Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation and Generator Identification

In summary, to compute the subgroups of mod 6, you need to find all cyclic subgroups and determine which elements are generators. Then, you can create a subgroup diagram by starting with the full group at the top and mapping out the heirarchy of subgroups until you reach the trivial subgroup at the bottom.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm working with a mod 6 addition table.
I want to compute the subgroups <0>,<1>,<2>,<3>,<4>,<5>
I also want to find what elements are generators of the group mod 6.
Then I wnat to use do a subgroup diagram.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure about how to compute sungroups. Doe sthis incolve something like:
1+1+1 and so on?
I know an element is a generator if <a>=G. My problem is figuring out which elelments are. Is it when 2 subgroups are equal?
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  • #2
Ok, is there a general way to determine a subgroup from a table. I think if I can figure out one, I'll be fine on the rest.
  • #3
kathrynag said:

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure about how to compute sungroups. Doe sthis incolve something like:
1+1+1 and so on?

Yes. And when you start getting repeat elements, you're done.

I know an element is a generator if <a>=G. My problem is figuring out which elelments are. Is it when 2 subgroups are equal?

Just do it! Work out all 6 cyclic subgroups then it will be obvious when two of them are equal.
  • #4
Tom Mattson said:
Yes. And when you start getting repeat elements, you're done.

Just do it! Work out all 6 cyclic subgroups then it will be obvious when two of them are equal.
What do you mean by repeat elements. So I for
<0> =0+0=0+0=0
So,<<0> and <3> are generators. Is what I did correct?
  • #5
kathrynag said:
What do you mean by repeat elements.

I mean that when the elements start to repeat, then stop.

<0> =0+0=0+0=0

So for this one, [itex]<0>=\{0\}[/itex]. There's nothing more you can get out of it.


Your notation is very sloppy. You can't just set all of those things equal to each other like that. You've got 1+1=2+1, which is obviously not true. Plus you didn't take it far enough. 1 should be in that subgroup too. Also you shouldn't list the elements of a subgroup in angled brackets. You should use curly braces instead. So in this case, [itex]<1>=\{0,1,2,3,4,5\}[/itex].


Bad notation aside, you got the subgroups [itex]<2>[/itex] and [itex]<4>[/itex] correct. You didn't take [itex]<5>[/itex] far enough, and I can't tell if you know what you're doing on [itex]<3>[/itex] because you didn't write your answer down.

So,<<0> and <3> are generators. Is what I did correct?

No, neither of those are generators. I suggest you look up the definition of "generator of a group".
  • #6
Ok, so I want to make sure, I have every possible number in the subgroup.


An element a of a group G generates G and is a generator for G if <a>=G.
Something about the definition doesn't make sense.

My thought is that <1>, <5>, <2>, and <4> are generators because they have the same elements.
  • #7
kathrynag said:
Ok, so I want to make sure, I have every possible number in the subgroup.

You really must stop doing this. "5+5=4+5" is simply not true.


Yes, but you should use the curly braces as I said. What you've written here means something else. The notation [itex]<a,b>[/itex] means "the group generated by a and b", not "the set whose elements are a and b."


Bad notation aside, this is correct.

An element a of a group G generates G and is a generator for G if <a>=G.
Something about the definition doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Either [itex]<a>=G[/itex] or it doesn't. There's no ambiguity, so it's a fine definition.

My thought is that <1>, <5>, <2>, and <4> are generators because they have the same elements.

Now that doesn't make sense. [itex]<1>[/itex] isn't a generator, it's a subgroup. The fact that [itex]<1>=G[/itex] means that 1 is a generator. 5 is also a generator, but 2 and 4 are not. Do you see why, in light of the definition of "generator"?
  • #8
Ok, I think I know where my confusion is I understand <a> is a subgroup, but I don't understand what the group G is.
Oh, so G consists of the elements 0,1,2,3,4,5 and <1> and <5> have all these elements, so they are generators?
  • #9
kathrynag said:
Oh, so G consists of the elements 0,1,2,3,4,5

Yes, that's right.

<1> and <5> have all these elements, so they are generators?

More precisely, <1> and <5> have all these elements, so 1 and 5 are generators. A generator is an element of a group, not a group itself.
  • #10
Ok, that makes sense. I have to make an addition table of these subgroubs.

Ok, so <1>+<2>= ?
I'm not sure what to do when the sizes of the groups aren't the same?
Would <2> +<4>=<0>
  • #11
<1>+<2> doesn't make any sense. You don't add subgroups, you add elements. What exactly were you asked to do?
  • #12
Give the subgroup diagram for the subgroups of mod 6.

I thought this menat creating an addition table.
  • #13
No, it doesn't mean that. Isn't there an example of such a thing in your book?
  • #14
Not really:
My book doesn't explain very well.
i think I start with 1 and create a diagram connecting with 2, 3, 4, 5, 0?
  • #15
What book are you using?
  • #17
That's the book I learned from. It explains subgroup diagrams with examples.
  • #18
Ok, so I think I have an idea the subgroup <0> stems out from <3>
  • #19
Ok, I think I'll get it eventually. It's just a different way of thinking.
  • #20
Ok, I figured it out. I was looking at it all wrong.
  • #21
At the top should be the full group. Then below that you put its largest subgroups and connect them with a line segment. Continue mapping out the heirarchy of subgroups until you arrive at [itex]<0>[/itex] at the bottom. So yes, [itex]<0>[/itex] and [itex]<3>[/itex] are connected. But that's not the only subgroup [itex]<0>[/itex] is connected to.

FAQ: Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation and Generator Identification

What is Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation?

Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation is a mathematical process that involves calculating the subgroups of a group under the modulo 6 operation. This is typically done using the concepts of cosets, normal subgroups, and factor groups.

How is Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation useful?

This process is useful in many areas of mathematics, including number theory, cryptography, and coding theory. It also has applications in computer science and physics.

What is a generator in Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation?

A generator is an element of a group that, when combined with itself a certain number of times, generates all other elements of the group. In Abstract Algebra Mod 6, generators can be identified by finding the smallest positive integer that, when multiplied by the generator, gives a multiple of 6.

How do you compute subgroups in Abstract Algebra Mod 6?

To compute subgroups in Abstract Algebra Mod 6, you first need to find the factors of 6 and then use those factors to divide the elements of the group into smaller groups. This process will result in the subgroups of the original group.

Can Abstract Algebra Mod 6 Subgroup Computation be applied to other moduli?

Yes, the process of subgroup computation and generator identification can be applied to any modulus, not just 6. The concepts and methods used may vary slightly, but the overall process remains the same.

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