Accelerating Expansion of Space-Time and Implications for Time Itself

In summary, the age of the universe is not just a number that represents the amount of time since the Big Bang; it is the proper time that would elapse since the Big Bang for a particular observer in the universe.
  • #1
I have had a physics related question buzzing around my head for some time now, but have not been able to find the answer to it. I should state that have no training in physics, but have an interest in science and the universe.

The question; if space is accelerating, what are the implications for time? As space and time are intrinsically linked, I would think that there must be some follow on effect. I know that mass and the speed of mass affects time, but what about the stretching of space itself? If space is accelerating, does that mean that the speed of passing time may be accelerating as well? And, would there even be any way of measuring or calculating this?

Sorry if this question comes across as a bit dim or I am missing out on some vital bit of information.

Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
The accelerating expansion of the universe has no effect on time.
  • #3
The scale factor (which measures the acceleration you speak of) multiplies the spatial measures of distance. It does not affect the time measure, as phinds noted (however the scale factor is itself a function of time of course). You are correct that in general space and time are inextricably "linked" to put it loosely but when speaking of space and time with regards to the history of the universe, what we do is separate the history of the universe into distinct "spatial slices" which represent the universe at an instant of time. We separate the two notions, so to speak.
  • #4
The question; if space is accelerating, what are the implications for time?
I like the answers to these questions:

Do all observers agree on the age of our Universe?
No, they don’t all agree.

But in an FRW cosmological model, there are preferred observers, who are essentially observers who detect no dipole asymmetry in the CMB….at rest with respect to the CMBR. Such observers agree with one another on the amount of clock time since the Big Bang, and this is what we mean when we speak of the age of the universe in such a model.

In the real universe, a clock on the earth’s surface is not a bad approximation to such a clock. The solar system isn’t moving at any large fraction of c relative to the CMB, and there is not a huge amount of gravitational time dilation between the earth’s surface and a point that is,say, outside the local group of galaxies.

There is not just one such frame for the whole cosmos. There is one such frame for every point in the cosmos. Global frames of reference don’t exist in GR.
But In cosmology, we use the relic radiation as a convenient reference.

when we hear about the age of the universe being 13 billion years, is that 13 billion years of "earth proper time"?

PeterDonis: Not really. It's the proper time that would elapse since the Big Bang {say,for example an observer whose current spatial location is Earth} but who has always seen the universe as homogeneous and isotropic. Such observers are called "comoving" observers. We don't see the universe as isotropic on Earth: we see a dipole anisotropy in the CMBR, for example, indicating that we are not "comoving" observers, even when the effects of the Earth's rotation and orbit about the Sun are corrected for.
  • #5
A perspective which supports that of posts #2,3 would be via the balloon analogy. It is reasonable to identify the radial [distance from the center to the surface] in the balloon analogy with cosmological time, but it is a non-linear scale. So the universe started at the center, current time in on the surface, the future is to the outside.

This also helps cement the concept that in cosmology one has to be sure that measurements take place at the same the balloon analogy, instantaneously on the surface of the balloon.

phinds explains the balloon analogy here:

Related to Accelerating Expansion of Space-Time and Implications for Time Itself

1. What is the accelerating expansion of space-time?

The accelerating expansion of space-time refers to the phenomenon where the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. This means that the distance between galaxies, stars, and other celestial objects is getting larger at a faster pace.

2. How is the accelerating expansion of space-time measured?

The accelerating expansion of space-time is measured through various methods, such as observing the redshift of distant galaxies and using standard candles, like supernovae, to measure the expansion rate. Another method is through the study of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

3. What is the main cause of the accelerating expansion of space-time?

The main cause of the accelerating expansion of space-time is currently believed to be dark energy. This is a mysterious form of energy that makes up about 70% of the universe and has a repulsive effect on gravity, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

4. What are the implications of the accelerating expansion of space-time for time itself?

The accelerating expansion of space-time has significant implications for time itself. As the universe expands at an increasing rate, time appears to be moving faster. This means that distant objects are aging at a slower rate compared to objects closer to us, which has implications for the concept of time dilation.

5. Is the accelerating expansion of space-time a confirmed theory?

While the evidence for the accelerating expansion of space-time is strong, it is still an ongoing area of research. Many scientists believe it to be a valid theory, but more research and observations are needed to fully confirm it. Additionally, there are alternative theories that attempt to explain the observations without the need for dark energy.

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