Abstract Algebra: Abelian group order

In summary, the conversation discussed the problem of proving that in an abelian group, the order of the product of two elements is equal to the product of their orders if their greatest common factor is 1. The conversation also explored a related question and provided a proof for the claim that if two elements commute in a group, then the order of their product divides the least common multiple of their orders. However, a counterexample was also given where this is not always true.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let G be an abelian group and let x, y be elements in G. Suppose that x and y are of finite order. Show that xy is of finite order and that, in fact, o(xy) divides o(x)o(y). Assume in addition that (o(x),(o(y)) = 1. Prove that o(xy) = o(x)o(y).

The Attempt at a Solution

I was able to prove the first part, that xy is of finite order and that o(xy) divides o(x)o(y). I'm having trouble with the second part, proving that o(xy) = o(x)o(y) if the greatest common factor of o(x) and o(y) is 1.
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  • #2
If ##(xy)^k = 1##, then ##x^k## and ##y^k## are inverses of each other. Can this happen if ##x^k## and ##y^k## are not the identity element, and ##((o(x),o(y)) = 1##?
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  • #3
So since (xy)^(o(xy)) = e, x^(o(xy)) and y^(o(xy)) are inverses of each other. We also know x^(o(xy)) = e because it's the same as x^(o(x))^(o(y), and the same goes for y^(o(xy)) = e. I feel like I'm really close but I'm still not grasping why it has to be the same.
  • #4
Airman said:
So since (xy)^(o(xy)) = e, x^(o(xy)) and y^(o(xy)) are inverses of each other.
The question is to find out whether ##(xy)^k = e## is possible where ##k## is a proper divisor of ##o(x)o(y)##. We want to show that this is impossible if ##(o(x),o(y)) = 1##.

So suppose ##(xy)^k = e##. Since the group is abelian, this means ##x^k y^k = e##, and so ##x^k## and ##y^k## are inverses of each other. I claim that this implies that ##x^k = y^k = e##. Therefore, assuming this claim is true, ##k## must be a multiple of both ##o(x)## and ##o(y)## and therefore a multiple of ##o(x)o(y)## since ##(o(x),o(y)) = 1##.

So the key is to prove the claim. This brings us back to the question I asked in my first post. Can ##x^k## and ##y^k## be inverses of each other if they are not the identity?

Hint: what can you say about the intersection of ##\langle x\rangle## and ##\langle y \rangle##, the subgroups generated by ##x## and ##y## respectively?
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  • #5
Ok, I've spent a lot of time struggling with this one. I don't know why it's so hard for me! I understand completely how if ##x^k = y^k = e##, then the desired result that ##o(xy) = o(x)o(y)## is true. So, to prove your claim. I think this works, please let me know if it does not:

##x^k## and ##y^k## are inverses of each other. An element must have the same order as its inverse, so ##o(x^k) = o(y^k)##. But ##o(x^k) = o(x)/(k,o(x))##, and ##o(y^k) = o(y)/(k,o(y))##, so ##o(x)/(k,o(x)) = o(y)/(k,o(y)) = p##. If ##p > 1##, both ##o(x)## and ##o(y)## are divisible by ##p##. But since ##(o(x),o(y)) = 1##, ##p = 1##, so both sides of the equation must equal ##1##, which means ##x^k = y^k = e##.

Does this proof make sense? And even if it does, is there a more elegant way to prove this? Thank you so much for your help!
  • #6
Airman said:
Ok, I've spent a lot of time struggling with this one. I don't know why it's so hard for me! I understand completely how if ##x^k = y^k = e##, then the desired result that ##o(xy) = o(x)o(y)## is true. So, to prove your claim. I think this works, please let me know if it does not:

##x^k## and ##y^k## are inverses of each other. An element must have the same order as its inverse, so ##o(x^k) = o(y^k)##. But ##o(x^k) = o(x)/(k,o(x))##, and ##o(y^k) = o(y)/(k,o(y))##, so ##o(x)/(k,o(x)) = o(y)/(k,o(y)) = p##. If ##p > 1##, both ##o(x)## and ##o(y)## are divisible by ##p##. But since ##(o(x),o(y)) = 1##, ##p = 1##, so both sides of the equation must equal ##1##, which means ##x^k = y^k = e##.

Does this proof make sense? And even if it does, is there a more elegant way to prove this? Thank you so much for your help!
I think your proof is OK, but the argument I had in mind may be simpler because it doesn't require the formula involving the gcd: ##x^k y^k = e##, so ##x^k## and ##y^k## are inverses of each other. Now ##\langle x\rangle## must contain both ##x^k## and its inverse ##y^k##, and similarly, ##\langle y \rangle## must contain both ##x^k## and ##y^k##. This means that ##x^k## and ##y^k## are both elements of ##\langle x \rangle \cap \langle y \rangle##. Since ##\langle x \rangle \cap \langle y \rangle## is a subgroup of both ##\langle x \rangle## and ##\langle y \rangle##, its order must divide ##o(x)## and ##o(y)##. But ##o(x)## and ##o(y)## are relatively prime, so this forces ##|\langle x \rangle \cap \langle y \rangle| = 1## and therefore ##\langle x \rangle \cap \langle y \rangle = \{e\}##. We conclude that ##x^k = y^k = e##.
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  • #7
Follow-up question: Is the same true in non-abelian groups

Generalization of the question: Prove that if in a group ##G## the elements ##x## and ##y## commute, then
[tex]o(xy)~\text{divides}~\textrm{lcm}(o(x),o(y)) = \frac{o(xy)}{\textrm{gcd}(o(x),o(y))}[/tex]

Find a counterexample where ##o(xy) \neq \textrm{lcm}(o(x),o(y))## even if they ##x## and ##y## commute.

FAQ: Abstract Algebra: Abelian group order

1. What is an Abelian group?

An Abelian group is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of elements and a binary operation that satisfies the properties of closure, associativity, identity, and inverse. In an Abelian group, the binary operation is commutative, meaning that the order in which the elements are multiplied does not affect the result.

2. What is the order of an Abelian group?

The order of an Abelian group is the number of elements in the group. It is denoted by |G|, where G is the group. The order is an important property of a group as it determines the number of elements that can be generated by repeatedly applying the group's operation to a single element.

3. How do you determine if a group is Abelian?

To determine if a group is Abelian, you need to check if the group's operation is commutative. This means that for any two elements a and b in the group, a*b = b*a. If this property holds for all elements in the group, then the group is Abelian.

4. Can Abelian groups have infinite order?

Yes, Abelian groups can have infinite order. For example, the group of integers under addition is an infinite Abelian group. This means that the group has an infinite number of elements, and the operation of addition is commutative for all elements in the group.

5. What are some real-world applications of Abelian groups?

Abelian groups have many real-world applications, such as in cryptography, coding theory, and physics. In cryptography, Abelian groups are used in the construction of cryptographic protocols and algorithms. In coding theory, Abelian groups are used to construct error-correcting codes. In physics, Abelian groups are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems.
