Able to catch the meteor shower this morning

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In summary, many individuals across various locations were able to observe the Perseid meteor shower this year. Some experienced cloudy and hazy weather, but still managed to see a few meteors through gaps in the clouds. Overall, the quantity of meteors was not very large, but the quality made up for it. Some individuals were able to see brighter meteors than usual. The peak of the shower was on Wednesday, but there was also a second peak on Thursday due to the Earth passing through an extra dense layer of meteor dust. Many people were able to capture stunning photos of the meteor shower. Some individuals watched from their decks or reclining chairs, while others stood outside or sat on their cars.
  • #1
Just wondering if anyone was able to catch the meteor shower this morning. It was cloudy and hazy in my area but some friends and I drove out to the country for a look anyway. We actually saw a few through some of the small gaps in the clouds. I bet had it been clear we would have had an awesome show. Can anyone confirm this?
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  • #2
The perseids were decent this year. My gilfriend and I spent about 3 hours watching them. The quantity of meteors was not very large, but the shower made up for it in quality. Many of the meteors I saw were brighter than Vega.

- Warren
  • #3
Hey, I was at the beach yesterday evening with my bfriend and we received a surprise meteor shower! :biggrin: We were watching it for like 1.5h already and all of a sudden someone exclaimed: 'I saw a meteor! really! I saw it! right there! *points finger to sky*' :-p

The sky was clear right above us so we saw some nice ones fly by, the quantity was not very large, but definitely enough if you did not expect to see any :wink:
  • #4
I saw quite a few nice ones, as I had very clear skies. Just too bad there's a good bit of light pollution around here
  • #5
Went out last weekend and watched from the beach. It was not peak activity, but a very clear night and we saw quite a few. Glad we went when we did, Wed. night/Thurs. morning were solid overcast in my area.
  • #6
Unfortunately, I was clouded out last night. How much of a decrease in meteors can you expect the night after peak? Clear skies tonight...
  • #7
Lastone, the perseids are expected to have two peaks this year, one yesterday (wednesday), and the other one today. So if the skies are clear tonight, it should be just as good :biggrin:
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  • #8
Excellent :smile: Thanks!
  • #9
Hello Everyone,

I was out between 1:30am and around 1:45 or 2:00 this morning. I watched from my deck. Clear skies. I saw about 10 meteors...give or take. I didn't stay out too long because I was really tired and my eyes may have been playing tricks on me on some of them. But I was surprised that most were just moving points or even just flashes of light with very little motion. Unfortunately none of the long streaks that you sometimes see...the ones that seem to linger like an afterimage.

Btw...while reclined on the deck chair staring up northeast (towards Cassiopeia) when I saw a strange object. It seemed to be like a satellite, but most of the time you couldn't see anything there at all. It would appear only intermittently, as two bright flashes in quick succession. ( estimate on the magnitude of the flashes). When the next pair of flashes appeared, the object seemed to have moved considerably. It was moving in a gently curving path. Clearly an artificial phenomenon. My only theory is a spinning satellite with a couple of closely spaced reflective panels. Anyone know what this was? That's between 01:00 and 02:00 mountain daylight time on Thursday August 12.

Sorry if this is thread-jacking
  • #10
Here, in good ole Guam, we only had to wake up at around 4:30 am :frown: but we had overcast all three days I woke up. I didn't see anything. On the last night, I only got 5 hours of sleep :zzz:
  • #11
My friends and I set out on a expedition last night/this morning far from the city. We found a nice spot off a country road onto a freashly harvested field. We set up blankets, lawnchairs and I brought my two telescopes and binoculars incase anyone wanted to look at anything else. Anyway, we saw a few dozen meteors in the span of an hour and a half or so.
  • #12
Grizzlycomet said:
Lastone, the perseids are expected to have two peaks this year, one yesterday (wednesday), and the other one today. So if the skies are clear tonight, it should be just as good :biggrin:

Thanks for the tip. I spent a few hours in the mountains between 11:00PM and 1:00AM, it was worth it. We seen at least 25 that were good size as they left quite a smoke tail that lasted for several seconds. Two things I noticed are that, they came in from all directions and we seen some so low on the horizon, that we should not have been able to see them, the pieces must have been good size. My location was Coasta del Sol Spain. The weather conditions could not have been better clear skies, dry terrestial light wind.

What is the reason behind two peaks?
  • #13
Rader said:
What is the reason behind two peaks?

The normal peak of the perseids was on thursday the 12th. The reason for there being a second peak on wednesday was that the Earth passed through an extra dense layer of meteor dust, I think.
  • #14

good pictures...
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  • #15
I was up at about 1:15 to 2:00 this morning. I only say about 10 meteors but they were beauties. One was the strangest I've ever seen...not only was in insanely bright and leave a smoke trail, but I could see a flash of orange fire burning around it. Quite something. Hey, how do you all watch meteor showers? I used a reclining chair but had to go in when I did because I was so stiff and uncomfortable.
  • #16
LastOneStanding said:
Hey, how do you all watch meteor showers? I used a reclining chair but had to go in when I did because I was so stiff and uncomfortable.

I just stand outside, sit on the car sometimes.
  • #17
Was doing some sky watchin' again this morning with some friends from about 3am to 4. Saw about 20 meteors, not that bad.

Related to Able to catch the meteor shower this morning

1. What is a meteor shower?

A meteor shower is an event that occurs when the Earth passes through a debris field left behind by a comet or asteroid. As these small pieces of rock and dust enter the Earth's atmosphere, they burn up, creating streaks of light in the night sky.

2. When is the best time to catch a meteor shower?

The best time to catch a meteor shower is during its peak, which is when the Earth passes through the densest part of the debris field. This can vary depending on the specific meteor shower, but generally, the best time is late at night or early in the morning when the sky is dark and the radiant point (where the meteors appear to originate from) is high in the sky.

3. How often do meteor showers occur?

Meteor showers can occur throughout the year, but there are certain periods when they are more frequent. For example, there are about 10 major meteor showers that occur annually, with the most well-known being the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December.

4. Do I need any special equipment to watch a meteor shower?

No, you do not need any special equipment to watch a meteor shower. In fact, it is recommended to just use your eyes and avoid using binoculars or telescopes as they limit your field of view. Find a dark spot with minimal light pollution and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness for the best viewing experience.

5. What can I do to increase my chances of seeing meteors during a shower?

The key to seeing more meteors during a shower is to find a dark location away from city lights. Also, be patient and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness. If possible, try to view the shower during its peak and keep an eye on the radiant point in the sky.

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