About the dimensions of the universe

In summary, the dimensions are real and we can think of lines and squares but we can't build them in the real world. If any of all the dimensions of an object is zero, then the object does not exist. For example, if a square has 0 depth, it can't exist in the real world, or can't be built because even a atom has 3 dimensions. The same applies to time, because if a tridimensional object exists for 0 seconds, than it never existed.
  • #1
I have been reading about dimensions, and I understand that:

A dot has no dimensions
A line has 1 dimension
A square has 2 dimensions
A cube has 3 dimensions
A tesseract has 4 dimensions
And time is another dimension just like those

In theory we can think of lines and squares, but we can't build them in the real world. If any of all the dimensions of an object is zero, then the object does not exist. For example:

If a square has 0 depth, it can't exist in the real world, or can't be built because even a atom has 3 dimensions. The same applies to time, because if a tridimensional object exists for 0 seconds, than it never existed.

(all above is what I understood, correct me if I'm wrong)

But what I really want to ask is:

If nothing can exist or be built in less than 3+1 dimensions, does that mean every object in the universe must occupy some space on all the other dimensions that exist?

For example, if our universe is described by 4+1 dimensions, and tesseracts can be real objects and be built somehow, then our bodies, cars, houses and anything we can build, must occupy some space on that fourth dimension, or they couldn't ever exist on our perceptible 3+1 dimensions. Because if the length of a body on the forth dimension was 0, it couldn't exist at all.

If that is true, than everything we see and touch must occupy some space on all other dimensions the universe has, even our own bodies. Does that mean there's a portion of our ourselves we can't see or perceive?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
That is indeed one of the implications of higher dimensions. In most hyperdimensional models (M-Theory and the like), the higher dimensions are so sharply curved as to "close up" on themselves at scales too small to technically qualify as "existing," in the scientific sense. So, one could call these "virtual dimensions," just like virtual particles. If these extra dimensions do exist (and there is strong circumstantial evidence to support that they do), then all existing things must occupy them. In fact, even empty space must contain these extra dimensions.
  • #3
How does this relate to the notions of extended extra dimensions? I've read that some theories don't require 'closed up' dimensions, that we might live on a 3 dimensional brane in a higher dimensional universe. Is this more than conjecture? How would we tell the difference between this and having all dimensions curled up?
  • #4
Sometimes physical models (like those of quantum gravity) will be calculated in 2+1 dimensions for simplification.
  • #5
Yes, I've seen that done. But the high level guys talk about multiple dimensions which may or may not be curled up. I just wonder how our universe would differ between the two. I will dig further ... just found out about ITunes courses on line, so I shall be getting smarter.

FAQ: About the dimensions of the universe

1. What is the current understanding of the dimensions of the universe?

The universe is believed to exist in three dimensions: length, width, and height. Additionally, time is often considered the fourth dimension. However, some theories suggest the existence of more dimensions beyond these four.

2. How big is the observable universe?

The observable universe is estimated to be around 93 billion light-years in diameter. This means that the farthest light can travel in the age of the universe is approximately 46.5 billion light-years in any direction.

3. Are there other dimensions beyond the ones we can perceive?

While there is currently no direct evidence for the existence of additional dimensions, some theories, such as string theory, suggest that there may be up to 11 dimensions in total.

4. Can we ever fully understand the dimensions of the universe?

Our understanding of the dimensions of the universe is constantly evolving as we continue to make new discoveries and advancements in scientific understanding. It is possible that we may never have a complete understanding of the universe's dimensions.

5. How do scientists measure the dimensions of the universe?

Scientists use a variety of techniques and tools, such as telescopes, to measure the size and distance of objects in the universe. They also use mathematical models and theories to understand the properties and dimensions of the universe.
