Abstract Algebra: isomorphism proof

In summary, we have a homomorphism phi defined on an abelian group G of order n, where gcd(m,n) = 1. We want to prove that phi is an isomorphism. To do so, we first show that if phi(a)=e (where e is the group identity) and a is not equal to e, then m and n have a common divisor that is not 1. Next, we consider the set {e,a,a^2,...,a^(m-1)} and show that it is a subgroup of G. Then, using the fact that gcd(n,m)=1, we find integers u and v such that um+vn=1 and use this to show that phi is sur
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let G be an abelian group of order n. Define phi: G --> G by phi(a) = a^m, where a is in G. Prove that if gcd(m,n) = 1 then phi is an isomorphism

Homework Equations

phi(a) = a^m, where a is in G
gcd(m,n) = 1

The Attempt at a Solution

I know since G is an ableian group it is a commutative group (so ab=ba). Also since we have the special converse we know there exists a r, s \in G such that mr + ns = 1. They only way i know if proving an isomorphism is proving that it is one-to-one and onto and I'm not sure what to do with these puzzle pieces. Is there another way to prove isomorphisms?
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  • #2
To start, try to show that if phi(a)=e (where e is the group identity) and a is not equal to e, then m and n have common divisor that is not 1. Consider the set {e,a,a^2,...,a^(m-1)}. Is it a subgroup of G?
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  • #3
I think I proved the contrapositive,

Let a be a non-zero nilpotent element in R such that a^m = 0. If psi(a) is 0, then a is in the kernel and we're done. Otherwise, psi(a) is non-zero, and psi(a)^m = psi(a^m) = psi(0) = 0, which means that psi(a) is a non-zero nilpotent element of the image.
  • #4
Proving psi can't have a nontrivial kernel is the whole point. The rest of that is gibberish. The proof has to involve gcd(n,m)=1.
  • #5
Does this work?

Since H is abelian then for all a,b in H we have that (ab)^m = a^m b^m. Thus phi(ab)=(ab)^m = a^m b^m = phi(a)phi(b) so phi is a group homomorphism.

Since H is finite it suffices to show phi is surjective. Let x be in H , we need to find a in H such that a^m = x.

By assumption (m,n)=1 so we can find integers u,v such that um + vn = 1.

But then x = x^1 = x^(um+vn) = x^(um) x^(vn). Since |H|=n then x^n = e (the identity) so x = x^(um).

Thus taking a = x^u yields phi(a) = a^m = (x^u)^m = x^(um) = x so phi is surjective. Since phi is a surjective endomorphism of a finite group then phi is injective as well, thus an isomorphism.
  • #6
Yes, that proof is correct. Well done. Note that you can actually go further here: you have proved that (x^u)^m = x for all x, so that tells you that the inverse homomorphism is the function [itex]x \mapsto x^u[/itex]. In general, if you are given a group homomorphism [itex]\varphi : G \rightarrow H[/itex] and you can find a function [itex]\psi: H \rightarrow G[/itex] such that [itex]\varphi \circ \psi = \mathrm{id}_{H}[/itex] and [itex]\psi \circ \varphi = \mathrm{id}_{G}[/itex], then you have proved that [itex]\varphi[/itex] is an isomorphism and [itex]\varphi^{-1} = \psi[/itex]. This gives you another technique that you can use to prove that a function is an isomorphism.

Related to Abstract Algebra: isomorphism proof

1. What is an isomorphism in abstract algebra?

An isomorphism in abstract algebra is a mapping between two algebraic structures that preserves the structure and operations of the structures. In simpler terms, it is a bijective function that preserves the algebraic properties of the structures.

2. How do you prove that two algebraic structures are isomorphic?

To prove that two algebraic structures are isomorphic, you need to show that there exists a bijective function between them that preserves the operations and properties of the structures. This can be done by demonstrating that the function is both one-to-one and onto, and that it preserves the algebraic operations.

3. Can two non-isomorphic structures have the same algebraic properties?

Yes, it is possible for two non-isomorphic structures to have the same algebraic properties. This is because isomorphism depends on the structure and operations of the structures, not just their properties.

4. What is the importance of isomorphism in abstract algebra?

Isomorphism is important in abstract algebra because it allows us to compare and classify algebraic structures. It also helps us to understand the underlying structures and relationships between different algebraic systems.

5. Are there any limitations to using isomorphism in abstract algebra?

While isomorphism is a powerful tool in abstract algebra, it does have some limitations. It cannot be used to prove that two structures are not isomorphic, and it may not always provide a complete understanding of the structures being studied. Additionally, isomorphism is not always unique, as there may be multiple ways to map one structure onto another.

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