Accepted Into a PhD Program: What Question Should I Ask?

In summary, the speaker has been accepted into a PhD program in mechanical engineering with a focus on stochastic stability and control of drones. They have received a RA scholarship of 25 grand per year and are looking for recommendations on questions to ask. They mention asking about health insurance, attrition rate, length of RA-ship, potential for TA-ship, tuition and fees, cost of living, and deadline for decision. They also mention having already visited the campus and the potential for reduced health insurance costs.
  • #1
I got accepted into a PhD program this Friday! I am both very excited and nervous for this opportunity. I received a RA (19 grand for 9 months and an additional 6 grand for over the summer, totally 25 grand/yr), which states that I will be working on stochastic stability and control of drones/UAVs. This will be in the mechanical engineering department and should be a very interesting topic as it combines aircraft design, mathematical modelling, and fluid mechanics. Now that I have an offer with money, do you guys have any recommendations for questions I should ask? I have a few in mind, but I have been communicating back and fourth with the university for some time now.
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  • #2
What kind of health plan did you get? Is there some cost that comes out of your pocket?
  • #3
Congratulations! When I got accepted, the main question I asked was what the department's attrition rate for graduate students, if that's important to you, it might be worth asking.
  • #4
Good questions indeed. I forgot about attrition rate and with obamacare I am sure payroll deductions will be different than when I was in school.
  • #5
Can they pay for you to visit the campus and speak with faculty and with students?
How long is your RA-ship for? If that RA funding runs out, can you get a TA-ship?
Is tuition and other fees included?
What is the cost of living there? Is that stipend enough?
When do you have to have to decide by? [ Are you waiting for other acceptance decisions? ]
  • #6
Ok, some feedback from my searching

1, I don't need to visit the campus as I already did in November
2, health insurance will cost about $150 a month or 1800 up front, but I think I can get this reduced though the NY market place. I am investigating now.
3, I haven't asked about attrition, but I don't plan on dropping out so I don't think it will be a concern. Additionally, I was in a PhD program and left early on. The University I left were a bunch of scammers so I had an idea of what to look out for as I was interviewing schools.
4, My RA is covered for the whole year, 2000/month
5, I have not calculated specifics, but from the students I talked too the stipend sufficiently covered the cost of living. The students I spoke with said they made enough money to enjoy themselves on the weekend and pay for the essentials. I need to come up with a more quantitative assessment though.
6, I have to make a decision by April 15th

An additional question I asked was:
Does my RA apply to a specific project that I will begin right away, or will that be decided after the first semester? The letter I received did not give specifics.

FAQ: Accepted Into a PhD Program: What Question Should I Ask?

1. What is the research focus of the PhD program?

The research focus of a PhD program can vary greatly depending on the specific program and the department it falls under. It is important to ask this question to ensure that the program aligns with your research interests and goals. Some programs may have a specific research topic or area, while others may have a more interdisciplinary approach.

2. What is the funding and financial support available for PhD students?

Funding and financial support can be a major factor in deciding which PhD program to attend. It is important to ask about the types of funding available, such as scholarships, grants, teaching or research assistantships, and any other opportunities for financial support. Additionally, ask about the cost of tuition and fees and any potential opportunities for funding renewal.

3. What is the average time to completion for the PhD program?

The average time to completion for a PhD program can vary depending on the field of study and individual circumstances. It is important to ask this question to get an idea of the overall commitment and timeline for the program. Additionally, ask about any potential factors that may impact the timeline, such as required coursework, research, and dissertation writing.

4. What resources and support are available for PhD students?

PhD programs can be challenging and it is important to have access to resources and support to ensure success. Ask about the types of resources available, such as research facilities, equipment, and libraries. Also, inquire about any support services for graduate students, such as academic advising, career services, and mental health resources.

5. What opportunities are available for professional development and networking?

In addition to research and coursework, PhD programs also offer opportunities for professional development and networking. It is important to ask about any conferences, workshops, and seminars that are available for students to attend. Additionally, inquire about any partnerships or collaborations with other institutions or organizations that can provide networking opportunities.

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