Abstract Algebra Proof: Groups

In summary: But, part b) requires a little more explanation. The fact that you can multiply g by itself an infinite number of times means that there must be a repeating pattern somewhere. But, since g is an element of G that does not have finite order, there can be no repeating pattern. So, part b) is a contradiction.
  • #1
Abstract Algebra Proof: Groups...

A few classmates and I need help with some proofs. Our test is in a few days, and we can't seem to figure out these proofs.

Problem 1:
Show that if G is a finite group, then every element of G is of finite order.

Problem 2:
Show that Q+ under multiplication is not cyclic.

Problem 3: Prove that if G = <x> and G is infinite, then x and x^-1 are the only generators of G.
For problem 2, this is what we have so far:

Suppose by contradiction that (Q+, *) is a cyclic group. Then there exist an element x = a/b, where a and be are in Z+ and (a, b) = 1 such that Q = { (a/b)^n | n in Z }. Let us consider a/(2b).


a/(2b) = (a/b)^n

1/2 = (a/b)^(n-1)

From here we may consider the following cases:

n = 1: 1/ 2 = 1 which is a contradiction.
n > 1: (a/b) = 1 / 2^(1/n-1) which is a contradiction.
n < 1: (a/b) = 1 / 2^(1/n-1) which is a contradiciton.

Therefore, (Q+, *) is not a cyclic group.

Our professor said, we need to show a little bit more work, but we are not sure. He says our proof is not quite clear.

Any help is greatly apprecaited. Thank you!
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  • #2

(a/b) = 1 / 2^(1/n-1) which is a contradiction

Why is this a contradiction? It clearly holds if, for instance, a/b = 1/2 and n=2. So to make this strategy of proof work, you have to find a way to exclude this possibility as well.
  • #3

OK, for the first one, let's think about what it means for an element to not have finite order. This means that if g is in G, then you can multiply g by itself as many times as you want and never get back to the identity in G. Now, in multiplying g by itself like this, one of two things can happen: a)eventually you will get a repetition (i.e. g^k = g^m for some k,m) or b)you will never get a repetition, no matter how many times you multiply g by itself. Now, clearly (b) can't be true (but be sure to explain why this is so). This leaves (a). Now, given this, do you see how to prove that g has finite order?
  • #4

For the second one, I would suggest using the fact that if p/q is a generator of Q+, where (p,q) = 1, then there are some members of Q who have some prime factors that neither p nor q have.
  • #5

I see how I can prove (a):

I can say,
Let g be an element in G which does not have finite order. Since (g)^k is in G for each value of k = 0, 1, 2, ..., we can conclude that we may find integers m and n such that (g)^m = (g)^n. If m > n, then g^(m-n) = e. Thus, m-n is the order of G and is finite. Similarly, n > m.

Is that correct?

I don't see why part b would never happen thought. How could I explain that?
  • #6

For the third one. Let y be another generator. Then


for a certain n. But x is a generator thus


for an m. Put all this information together...
  • #7

jbarrera said:
I see how I can prove (a):

I can say,
Let g be an element in G which does not have finite order. Since (g)^k is in G for each value of k = 0, 1, 2, ..., we can conclude that we may find integers m and n such that (g)^m = (g)^n. If m > n, then g^(m-n) = e. Thus, m-n is the order of G and is finite. Similarly, n > m.

Is that correct?

Yes, this is the gist of it. However, you don't know that m-n is the order of g; all you know is that m-n is greater than or equal to the order of g. But, since m-n is clearly finite, then the order of g is clearly finite.

I don't see why part b would never happen thought. How could I explain that?
Well then, it is probably time to take a little break from studying algebra. What if you could multiply g by itself over and over and over again and never have a repeat? Wouldn't this suggest that there is an infinite number of elements in the group?
  • #8

if you are allowed to use Lagrange's theorem, part a) follows easily

Related to Abstract Algebra Proof: Groups

1. What is Abstract Algebra?

Abstract Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and fields. It is concerned with abstract objects and their properties, rather than specific numerical values.

2. What is a group in Abstract Algebra?

In Abstract Algebra, a group is a set of elements together with a binary operation that satisfies four properties: closure, associativity, identity, and inverse. These properties allow for the manipulation and transformation of abstract objects in a systematic way.

3. How are groups related to symmetry?

Groups are closely related to symmetry because they provide a mathematical framework for studying symmetry. In fact, every symmetry can be represented as a group of transformations that preserve a certain structure or object.

4. What is the importance of proofs in Abstract Algebra?

In Abstract Algebra, proofs are crucial for understanding and establishing the properties and relationships of algebraic structures. They allow for a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts and provide a solid foundation for further mathematical exploration.

5. How can Abstract Algebra be applied in real-world situations?

Abstract Algebra has numerous applications in areas such as cryptography, physics, computer science, and engineering. For example, group theory is used in cryptography to create secure communication systems, and symmetry groups are used in physics to describe the fundamental laws of nature.

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