Acceleration as a function of time and position

In summary, there is no equation that defines the acceleration of a particle as a function of the three space coordinates and time. However, the equation for the acceleration of a particle as a function of the three space coordinates is: a = vx*(dvx/dx)i + vy*(dvy/dy)j + vz*(dvz/dz)k
  • #1
I'm quite curious as to whether there is an equation (whether it be in scalar, vector, or tensor form) that defines the acceleration of a particle as a function of the three space coordinates and time.

My curiosity arose when I was thinking of the one dimensional equation:
a = v*(dv/dx); where the acceleration and velocity are only defined in the x-direction.

I thought the generalization to three dimensions would be:
a = vx*(dvx/dx)i + vy*(dvy/dy)j + vz*(dvz/dz)k

To include the time variable I thought it might just be the material derivative of acceleration (like in fluid mechanics).

These assumptions are just based on my gut feeling (I have done no derivation whatsoever). Is there an actual equation?
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  • #2
Well I don't know if there is a general equation (which there probably is), but in one dimension you are just looking for the second derivative of the equation of motion of the body.

In more than one dimension you can just split it up into an arbitrary amount of simultaneous parametric equations, and once again its the second derivative of each individual equation.

Once again there might be a general rule, but what I just said above will definitely work.
  • #3
Ali said:
I thought the generalization to three dimensions would be:
a = vx*(dvx/dx)i + vy*(dvy/dy)j + vz*(dvz/dz)k

In one dimension we can say dV/dt=(dx/dt)(dV/dx)=Vx(dV/dx) (but the sub x notation isn't needed because there is only one velocity, and its in x)

but for 3 dimensions, instead of x we use R

so dV/dt=(dR/dt)(dV/dR)=V*(dV/dR)


dV/dR = [itex]( \partial V/ \partial x )i +( \partial V/ \partial y )j +( \partial V/ \partial z )k [/itex]


a = |V|*[itex]\left[( \partial V/ \partial x )i +( \partial V/ \partial y )j +( \partial V/ \partial z )k \right] [/itex]

I believe you have to use the magnitude of V, rather than dotting V into dV/dR, for some reason. I can't explain/remember why, but I think this is how it is supposed to be. Could be wrong, idk. but that's my 2 cents, hope it helps
  • #4
elegysix said:
a = |V|*[itex]\left[( \partial V/ \partial x )i +( \partial V/ \partial y )j +( \partial V/ \partial z )k \right] [/itex]

- The equation seems right, but then again why wouldn't the material derivative of acceleration apply (as in fluid mechanics). Is there an assumption I am missing that doesn't apply to ordinary particles? The equation is:

[itex]\vec{a}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{D\vec{v}}{Dt}[/itex] = [itex]\vec{v}[/itex][itex]\cdot[/itex]([itex]\vec{\nabla}[/itex][itex]\vec{v}[/itex]) + [itex]\frac{\partial \vec{v}}{\partial t}[/itex]
  • #5

I can confirm that there is indeed an equation that defines acceleration as a function of time and position. This equation is known as the acceleration vector function and is typically denoted as a(t) or a(x,y,z,t). It can be written in scalar, vector, or tensor form, depending on the specific situation and variables involved.

In general, the acceleration vector function takes into account the change in velocity over time and space, as well as the effects of external forces acting on the particle. It can be derived using principles of classical mechanics, such as Newton's laws of motion.

In the one-dimensional case you mentioned, the equation a = v*(dv/dx) is known as the acceleration equation of motion and is a special case of the more general acceleration vector function.

To include the time variable, the acceleration vector function would indeed involve the material derivative, which takes into account the change in acceleration over time as well.

I would suggest consulting a textbook on classical mechanics or speaking with a physics expert for a more detailed derivation and understanding of the acceleration vector function in three dimensions. It is a fundamental concept in physics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles and objects in motion.

Related to Acceleration as a function of time and position

What is acceleration as a function of time and position?

Acceleration as a function of time and position is a mathematical representation of the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time and distance. It takes into account both the object's position and the amount of time that has passed, and can be used to predict its future movement.

How is acceleration calculated?

Acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in an object's velocity by the change in time. This can be represented by the equation a = (vf - vi) / t, where a is acceleration, vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, and t is the time interval.

What is the difference between average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration?

Average acceleration is calculated over a specific time interval, while instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration at a specific moment in time. Average acceleration takes into account the overall change in velocity, while instantaneous acceleration shows the acceleration at a specific point in time.

How does acceleration relate to the position of an object?

Acceleration is related to the position of an object through the equation x = x0 + v0t + (1/2)at^2, where x is the final position, x0 is the initial position, v0 is the initial velocity, t is the time interval, and a is the acceleration. This equation shows that an object's position is influenced by its initial position, velocity, and acceleration over time.

What factors can affect acceleration as a function of time and position?

Acceleration can be affected by various factors, including the force acting on an object, mass of the object, and any external forces (such as friction or air resistance). In addition, changes in the initial velocity or position of the object can also impact its acceleration over time.

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