Activation energy for chemical reaction

In summary, it seems that the heat released from the first combination of hydrogen and oxygen isn't enough to sustain the reaction until all of the hydrogen and oxygen combine.
  • #1
Only particles that possesses enough energy to overcome the activation energy and orientated correctly will collide and form products. How about those particles which do not possesses enough kinetic energy to overcome the activation barrier? Does it mean that for a particular chemical reaction where 1 mol of a reactant is needed, the actual amount of reactant that reacts is less than 1 mol?

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  • #2
You've compared "apples to oranges:" can you rephrase the question in a way that it answers itself?
  • #3
You are aware of the fact molecules are in constant motion, they rotate and collide all the time, exchanging energy?
  • #4
What do you mean with " [...] where 1 mol of a reactant is needed"? Needed for what?Obviously, one mole of reactant doesn't react instantaneously. But that's not your question, right?
  • #5
I just started reading about activation energy today, but from what I gather, once the initial energy is supplied to kick-start the reaction, then the energy released (let us assume that the reaction is exothermic) is enough to activate the other molecules and finish the reaction.EDIT: On second thought, it seems to me that some energy must be supplied externally in order to sustain the reaction?

Example: Suppose we wish to combine hydrogen molecules with oxygen molecules to form water. We raise the temperature enough so that the activation energy is reached and at least one molecule of hydrogen has combined with a molecule of oxygen. This is an exothermic reaction, so let us now remove our external heat source. Surely the heat released from that first combination of hydrogen and oxygen isn't enough to sustain the reaction until all of the hydrogen and oxygen combines? Am I right when I say this? Intuitively, it seems to me that we must continue to supply heat in order to force the reaction to continue.
  • #6
IMHO you are missing the fact molecules exchange energy, and their energies are not constant. That in turn means in a sample some molecules have higher energy, and some molecules have lower energy. As long as the temperature is kept constant fraction of the molecules that have higher energy is constant as well, so you can't just consume in the reaction all these molecules with higher energies and be left with those of lower energies.–Boltzmann_distribution
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  • #7
At a certain temperature, a certain ratio of molecules will have sufficient energy. If they are 'removed' somehow (let's say they reacted) but the temperature is magically held constant, the system must still have the same ratio of molecules with sufficient energy. So it will rearrange to still have the same distribution (Boltzmann).

Changing this distribution means changing the temperature.
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  • #8
JonnyG said:
Surely the heat released from that first combination of hydrogen and oxygen isn't enough to sustain the reaction until all of the hydrogen and oxygen combines?
It's called an Oxy-Hydrogen torch; it has a specialized use in the Semiconductor manufacturing industry. Just like the burner of a gas stove, a blow torch, or a welding torch, once the reaction is started you can remove the ignition source and the reaction (flame/burning) continues. (Works with wooden houses too.)

Related to Activation energy for chemical reaction

1. What is activation energy for chemical reaction?

Activation energy for chemical reaction is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It is the energy needed to break the existing bonds in the reactants and form new bonds in the products. Without sufficient activation energy, the reaction will not take place.

2. How does activation energy affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

The higher the activation energy, the slower the rate of the reaction. This is because a higher amount of energy is needed to overcome the energy barrier and initiate the reaction. On the other hand, a lower activation energy leads to a faster rate of reaction as it requires less energy to start the reaction.

3. Can activation energy be changed or altered?

Yes, activation energy can be changed or altered. It can be lowered by the presence of a catalyst, which provides an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur with a lower activation energy. Temperature also plays a significant role in altering the activation energy as increasing the temperature provides more energy to the reactants, making it easier for them to overcome the energy barrier.

4. How is activation energy determined experimentally?

Activation energy is determined experimentally by measuring the rate of the reaction at different temperatures. By plotting the natural logarithm of the rate versus the reciprocal of the temperature, a straight line can be obtained. The slope of this line gives the activation energy of the reaction using the Arrhenius equation.

5. Is activation energy the same for all chemical reactions?

No, activation energy varies for different chemical reactions. It depends on the nature of the reactants, the complexity of the reaction, and the conditions under which the reaction takes place. Some reactions may have a higher activation energy, while others may have a lower activation energy.

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