple Group / Prime Numbers

In summary: So take an element from G that generates the subgroup and use Lagrange's theorem to show that the subgroup is normal. This contradicts the assumption that G is simple, therefore G must be of prime order.In summary, to prove that an abelian simple group G is isomorphic to Zp for some prime p, we first show that G is cyclic and then use Lagrange's theorem to demonstrate that G must be of prime order. This contradicts the assumption of G being simple, therefore G is isomorphic to Zp.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If G is an abelian simple group then G is isomorphic to Zp for some prime p (do not assume G is a finite group).

Homework Equations

In class, we were told an example of a simple group is a cyclic group of prime order.

The Attempt at a Solution

Let G be an abelian simple group. Let a be an element in G that is not the identity. Let H be a cyclic subgroup of G, H=<a>. Since a is an element in G, it's non-trivial. Since G is abelian, H is normal in G. Since G is a simple group, it has only 2 normal subgroups, the identity and itself. Thus, H=G. Since G is cyclic and an abelian simple group, it has prime order. Hence G is isomorphic to Zp.

I feel uneasy about the last 2 sentences. Any advice to make this a more solid proof?
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  • #2
You have shown that whenever [tex]1 \neq a \in G[/tex], then [tex]\langle a\rangle = G[/tex]. You need one more sentence to explain why this fact shows that [tex]|G|[/tex] is prime. (This sentence should replace "Since G is cyclic and an abelian simple group, it has prime order", which -- though you've added the observation that [tex]G[/tex] is cyclic -- is what you're trying to prove.)
  • #3
Yes, the last 2 sentences are a bit to fast. So far you've only shown that a simple abelian group must be cyclic. You must still show now that cyclic simple groups are of prime order.

How do we show that? Take a cyclic group that is not of prime order. Try to find a proper subgroup in there. This shows that our group is not simple...
  • #4
an old thread, but I stumbled upon it looking for homework help so I figured I'd contribute anyway.

You must find a normal subgroup to show its not simple.

Related to Abelian Simple Group / Prime Numbers

1. What is an Abelian Simple Group?

An Abelian Simple Group is a type of mathematical group, which is a set of elements with a defined operation that satisfies certain properties. An Abelian Simple Group is a group that is both Abelian (commutative) and simple (has no nontrivial normal subgroups).

2. How are Abelian Simple Groups related to Prime Numbers?

Abelian Simple Groups and Prime Numbers are connected through a branch of mathematics called Group Theory. In this field, it has been proven that every finite Abelian Simple Group can be expressed as a direct product of cyclic groups, which in turn can be represented using prime numbers.

3. Can all Prime Numbers be represented as an Abelian Simple Group?

No, not all Prime Numbers can be represented as an Abelian Simple Group. In fact, only certain Prime Numbers called Sophie Germain primes can be expressed as Abelian Simple Groups. These are prime numbers that are one less than a power of two.

4. How are Abelian Simple Groups useful in the real world?

Abelian Simple Groups have many practical applications in the real world, particularly in computer science and cryptography. They are used in coding theory to create error-correcting codes, and in cryptography to create secure encryption methods.

5. Are there any open problems or unsolved questions related to Abelian Simple Groups and Prime Numbers?

Yes, there are still many open problems and unsolved questions in this area of mathematics. One example is the conjecture that every finite group with three distinct prime divisors is isomorphic to a direct product of three cyclic groups. This conjecture, known as the "direct product conjecture", remains unsolved and is considered to be one of the most challenging problems in Group Theory.

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