Abstract Algebra Problem involving the ideals

In summary, we are asked to prove that if f:R→S is a homomorphism of rings and J is an ideal in S, then I={r∈R/f(r)∈J} is an ideal in R that contains the kernel of f. The proof involves showing that I is closed under addition and multiplication by elements of R, as well as containing the elements of the kernel of f. The only issue in the attempt provided is a typo where R is mentioned instead of S.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f:R→S be a homomorphism of rings. If J is an ideal in S and I={r∈R/f(r)∈J}, prove that I is an ideal in R that contains the kernal of f.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I feel like I have the problem right, but would like to have someone look over it and see if I made a assumption that I shouldn't have. Here it is below:

To show I is an ideal in R, we have two show three things:

1. We have to show that 0 is in I. f(0) = 0 since f is a homomorphism. 0 is in J since J is an ideal. This means f(0) is in J, so 0 is in I.

2. We have to show that I is closed under addition, so if we have r, s in I, then r+s is also in I.
Assume that r, s, are in I. Then by definition of I, f(r) and f(s) are in J.
If we can show that f(r+s) is in J, then by definition of I, this means that r+s is in I, so this is what we need to do.
So consider f(r+s). Since f is a homomorphism, f(r+s) = f(r) + f(s). Since f(r) is in J and f(s) is in J and J is an ideal, then f(r) + f(s) is in J. This means f(r+s) is in J.
So r+s is in I, which is what we needed to show.

3. We have to show that I is closed under multiplication by elements of R, so if we have r in R and s in I, then rs is also in I.
Assume that r is in R and s is in I. If we can show that f(rs) is in J, then by definition of I, this means that rs is in I.
So consider f(rs). Since f is a homomorphism, f(rs) = f(r)f(s). Since s is in I, then f(s) is in J. Since J is an ideal, then it is closed under multiplication by elements of R, and f(r) is in R, so f(r)f(s) is in J. Thus, f(rs) is in J.
So rs is in I, which is what we needed to show.

This means that I is an ideal in R. We still need to show that I contains the kernel of f. The kernel of f are the elements {x in R | f(x) = 0}. Consider x in ker f. Then f(x) = 0. Since J is an ideal, 0 is in J, so f(x) is in J. Then, by definition, x is in R, so R contains ker f.
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  • #2
Since J is an ideal, then it is closed under multiplication by elements of R, and f(r) is in R, so f(r)f(s) is in J.

I think you made a typo here, you mean to say the ring S but you've said R (two places). Other than that it looks good to me.

Related to Abstract Algebra Problem involving the ideals

1. What is an ideal in abstract algebra?

An ideal in abstract algebra is a subset of a ring that satisfies certain properties. It is similar to an algebraic generalization of the concept of a normal subgroup in group theory. Ideals are useful for studying the structure and properties of rings and fields.

2. How is an ideal different from a subgroup?

An ideal is different from a subgroup in that it involves a ring or field structure, while a subgroup is associated with a group structure. Additionally, an ideal must be closed under multiplication by all elements of the ring or field, while a subgroup only needs to be closed under the group operation.

3. What is the significance of finding the prime or maximal ideals in a ring?

Prime ideals are important because they provide a way to factor a ring into smaller, simpler rings. Maximal ideals are significant in that they are the largest possible proper ideals in a ring, and they play a key role in the structure of the ring.

4. Can every element in a ring or field be contained in an ideal?

No, not every element in a ring or field can be contained in an ideal. In fact, in a commutative ring, only the zero element and the entire ring itself are guaranteed to be contained in an ideal.

5. How are ideals related to quotient rings?

Ideals are closely related to quotient rings. In fact, for any ideal I in a ring R, there is a corresponding quotient ring R/I. This is a new ring whose elements are the cosets of the ideal I in R. The quotient ring is useful for studying the structure and properties of the original ring.
