About showing a function : not unbounded on B

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  • Thread starter bw0young0math
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In summary: If the length of $B$ is infinite, then we can still find a prime number $n > N$ such that $1/n$ is less than half the length of $B$ (since $1/n$ approaches $0$ as $n$ approaches infinity). Then, the same argument applies as in the case where $b$ is a finite number.
  • #1
Hello, I have a problem. I think this problem about 5 hours. But I couldn't finish this.
In fact, I solve a little. But I don't know whether it is right or not.
If you check this problem, I really appreciate you..

*This is the problem from Bartle 5.1 #14.

Let $A=(0,∞)$, $k:A→\Bbb R$ is given by $$k(x)=\begin{cases}0& (x∈A∩\Bbb Q^c)\\n &(x∈A∩\Bbb Q, x = \frac{m}{n}, (m,n)=1) \end{cases}$$
Let $B$ be an arbitrary open interval in A ($B⊂A$).
Show that function $k$ is unbounded on $B$.* My solution:
There exists $B=(a,b)⊂A=(0,∞)$ such that $k$ is bounded on $B$.
So,there exist $M>0$ such that $\forall x\in B$, $\lvert k(x)\rvert \leq M$
ⅰ)$a,b\in \Bbb R$
Let $C=(a,\min\{a+1,b\})$
Let $D=\{x\in C|x=m/n ,(m,n)=1, n\leq M\}$. Then $D$ is finite set.
Let $c_1$=the smallest number in D and $c_2$ is next number in $D$ ($c_1<c_2$)
Then by $\Bbb Q$-density, there exist a rational number $c$ in interval ($c_1, c_2$). Then, $c=q/p$, $(p,q)=1$, $p>M$.
So $k(c)=p>M$ and $c \in (c_1,c_2) \subset C = (a,\min\{a+1,b\})\subset B=(a,b)\subset A=(0,∞)$.
Thus this is contradiction to "$k$ is bounded on $B$."
Thus $k$ is not bounded on arbitrary open intervals included in $A$.

ⅱ)$a,b\in \Bbb R \cup \{∞\}$
Let $C=(a,a+1)$. Then Let's do something similar way to ⅰ).

Thus $k$ is not bounded on arbitrary open intervals included in $A$.

How about my inference? Please check above, and if you have good solution, let me know it... Thank you.
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  • #2
bw0young0math said:
Hello, I have a problem. I think this problem about 5 hours. But I couldn't finish this.
In fact, I solve a little. But I don't know whether it is right or not.
If you check this problem, I really appreciate you..

*This is the problem from Bartle 5.1 #14.

A=(0,∞) k:A→R(real numbers) ,k(x)=0 (x∈A∩Q^c) k(x)=n (x∈A∩Q,x=m/n (m,n)=1 )
Let B : arbitrary open interval in A (B⊂A)
Show that function k is unbounded on B.* My solution:
There exists B=(a,b)⊂A=(0,∞) such that k is bounded on B.
So,there exist M>0 such that ∀x∈B=(a,b), |k(x)|≤M
Let C=(a,min{a+1,b})
Let D={x∈C|x=m/n,(m,n)=1, n≤M}. Then D is finite set.
Let c1=the smallest number in D and c2 is next number in D (c1<c2)
Then by Q-density, there exist a rational number c in interval (c1,c2). Then, c=q/p (p,q)=1, p>M.
So k(c)=p>M & c∈(c1,c2)⊂C=(a,min{a+1,b})⊂B=(a,b)⊂A=(0,∞).
Thus this is contradiction to "k is bounded on B."
Thus k is not bounded on arbitrary open intervals included in A.

Let C=(a,a+1). Then Let's do something similar way to ⅰ)(a,b∈R)

Thus k is not bounded on arbitrary open intervals included in A.

How about my inference? Please check above& If you have good solution, let me know it... Thank you.
Your proof is correct. (Yes)

As a matter of personal choice, I would prefer to use a direct proof rather than a proof by contradiction. In fact, the definition of unboundedness says that given a positive number $N$, we must find a point $x$ in $B$ such that $k(x) > N$. To do that, choose a prime number $n > N$ such that $1/n$ is less than half the length of the interval $B$.

Since $n$ is prime, $k(m/n) = n$ whenever $m$ is not a multiple of $n$. But since $1/n$ is less than half the length of $B$, it follows that $B$ contains at least two points of the form $m/n$. For at least one of those points, $m$ will not be a multiple of $n$, and so the function $k$ will take the value $n$ at that point. Since $n>N$, this shows that the definition of unboundedness is satisfied for the function $k$ on the interval $B$.
  • #3
Opalg said:
Your proof is correct. (Yes)

As a matter of personal choice, I would prefer to use a direct proof rather than a proof by contradiction. In fact, the definition of unboundedness says that given a positive number $N$, we must find a point $x$ in $B$ such that $k(x) > N$. To do that, choose a prime number $n > N$ such that $1/n$ is less than half the length of the interval $B$.

Since $n$ is prime, $k(m/n) = n$ whenever $m$ is not a multiple of $n$. But since $1/n$ is less than half the length of $B$, it follows that $B$ contains at least two points of the form $m/n$. For at least one of those points, $m$ will not be a multiple of $n$, and so the function $k$ will take the value $n$ at that point. Since $n>N$, this shows that the definition of unboundedness is satisfied for the function $k$ on the interval $B$.
Thank you for your reply.:D
Um.. I have a question. If interval B=(a,b)(b=∞), length of B is infinite. Then how can I prove this?(Because I cannot define an half of the length B when length of B is infinite.)


How did you think of an half of length of B? I wonder the inference.
  • #4
bw0young0math said:
If interval B=(a,b)(b=∞), length of B is infinite. Then how can I prove this?(Because I cannot define an half of the length B when length of B is infinite.)
You essentially dealt with this in your original post. If the length of $B$ is infinite, you can replace $B$ by a subinterval of finite length, say a subinterval of length $1$. If the function is unbounded on that subinterval then it is certainly unbounded on the whole interval.

bw0young0math said:
How did you think of an half of length of B? I wonder the inference.
I wanted to ensure that there would be at least two consecutive multiples of $1/n$ in the interval. For that, it is necessary to choose $n$ so that $1/n$ is less than half the length of the interval.
  • #5
Opalg said:
You essentially dealt with this in your original post. If the length of $B$ is infinite, you can replace $B$ by a subinterval of finite length, say a subinterval of length $1$. If the function is unbounded on that subinterval then it is certainly unbounded on the whole interval.I wanted to ensure that there would be at least two consecutive multiples of $1/n$ in the interval. For that, it is necessary to choose $n$ so that $1/n$ is less than half the length of the interval.

Thank you so much!Thank you!

Related to About showing a function : not unbounded on B

1. What does it mean for a function to be unbounded?

A function is considered unbounded if its values can become arbitrarily large or small. This means that there is no limit to how large or small the function's output can be.

2. How do you determine if a function is unbounded on a specific interval?

To determine if a function is unbounded on a specific interval, you would evaluate the function at the endpoints of the interval. If the function's values at the endpoints approach infinity or negative infinity, then the function is unbounded on that interval.

3. Can a function be unbounded on one interval but not on another?

Yes, a function can be unbounded on one interval but not on another. This is because the behavior of a function can vary depending on the interval it is evaluated on. A function may be unbounded on one interval, but have a maximum or minimum value on another interval.

4. How does knowing if a function is unbounded affect its graph?

If a function is unbounded, it means that the graph of the function does not have a horizontal asymptote or a finite range. This can result in the graph extending infinitely in either direction or oscillating between positive and negative infinity.

5. What are some real-world applications of unbounded functions?

Unbounded functions are commonly used in physics and engineering to model natural phenomena such as acceleration due to gravity or radioactive decay. They are also used in economics to model exponential growth or decay in financial investments.

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