Abstract Algebra - Subgroup of Permutations

In summary, the conversation discusses proving that a set of permutations of a subset of real numbers is a subgroup of the group of all permutations of that subset. To do so, the identity element and inverses of each element in the set must be shown to also be in the set. The conversation then goes through the process of determining the combinations of elements and their products, ultimately discovering that some of the given combinations do not align with the properties of a subgroup.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A is a subset of R and G is a set of permutations of A. Show that G is a subgroup of S_A (the group of all permutations of A). Write the table of G.

Onto the actual problem:
A is the set of all nonzero real numbers.
where e is the identity element, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = -x, h(x) = -1/x

Would this be the right way to do it?

For each combination of elements in G (call the elements a,b) I need to show
a*b is in G

I also need to show that the inverse of a is in G.

Here is where I get confused, I'll start with with a = e:

ee = e
ef = f
eg = g
eh = h

Okay, that is all good, now letting a = f:
fe = e
ff = e
fg = h
fh = g

now a = g:
ge = g !
gf = h
gg = g !
gh = e

now a = h:
he = h
hf = g !
hg = f
hh = g !

What am I doing wrong here?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The following are wrong:


What did you do to obtain those?

FAQ: Abstract Algebra - Subgroup of Permutations

1. What is a subgroup in abstract algebra?

A subgroup in abstract algebra is a subset of a group that is itself a group under the same operation as the original group. It contains elements that satisfy the same group axioms as the larger group, but with a smaller set of elements.

2. How is a subgroup of permutations defined?

A subgroup of permutations is defined as a subset of the group of permutations that contains only those permutations which preserve a certain property. For example, a subgroup of even permutations would only contain permutations that result in an even number of transpositions.

3. What is the order of a subgroup of permutations?

The order of a subgroup of permutations is the number of elements in the subgroup. It can be calculated by finding the number of elements in the subgroup that are not in the identity permutation.

4. How is a subgroup of permutations represented?

A subgroup of permutations can be represented by a Cayley table, which shows the result of applying each element of the subgroup to every other element. It can also be represented by a set of generators, which are a minimal set of permutations that can generate all the elements in the subgroup.

5. How are subgroups of permutations used in applications?

Subgroups of permutations are used in applications such as cryptography, coding theory, and group theory in physics. In cryptography, subgroups of permutations are used to create secure encryption algorithms. In coding theory, subgroups of permutations are used to construct error-correcting codes. In physics, subgroups of permutations are used to describe symmetries in physical systems.

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