AC Mains meter circuit design for energy sources....

In summary: An inverter has a built in Boost circuit - to ensure that it transfers power from the PV array to the grid. If the PV array voltage is above the grid voltage, the inverter will become a basic rectifier and charge C3 to essentially the peak line voltage. But now the Boot Circuit (D8 & 2, T5 &6) are reverse biased boosts and energy will not flow Back towards the Solar Array (in this case). Not all inverters have this boost circuit, but will have reverse blocking diodes. The relative cost of the panels - to the cost of the project overall is coming down - by overpaneling you reduce the
  • #1
What circuit design is used to ensure that the renewable energy source does not begin to absorb energy from the grid (for instance, when its terminal voltage drops below the distribution line voltage)?
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  • #2
The changing voltage and polarity of the grid is known. The direction of current flowing between the grid and the generator can be measured. The grid voltage multiplied by current will change sign when energy flows the wrong way. The inverter that connects the generator to the grid is designed to transmit energy from generator to grid, so it turns off when there is no power being generated.
  • #3
There are a couple situations - and each scenario has a specific function built into the inverter. But a typical grid tie inverter, has no "local load" so if it is not able export energy to the grid, there is no reason it would absorb energy from the grid, except a small amount typically to bring the DC bus voltage up.

Looking at the Boosting Solar Inverter topology - if the grid voltage is higher than the Inverters output - the Inverter will become a basic rectifier and charge C3 to essentially the peak line voltage. -- But now the Boot Circuit (D8 & 2, T5 &6) are reverse biased boosts and energy will not flow Back towards the Solar Array (in this case).

Not all inverters have this boost circuit, but will have reverse blocking diodes. But your question points out why a Boost Converter is sometimes used - it boosts the PV voltage to a point above the Grid Voltage to allow the inverter to export power.

It is more common in large systems to "over panel" the PV array to ensure that the DC voltage is always above the grid voltage if there is any PV power available, and not use a boost Common to see 1000V DC PV array for 480 VAC, and 1500V DC is the hot topic today for 480 to 600VAC - usually tied directly to a Transformer to the grid.
  • #4
Windadct said:

It is more common in large systems to "over panel" the PV array to ensure that the DC voltage is always above the grid voltage if there is any PV power available, and not use a boost Common to see 1000V DC PV array for 480 VAC, and 1500V DC is the hot topic today for 480 to 600VAC - usually tied directly to a Transformer to the grid.
Why exactly is this done? Is it just more efficient to always be feeding into a lower voltage?
  • #5
Don't forget that voltage magnitude relative to the grid controls imaginary power (VAR) . Phase angle controls real power flow (watts)
  • #6
There are a number of reasons - it starts with the need the to be able to harvest power over a wide DC supply range, the PV array voltage varies dramatically depending on solar intensity, temperature and loading. -- Looking at a MPPT tracking plot or PV Curve and you can see the first challenge.

For the inverter to work at all it needs DC voltage to be higher than the Peak Voltage of the AC tie. ( 480 V RMS ~ 670VDC) -- so for a 480V Grid, you need Vdc at 670V or higher.

The then to ensure you can harvest energy throughout as much of the day as possible - you add panels, both in parallel ( current capacity) and series ( string voltage) to make sure you have power available for as much of the day as possible.

The 1000V and 1500V systems - are often called Open Circuit voltages - because you can see in the PV curve - you can draw little to no power at the max voltage, the voltage quickly drops to ~90% or lower of the Open Circuit ( no load) voltage. So for a 1000 V system - you will design your inverter for max power from 650 to 900V.

The relative cost of the panels - to the cost of the project overall is coming down - by overpaneling you reduce the time to payoff of the systems, more KWH per day / year, etc..

Lastly - running at higher voltages - reduces the cabeling cost ( copper) for the installation. ( This is a bigger motivator then you would expect). But in general - for all of the systems involved you pay more (capital cost)for current capacity than voltage.

An interesting point that Anorlunda touches on - is that these system have the ability to do PF correction with their excess inverter capacity. This is referred to as VAR support - An optional function in this Solectria 500KW Inverter. ( LINK ) This is only possible because no energy is fed back to the PV array, due to contactors or blocking diodes.
  • #7
Windadct said:
There are a number of reasons - it starts with the need the to be able to harvest power over a wide DC supply range, the PV array voltage varies dramatically depending on solar intensity, temperature and loading. -- Looking at a MPPT tracking plot or PV Curve and you can see the first challenge.

For the inverter to work at all it needs DC voltage to be higher than the Peak Voltage of the AC tie. ( 480 V RMS ~ 670VDC) -- so for a 480V Grid, you need Vdc at 670V or higher. ...

I understand the MPPT issue - but I don't understand why you say the panel voltage must be higher than the AC peak. There are inverter designs that will step the voltage up. Is a step-up design is inherently less efficient? That's what I'm asking. A step up inverter could perform the MPPT function as well.

Lastly - running at higher voltages - reduces the cabling cost ( copper) for the installation.

An interesting point that Anorlunda touches on - is that these system have the ability to do PF correction with their excess inverter capacity. This is referred to as VAR support - An optional function in this Solectria 500KW Inverter. ( LINK ) This is only possible because no energy is fed back to the PV array, due to contactors or blocking diodes.
But a step up inverter would not allow energy to be fed back to the panel either.
  • #8
The Boost inverter adds cost and impacts efficiency - I was referring to the inverter only design ( in commercial / utility scale this is the most common type). Also note - the Boost inverter ALWAYS is paying an efficiency price, where with an Inverter only design - you can design around the Nominal operating point for the best efficiency.

You see the Boost - converter in many (possibly most??) residential < 10KW designs. ( the factors get complicated - a 240VAC system can use MOSFET, where 480 typically IGBT - they have different loss characteristics, like Rds on vs Vce and dramatically different switching losses... ). Due to the switching losses - it is a little easier to make a MOSFET boost ckt ( high Fsw = smaller inductor & lower losses in the the inductor - etc) . There is no one best solution.
  • #9
The simplest and most efficient converters are high voltage buck converters. By running cooler they can also be more reliable. A 1% improvement in efficiency increases the return on investment by more than 1% after costs. If that return can be gained by simply wiring PV cells in series rather than parallel, it would be silly not to do it that way.
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  • #10
Baluncore said:
The simplest and most efficient converters are high voltage buck converters. By running cooler they can also be more reliable. A 1% improvement in efficiency increases the return on investment by more than 1% after costs. If that return can be gained by simply wiring PV cells in series rather than parallel, it would be silly not to do it that way.
Thanks - that's what I was questioning. If a buck converter (a step-down converter) is more efficient in practice (I didn't know if this was true or not), then yes, it makes good sense to put the solar panels in series so that their voltage is typically > peak of the AC signal they are driving.
  • #11
An inverter IS essentially a Buck Converter. ( 4 or 6 of them - modulated to go from 0 to peak voltage)

FAQ: AC Mains meter circuit design for energy sources....

1. What is an AC Mains meter circuit and how does it work?

An AC Mains meter circuit is a type of circuit used to measure the amount of energy being consumed by an electrical device. It works by measuring the voltage and current of the AC power source and using these values to calculate the power consumption.

2. What are the key components of an AC Mains meter circuit?

The key components of an AC Mains meter circuit include a voltage sensor, a current sensor, a microcontroller or processor, and a display unit. The voltage sensor measures the voltage of the AC power source, while the current sensor measures the current flowing through the circuit. The microcontroller or processor then calculates the power consumption and sends the data to the display unit for the user to see.

3. How accurate are AC Mains meter circuits?

The accuracy of an AC Mains meter circuit depends on the quality of the components used and the calibration of the circuit. Generally, a well-designed circuit can have an accuracy of around 1-2%, which is suitable for most applications. However, for more precise measurements, specialized or calibrated equipment may be required.

4. Can an AC Mains meter circuit be used with different types of energy sources?

Yes, an AC Mains meter circuit can be used with different types of energy sources as long as they provide AC power. This includes traditional power sources such as outlets and extension cords, as well as alternative energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when designing an AC Mains meter circuit?

Yes, safety should always be a top priority when designing an AC Mains meter circuit. It is important to follow proper electrical safety guidelines and use appropriate components to prevent electric shocks or fires. It is also recommended to have the circuit professionally tested and approved before use.

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