Absorption and Re-emission of light in an atom

In summary, absorption and re-emission in an atom occurs when a photon is absorbed by the atom via an atomic transition, causing a slight delay before the photon is re-emitted. This explanation is incorrect and inconsistent with observed empirical evidence. The absorption and emission of photons by electrons can also occur due to excitation or phonons."
  • #1
nikhil padavala
Please explain me
1. How Absorption and Re-emission happens in an atom
2. A common explanation that has been provided is that a photon moving through the material still moves at the speed of c, but when it encounters the atom of the material, it is absorbed by the atom via an atomic transition. After a very slight delay, a photon is then re-emitted. This explanation is incorrect and inconsistent with empirical observations.is this statement correct?
3.Photons are absorbed and emitted by electrons excitation or because of phonons? Please Explain me?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
See the FAQ https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/do-photons-move-slower-in-a-solid-medium.511177/
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FAQ: Absorption and Re-emission of light in an atom

What is absorption and re-emission of light in an atom?

Absorption and re-emission of light in an atom refers to the process in which an atom absorbs a photon of light, causing an electron to move to a higher energy level. The electron then falls back to its original energy level, emitting a photon of light with the same frequency as the absorbed photon.

How does the structure of an atom affect absorption and re-emission of light?

The structure of an atom, specifically the arrangement of electrons in different energy levels, determines the wavelengths of light that can be absorbed and re-emitted. Each element has a unique electron configuration, resulting in a unique spectrum of absorbed and emitted light.

What factors affect the efficiency of absorption and re-emission of light in an atom?

The efficiency of absorption and re-emission of light in an atom is affected by factors such as the energy difference between the electron's initial and final energy levels, the direction of the incident light, and the presence of other atoms or molecules that can interact with the atom.

How is absorption and re-emission of light in an atom used in spectroscopy?

Spectroscopy is a technique used to study the absorption and emission of light by atoms and molecules. By analyzing the wavelengths of light that are absorbed and re-emitted, scientists can identify the elements present in a sample and gain information about the atomic and molecular structure of the sample.

What are some real-world applications of absorption and re-emission of light in atoms?

The absorption and re-emission of light in atoms have many practical applications, such as in medical imaging techniques like X-ray and MRI, in solar panels to convert light energy into electricity, and in the production of fluorescent lights, among others.

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