AC circuits, Inductance and phase shift.

In summary, the problem involves finding the self inductance of a motor that draws 1A from a 230V mains and causes a phase shift of 30% of the period in the alternating current of 50Hz. Two methods for finding the self inductance are presented, one using Kirchhoff's loop rule and the other using the maximum values of voltage and current. The final result is L = 0.732 H.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An electric motor draws a 1A (rms) from the 230V (rms) mains. and is found to shift the phase of the 50Hz alternating current by 30% of the period. What is the self inductance of the coils in the motor?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

i've started by finding the phase shift:

[itex]\delta = \frac{3}{10}\cdot \frac{1}{f} = \frac{3}{10}\cdot\frac{1}{50} = 0.006[/itex]

i think the circuit has only an inductor and power source in it, so using kirchhoffs loop rule:

[itex] V_{max}cos(\omega t) - L\frac{dI}{dt} = 0[/itex]

seperate variables and integrate:

[itex]V_{max} \int cos(\omega t) dt = \int L dI[/itex]

[itex] \frac{V_{max}}{\omega}\cdot sin(\omega t) = LI[/itex]

sin(wt) = cos(wt - d)

[itex] L = \frac{V_{max}}{\omega I} cos(\omega t - \delta)[/itex]

I know everything here apart from t, is this the right way to do this?
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  • #2
I just thought of another way to do this, not sure it's right because it doesn't use the phase shift at all:

[itex] I_{max} = \frac{V_{max}}{X_L} = \frac{V_{max}}{\omega L}[/itex]

[itex] L = \frac{V_{max}}{\omega I_{max}}[/itex]


[itex] V_{max} = \sqrt{2}V_{rms}[/itex]

[itex] I_{max} = \sqrt{2}I_{rms}[/itex]


[itex]L = \frac{V_{rms}}{\omega I_{rms}}[/itex]

[itex]L = 0.732 H[/itex]
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Related to AC circuits, Inductance and phase shift.

1. What is an AC circuit?

An AC circuit, or alternating current circuit, is a circuit that allows current to flow in both directions. This is in contrast to a DC circuit, which only allows current to flow in one direction.

2. What is inductance in an AC circuit?

Inductance is the property of an electrical circuit that causes a voltage to be induced in response to a changing current. It is measured in henries and is represented by the letter L.

3. How does inductance affect the behavior of an AC circuit?

Inductance causes a phase shift between the voltage and current in an AC circuit. This means that the voltage and current do not reach their peak values at the same time, but instead the voltage lags behind the current.

4. What is the purpose of a phase shift in an AC circuit?

The purpose of a phase shift is to control the amount of current flowing through the circuit. By adjusting the phase shift, the amount of current can be increased or decreased, allowing for more precise control of the circuit.

5. How do you calculate the phase shift in an AC circuit?

The phase shift in an AC circuit can be calculated using the formula Φ = 2πfL, where Φ is the phase shift in radians, f is the frequency of the AC current, and L is the inductance of the circuit. Alternatively, it can also be calculated using the formula Φ = ωL, where ω is the angular frequency of the AC current and L is the inductance of the circuit.

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