Action of catalase and MnO2 on hydrogen peroxide

In summary, the liver contains an enzyme which can cause a reaction when mixed with hydrogen peroxide. The reactions in tubes A, B, and C are all negative, while the reaction in tube D is positive. Based on this information, it can be concluded that manganese dioxide is an inorganic catalyst for the breaking down of hydrogen peroxide.
  • #1
can anyone give some comments or inferential analysis to the research presented below? thank you :D some info and answers to the topic questions would be nice to hear too!

"To compare the action of catalase and manganese dioxide on hydrogen peroxide."

1. Label 4 test-tubes A, B, C and D.
2. To each tube add 5cm3 of hydrogen peroxide.
3. Prepare the contents of the 4 tubes as shown in the table below. For each tube record the observations. Test any gas given off with a glowing splinter.


A. 5cm3 hydrogen peroxide solution + 1 small pieace of fresh liver

B. 5cm3 hydrogen peroxide solution + 1 small piece of boiled liver (Boil the liver for 10 minutes and cool before use.)

C. 5cm3 hydrogen peroxide + a little manganese (IV) oxide

D. 5cm3 hydrogen peroxide solution + a little boiled manganese dioxode (The manganese dioxide has been boiled and cooled before use.)

4. What type of substance is in the liver which could bring about the reaction in tube A?

5. How do you account for your observation in tube B?

6. From your observation on D, what can you conclude about manganese (IV) oxide?

7.Repeat experiments A and B using a piece of potato tuber.

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  • #2
hikki_pop said:
4. What type of substance is in the liver which could bring about the reaction in tube A?

What enzyme is present in the liver? It is clearly stated in you title.

hikki_pop said:
5. How do you account for your observation in tube B?

The reaction should be negative.
What happen to proteins when you heat it up? What would be the effect on an enzyme? Therefore the enzyme is heat stable or labile?

hikki_pop said:
6. From your observation on D, what can you conclude about manganese (IV) oxide?

Manganese dioxide is an inorganic catalyst (but not an enzyme) for the breaking down of hydrogen peroxide. Reaction C & D have the same reaction. Therefore manganese oxide is the opposite of catalase

hikki_pop said:
7.Repeat experiments A and B using a piece of potato tuber.
It should give the same reaction as with the liver piece. Why? same enzyme is present in the potato.
  • #3
Have you performed this experiment yet? You didn't show your data.
  • #4
nope we didn't do it yet...
  • #5
Did your manual or instructor specify that catalase in present in both the liver and in potato tubers? If not, ian probably shouldn't have given that away. Have you learned yet about the effects of temperature on the activity of enzymes and on inorganic catalysts? I'm going to assume you have, but if not, ian kind of gave that one away as well. Just to reiterate the point, boiling the liver will denature the enzyme (as it would any protein), and without the proper conformation for its active site, the enzyme will cease to function. Boiling the manganese dioxide, on the other hand, will have no effect and that reaction should proceed as if you had never boiled the catalyst.

I believe you are breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and elemental oxygen, so that positive reactions will give off oxygen gas, which will ignite your glowing splinter. In short, the splinter should light up when placed over tubes A, C, and D, but not when placed over tube B. Now, just to review, can you tell me why this is and give your expected answers for questions 4 -7 (without directly quoting ian or myself)?

Related to Action of catalase and MnO2 on hydrogen peroxide

1. What is the role of catalase in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide?

Catalase is an enzyme produced by cells that helps to speed up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. It does this by converting the hydrogen peroxide into two less harmful substances, water and oxygen gas, through a process called catalysis.

2. How does MnO2 affect the action of catalase on hydrogen peroxide?

When MnO2 is added to a solution of hydrogen peroxide and catalase, it acts as a catalyst, speeding up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. This is because MnO2 provides a surface for the reaction to occur on, allowing for more collisions between the reactants and increasing the rate of the reaction.

3. What is the overall reaction that occurs when catalase and MnO2 are added to hydrogen peroxide?

The overall reaction is the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2). This can be represented by the following equation: 2H2O2 ---> 2H2O + O2.

4. Why is it important to study the action of catalase and MnO2 on hydrogen peroxide?

Understanding how catalase and MnO2 interact with hydrogen peroxide is important for many reasons. It can help us better understand the role of enzymes in biological processes, such as the breakdown of harmful substances in the body. It can also have practical applications, such as using MnO2 as a catalyst in industrial processes.

5. Are there any safety concerns when working with catalase and MnO2?

While both catalase and MnO2 are relatively safe to handle, it is important to follow proper safety precautions when working with these substances. They should be handled in a well-ventilated area and protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn. Additionally, the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and MnO2 can produce oxygen gas, which can be flammable in high concentrations, so caution should be taken when handling large amounts of these substances.

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