AC voltage, DC voltage, AC current and DC current

In summary, the difference between AC and DC is that AC is the result of an alternating voltage, and DC is the result of a constant voltage. AC power is found at wall sockets, while DC power is used in electronics.
  • #1
I know that existence of AC and DC currents but what exactly the same with AC and DC potential difference. Of-course it was very basic question and i apologize if it annoys any. Please explain the difference only in terms of voltage.

Thank you.
Engineering news on
  • #2
AC is normally the result of an alternating voltage and DC is the result of a constant voltage. One does not normally speak of "an AC potential difference".
  • #3
How the Voltage alternates practically? You mean changing the volatge over and over like 12v, 15v, 18v,7v and so on when the load is on.
  • #4
NO, I mean using an alternating source. You really should look up AC generators.
  • #5
often it's good to look up the verb in an unfamiliar phrase.

ALTERNATING means it's switching direction at regular interval, just as [STRIKE]a pendulum[/STRIKE] (oops - clocks are digital nowadays so make that ) a child on a swing.

So the voltage varies in time typically going smoothly from zero to some positive value, then to equal negative value, then back to zero and so on.

In US, power at your wall socket makes sixty such cycles every second. Much of rest of worls is 50 cycles. Those poor folks in Japan have my sympathy - part of their country is 50 and part 60.
  • #6
rama1001, After some searching I found this simple “tutorial”, or “teach yourself” to help you get a grasp of Electricity:

“This tutorial is a brief introduction to the concepts of charge, voltage, and current. This tutorial is not as long and tedious as a college textbook, yet it contains more information than students are likely to find in an elementary schoolbook.”

I first learned electronics in Navy schools, so I am a little biased. So, if someone is serious about learning electricity and electronics, this free downloadable book is the best choice possible!
“Here is the "Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses" (NAVPERS 10622) in its entirety (or will be eventually). It should provide one of the Internet's best resources for people seeking a basic electricity course - complete with examples worked out (links to quizzes at end of chapters).
Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses
This book is intended as a basic reference for all enlisted men of the Navy whose duties require them to have a knowledge of the fundamentals of electricity.”
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  • #7
Good for you BobbyW !

1960's and 70's Navy training was excellent. It produced exreemely competent people.
  • #8
Thx, Old Jim!

AFU-A (32 weeks) and AQF (12 weeks) at NATTC, Memphis, 1961

After the USN, jobs were plentiful. I was especially welcomed everywhere because of that training!

Cheers, Bobbywhy

Related to AC voltage, DC voltage, AC current and DC current

What is AC voltage?

AC voltage stands for alternating current voltage. It is a type of electrical current that constantly changes direction and magnitude, usually in a sinusoidal wave pattern. It is used to power most household and commercial devices.

What is DC voltage?

DC voltage stands for direct current voltage. It is a type of electrical current that flows in only one direction and maintains a constant magnitude. It is commonly used in batteries and electronic circuits.

What is AC current?

AC current, or alternating current, is the flow of electrical charge that constantly changes direction. It is measured in amperes (A) and is used to power most household and commercial devices.

What is DC current?

DC current, or direct current, is the flow of electrical charge that only moves in one direction. It is measured in amperes (A) and is commonly used in batteries and electronic circuits.

What is the difference between AC and DC?

The main difference between AC and DC is the direction of the electrical current. AC constantly changes direction, while DC only flows in one direction. AC is also able to be transmitted over long distances, while DC is more commonly used in short-distance applications.

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