Accuracy of a GPS receiver by comparing with post-processed DGPS data?

In summary, the expert doubts that the receiver times of an two GPS receivers would ideally match theoretically, at least there would be at least few nano seconds difference.
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My task is to estimate / compute accuracy of a gps receiver.

My experiment would involve using three GPS receivers and post processing software. following is the nomenclature i would follow for explaining my question.

Normal GPS receiver: This is the receiver in test, a simple 12 channel receiver with facility to log data for use later in post processing software
Mobile DGPS receiver: This is the GPS receiver with data logging feature which would be carried along with normal GPS receiver in test in a vehicle.
Base station DGPS receiver: This is a static GPS receiver placed at static location with most accurately known coordinates, whose data would be used for post-processing

My doubt is about following aspects

1. I will move in a vehicle with separate normal GPS receiver and mobile DGPS receiver on board. Maximum radial distance would be 200km from Base station DGPS receiver. My doubt is that GPS receiver and DGPS receiver may look at completely different satellites compared to the satellites tracked by the receiver at the base station of the receiver. After coming back to the base station, i will download the GPS and DGPS data from respective receivers. i will use the data from mobile DGPS receiver along with data from DGPS base station receiver to calculate the accurate coordinates of the mobile DGPS receiver after post processing.
Can i compare the data from normal GPS receiver and DGPS receiver for error calculation, assuming that the DGPS data is most accurate. My comparison would be at a particular instant of time DGPS gave XX coordinates, the coordinates given by normal GPS receiver is XX coordinates, the radial distance at any instant of time is the error the normal GPS receiver which is in test, is this the accurate means of error estimation or calculation ?

2. My second doubt is that i learned that gps receiver calculates its time by acquiring signals from various satellites. I understood that if the satellites the two receivers acquire signals from are different, then the receiver time solution they arrive at would be different i.e. the receiver time the two GPS receivers calculate would be different. In such a case my doubt is that the coordinates of the two receivers at any instant of time cannot be compared for error calculation of the other receiver as explained in earlier question of mine. i mean to tell that the receiver times of an two receivers would ideally will never match theoretically, at least there would be at least few nano seconds difference, is it true?

3. Apart from the above reason for receiver times not matching, also if the method/algorithm for solving the GPS pseudo range equations is different than the solution they arrive at would be different, is it a true statement?
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Related to Accuracy of a GPS receiver by comparing with post-processed DGPS data?

1. What is GPS and how does it work?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System, and it is a satellite-based navigation system that uses a network of satellites to provide location and time information to GPS receivers. The GPS receiver calculates its position by measuring the distance between itself and at least three satellites and using trilateration to determine its exact location.

2. What is DGPS and how does it differ from GPS?

DGPS stands for Differential GPS and it is an enhancement to the GPS system. It uses a network of ground-based reference stations to improve the accuracy of GPS by correcting for errors caused by atmospheric conditions and satellite clock errors. Unlike GPS, which can have an accuracy of about 5-10 meters, DGPS can provide accuracy up to 1 meter.

3. Why is it important to compare GPS data with post-processed DGPS data?

Comparing GPS data with post-processed DGPS data allows us to assess the accuracy of the GPS receiver. It can help us determine if the GPS receiver is functioning properly and if there are any errors or discrepancies in the data. This comparison is also important for applications that require high accuracy, such as surveying or mapping.

4. How is the accuracy of a GPS receiver determined by comparing with post-processed DGPS data?

The accuracy of a GPS receiver is determined by calculating the difference between the GPS data and the post-processed DGPS data. This difference is known as the Differential Correction (DC). The smaller the DC, the more accurate the GPS receiver is considered to be.

5. What are some factors that can affect the accuracy of a GPS receiver?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of a GPS receiver, including atmospheric conditions, satellite geometry, and receiver error. Other factors include the quality of the GPS antenna and the positioning method used by the receiver. It is important to compare GPS data with post-processed DGPS data to account for these factors and improve the accuracy of the GPS receiver.

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