Acceleration in an elastic collision

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of velocity increase in an elastic collision and how it is affected by factors such as the closed system and perfectly elastic collision conditions. The conservation of momentum and energy principles are also mentioned and their role in determining the final relative velocity is discussed. It is also noted that the conservation of momentum alone does not determine the exact values of the acceleration, while the conservation of energy sets an upper limit to the total acceleration.
  • #1
Gold Member
Incidentally in another thread I made this reasoning to calculate the velocity increase in an elastic collision:

Saw said:
In any collision:

\frac{{m_1 }}{{m_2 }} = \frac{{a_2 }}{{a_1 }} = \frac{{\frac{{\Delta v_2 }}{t}}}{{\frac{{\Delta v_1 }}{t}}} = \frac{{\Delta v_2 }}{{\Delta v_1 }}

If the system formed by the two bodies is closed (no external force) and the collision is perfectly elastic (no internal dissipation of energy), then the relative speed of the two bodies does not change. For example, in the frame of m1, m2 was approaching at a certain v and after the collision it recedes in the opposite direction. This means that:

\Delta v_1 + \Delta v_2 = 2v_{rel}

After some algebra:

\frac{{m_1 }}{{m_2 }} + 1 = \frac{{\Delta v_2 }}{{\Delta v_1 }} + 1 = \frac{{m_1 + m_2 }}{{m_2 }} = \frac{{\Delta v_2 + \Delta v_1 }}{{\Delta v_1 }} = \frac{{2v_{rel} }}{{\Delta v_1 }} \to \Delta v_1 = 2v_{rel} \frac{{m_2 }}{{m_1 + m_2 }} \\
\frac{{m_2 }}{{m_1 }} + 1 = \frac{{\Delta v_1 }}{{\Delta v_2 }} + 1 = \frac{{m_2 + m_1 }}{{m_1 }} = \frac{{\Delta v_1 + \Delta v_2 }}{{\Delta v_2 }} = \frac{{2v_{rel} }}{{\Delta v_2 }} \to \Delta v_2 = 2v_{rel} \frac{{m_1 }}{{m_1 + m_2 }} \\

My questions:

(a) I haven't seen this approach in the texts I use. Is this correct? Am I missing anything?

(b) If correct, is it also valid for acceleration, not only for velocity increase? It seems to me so, since the interaction (the collision) will take the time it takes, whatever it is, but in any case the same time for both bodies and just after it, after the bodies start separating, there is no interaction any more, so no more acceleration...
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  • #2
It seems the question was unnoticed but I am really curious about it. Any comment? Thanks.
  • #3
There is nothing wrong, but I don't see anything new.
  • #4
clem said:
There is nothing wrong, but I don't see anything new.

Thanks. No, really, I was not thinking I was inventing anything. Just wanted to check it was all right since I had not seen the "2 times relative velocity" term written in the sources I handle. Do you know where I can find something alike?
  • #5
After some investigation, I've seen that the principle that the relative velocity does not change is derived by combining (i) the equation for conservation of total momentum (which in turn stems from the idea that the velocity centre of mass of the system remains the same) with (ii) the equation for conservation of total kinetic energy, for elastic collisions. Logically, in an inelastic collision, the final relative velocity will be lower, not higher.

I have then this doubt: if one plays with the formula for conservation of total momentum alone so as to try to find the relation between initial and final relative velocity, could you conclude that there are two unique valid solutions for that equation, namely, final relative velocity is equal or lower than the initial one? In other words, is that principle somehow contained in the equation for conservation of total momentum? If so, can it be mathematically shown?
  • #6
If you use the conservation of momentum alone, you will be able to get an arbitrary final relative velocity, since it is possible for the momentum to be conserved for any final relative velocity.

For an incoming total momentum 0 and equal masses, any pair of outgoing velocities {-v,v}, and thus any relative velocity in (-infinity,infinity), will be allowed by the momentum conservation. This is a one-parameter family of solutions (when space is one-dimensional), so the solution is determined by imposing one more equation, the energy conservation equation.

  • #7
torquil said:
If you use the conservation of momentum alone, you will be able to get an arbitrary final relative velocity, since it is possible for the momentum to be conserved for any final relative velocity.

For an incoming total momentum 0 and equal masses, any pair of outgoing velocities {-v,v}, and thus any relative velocity in (-infinity,infinity), will be allowed by the momentum conservation. This is a one-parameter family of solutions (when space is one-dimensional), so the solution is determined by imposing one more equation, the energy conservation equation.

Ok, I see. Could we thus state the following?

- The conservation of momentum equation (just like the principle that the velocity of the centre of mass remains the same, just like Newton's Third Law m1a1 = - m2a2) only indicates how the total acceleration (in absolute numbers) is distributed (in inverse proportion to masses), but says nothing about the magnitude of such total acceleration.

- The conservation of energy principle sets an upper limit to that total acceleration (= twice the relative velocity).

- Assuming the system is closed, the composition of the materials involved in the collision (their elasticity degree = how well they transmit, in particular, kinetic energy) determines the specific magnitude, within the said limit, of the total acceleration: from 1 * relative velocity (in a perfectly inelastic collision) to 2 * relative velocity (perfectly elastic).
  • #8
Saw said:
Ok, I see. Could we thus state the following?

- The conservation of momentum equation (just like the principle that the velocity of the centre of mass remains the same, just like Newton's Third Law m1a1 = - m2a2) only indicates how the total acceleration (in absolute numbers) is distributed (in inverse proportion to masses), but says nothing about the magnitude of such total acceleration.

If an elastic collision between N particles takes place during a time interval T, then momentum conservation says that

m_1*a_1 + m_2*a_2 + m_3*a_3 + ... + m_N*a_N = 0

where m_i is the mass of the i'th particle, and a_i is the average acceleration during the time T. So as you say, it gives a linear relation among these, and doesn't determine their exact values.

- The conservation of energy principle sets an upper limit to that total acceleration (= twice the relative velocity).

Conservation of energy demands that

0.5*(m_1*u_1^2 + m_2*u_2^2 + ... + m_N*u_N^2 ) = 0.5*(m_1*v_1^2 + m_2*v_2^2 + ... + m_N*v_N^2)

where u are incoming velocities and v are outgoing velocities. This equation defines a sphere in N-dimensional v-space, with a radius given in terms of the incoming velocities. So as you say, no particle can have an average acceleration that will result in a |velocity| larger than the radius of this sphere.
  • #9
Thanks. That geometrical view is really very illustrative. Is there any text/site you can point at where that can be visualized?

On the other hand, I've thought of these formulas that maybe you could check:

Naming e = coefficient of restitution = final relative velocity / initial relative velocity

(ranging from 1 in perfectly elastic collisions to 0 in perfectly inelastic collisions),

I suppose one could state this rule of thumb:

∆vm = (1+e) vrel • M / (m+M)

∆vM = (1+e) vrel • m / (m+M)

Also, could this "coefficient of restitution of the interaction" (e) be calculated following an analogy with the "effective stiffness constant of two interacting springs": e = k1 · k2 /(k1 + k2)?

FAQ: Acceleration in an elastic collision

1. What is an elastic collision?

An elastic collision is a type of collision where the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved. This means that the total energy before the collision is equal to the total energy after the collision.

2. How is acceleration calculated in an elastic collision?

In an elastic collision, the acceleration can be calculated using the equation a = (v2 - v1)/t, where v1 is the initial velocity, v2 is the final velocity, and t is the time of collision.

3. What factors affect the acceleration in an elastic collision?

The acceleration in an elastic collision is affected by the mass and velocity of the objects involved. A larger mass or higher velocity will result in a greater acceleration.

4. Can the acceleration be negative in an elastic collision?

Yes, the acceleration can be negative in an elastic collision. This occurs when the final velocity is in the opposite direction of the initial velocity.

5. How does an elastic collision differ from an inelastic collision?

In an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is lost and converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or sound. In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy is conserved and no energy is lost.

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