Accurately interpolating more Data points for a bump profile

In summary: All you need to do is provide the x and y values for your bump profile and the x value you want to find the corresponding y value for.In summary, for the task of interpolating more data points on a bump profile, there are various techniques available such as Lagrange Interpolation and B-splines. These can be implemented using numerical platforms like MATLAB and Octave. There are also pre-coded routines available to generate the necessary data structures for these models. However, solving the Lagrange polynomial by hand for 25 data points would be a lengthy and potentially inaccurate process, making it more practical to use a computer for such calculations.
  • #1
Hi there,

I require some advice on how to interpolate more data points on a bump profile. Basically i have a curve defined be twentyfive (x,y) data points. The bump is meant to accurately represent half of an aerofoil. I would like to accurately interpolate more data points (lets say up to 50) so that i can generate a smoother curve in my computer simulation.
The bump geometry profile it:

x y
-1.5 , 0
-1.4 , 0.002
-1.2 , 0.014
-1 , 0.044
-0.8 ,0.099
-0.6 , 0.178
-0.4 , 0.257
-0.3, 0.2835
-0.2 , 0.31
-0 , 0.331
0.2 , 0.325
0.35 , 0.308
0.4 ,0.3
0.6 ,0.258
0.63 ,0.251
0.8 ,0.207
0.9 ,0.181
1 ,0.155
1.2 ,0.103
1.24 ,0.093
1.4 ,0.058
1.58 ,0.031
1.6 ,0.027
1.8 ,0.006
2 ,0

I do not know what type of function this is wheter its quadratic or cubic etc...

Any asistance would be greatly apreciated.
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Hey Hughezy and welcome to the forums.

For interpolation, there are quite a number of techniques available.

The simplest is the Lagrange Interpolation formula which generates an n+1th degree polynomial for n data points, but if you want more control over the actual interpolation model you will need something a bit more developed, and for that you should check out BSPLINES.

In terms of calculating these, you can use standard numerical platforms like MATLAB or something like Octave which is free, and then get some coded routines to generate the right data structures with all the information for that model.

If you have MATLAB, then a google search returns this:

This kind of stuff is a big topic in 3D animation and games design, so the relevant literature in this area (i.e. computer graphics) should have more information if you wish to dig deeper (as well as certain areas of applied mathematics).
  • #3
Hi Chiro,

Thankyou for the reply!
I do indeed have MATLAB although my experience is limited. I have no idea where to start with B-spline tools. Do you know if there is a tutorial avaliable? Or do you yourself have any further advise?

Looking at the langrange polynomial on

Solving an n+1th polynomial for 25 data points by hand would be a ridiculously long calculation. And I am not sure how accurate it would end up being. I was ignorant as to how difficult this will be, and with my current time constraints I am not sure whether this will be possible.

But again thankyou
  • #5

I would suggest using a polynomial interpolation method to accurately interpolate more data points for your bump profile. This method involves fitting a polynomial function to your existing data points and then using the function to calculate the values for additional data points.

To start, you will need to determine the degree of the polynomial function that best fits your data. This can be done by visually inspecting the data points and trying different degrees until you find the best fit. Alternatively, you can use a mathematical method such as the least squares method to determine the degree.

Once you have determined the degree of the polynomial, you can use a mathematical software or programming language to fit the function to your data points. This will generate a polynomial equation that represents your data.

Next, you can use this equation to calculate the values for additional data points. It is important to note that the accuracy of the interpolated data points will depend on the accuracy of the original data points and the degree of the polynomial used.

It is also important to keep in mind that interpolating more data points does not necessarily guarantee a smoother curve in your computer simulation. Other factors such as the accuracy of the original data, the interpolation method used, and the resolution of your simulation will also affect the smoothness of the curve.

In conclusion, using a polynomial interpolation method can help you accurately interpolate more data points for your bump profile. However, it is important to carefully consider other factors that may affect the smoothness of the curve in your simulation.

FAQ: Accurately interpolating more Data points for a bump profile

1. What is the purpose of interpolating data points for a bump profile?

The purpose of interpolating data points for a bump profile is to fill in any missing or incomplete data points in order to create a more accurate representation of the bump profile. This is especially important when analyzing data for scientific research or engineering purposes.

2. How is interpolation different from extrapolation?

Interpolation involves estimating values within an existing set of data points, while extrapolation involves estimating values outside of the existing set of data points. In the context of bump profiles, interpolation would be used to estimate data points between existing bumps, while extrapolation would be used to estimate data points beyond the existing bumps.

3. What methods are commonly used for interpolating data points?

Some common methods for interpolating data points include linear interpolation, polynomial interpolation, and spline interpolation. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best method to use will depend on the specific data and desired level of accuracy.

4. How can I determine if the interpolated data points are accurate?

The accuracy of interpolated data points can be determined by comparing them to known or measured data points. If the interpolated data points closely match the known data points, then they can be considered accurate. Additionally, using multiple interpolation methods and comparing the results can also help determine the accuracy of the interpolated data points.

5. Are there any potential limitations or challenges when interpolating data points for a bump profile?

One potential limitation is that interpolation can only estimate data points within the range of existing data. If there is a large gap between data points, the accuracy of the interpolated data points may be lower. Additionally, the chosen interpolation method may not accurately capture the shape or behavior of the bumps in the profile, leading to less accurate results.
