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Nice work dextercioby...
seratend said:HYDROGEN ATOM
We have the so-called Laplace equation (this is the name I know it, this not the helmotz equation):
(1) <=> (2) [x(d/dx)² + (2l+2-x)d/dx –(l+1-g)]v(x)=0
seratend said:Currently I do not know any good demonstration that reject or explain that (d) does not correspond to a possible state and you have not demonstrated such impossibility.
Wes Hughes said:Hi this is Wes Hughes again,
Seems like I am causing a bunch of warnings to be issued. They sent me several letters asking me to preticipate, I thought I was doing the right thing by making an explainatory comment. Sorry about that. I'll stay away from your site in the future.
Wes Hughes
dextercioby said:If you mean that I'm unable to prove that is a Hilbert subspace in the total Hilbert space spanned by the solutions of the spectral equation (for the Hamiltonian of the H atom) ,then u are wrong.
dextercioby said:The radial equation
[tex] u''_{l}(r)+[\frac{l(l+1)}{r^{2}}-\frac{2\mu\alpha}{\hbar^{2}r}-\frac{2\mu E}{\hbar^{2}}]u_{l}(r) =0 [/tex]
,where [itex] u_{l}(r)=r R_{l}(r) [/itex] are the secondary radial functions,admits the solution
[tex] u_{l}(r) =[\exp(-\frac{r}{2a})](\frac{r}{a})^{l+1} [C_{1} F(l-n+1|2l+2|\frac{r}{a})+C_{2}(\frac{r}{a})^{-2l-1} F(-l-n|-2l|\frac{r}{a})]
where [itex] \alpha:=\frac{e^{2}}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}};a^{2}:=\frac{\hbar^{2}}{8\mu E};n:=\frac{2\mu\alpha}{\hbar^{2}} a [/itex]
and "l" is the angular momentum quantum number (eigenvalue for [itex] \hat{L}^{2} [/itex]),a natural number.
Making the multiplication in the solution,one gets:
[tex] u_{l}(r) =C_{1}[\exp(-\frac{r}{2a})](\frac{r}{a})^{l+1} F(l-n+1|2l+2|\frac{r}{a})+C_{2}[\exp(-\frac{r}{2a})](\frac{r}{a})^{-l} F(-l-n|-2l|\frac{r}{a}) [/tex]
seratend said:Now if we develop the other singular states, we recover orbitals R(x) of the following form:
R_nl(x)= exp(-x/2).(P_nl(x)+1/x) with P_nl(x) a polynomial
=> the higher the energy is the higher the particle in the well is (the spatial extension of the orbital increases following the coulombian potential V(r)).
seratend said:Some minor corrections: the orbitals R(x) of singular states are the following:
R_nl(x)= exp(-x/2).P_nl(x) with P_nl(x,1/x) a polynomial of x and 1/x.
(R_nl(x)=exp(-x/2)x^l.y_nl(x), l is the orbital momentum and 0< n <l+2)
(l=0,n=1) R_01(x)=exp(-x/2)/x
(l=1,n=1) R_11(x)=exp(-x/2)[1+2/x+2/x^2]
(l=1,n=2) R_12(x)=exp(-x/2)[1/x + 2/x^2]
(l=2,n=1) R_21(x)=exp(-x/2)[x+2+8/x+16/x^2+16/x^3]
(l=2,n=2) R_22(x)=exp(-x/2)[1+6/x+18/x^2+24/x^3]
(l=2,n=3) R_23(x)=exp(-x/2)[1/x+6/x^2+12/x^3]
dextercioby said:PS.Therefore i find no reason to continue this mathematized debate,as apparently both of us think we're right and the other is wrong,and this could honestly go on forever.
PPS.I wonder if u have the same problems with the Dirac equation version of the H atom. I always found that a bit more tricky.