Addenum to AGE VS Experience debate

In summary: That is why I brought up the example of a curfew. I thought it would be clear that, even if someone is very young, they need to understand why they have a curfew. It's not just a "you'll understand when you're older" answer. Now obviously there are exceptions to this, but I think it's a good rule of thumb.In summary, the older you are, the wiser you are.
  • #36
Ok. Gaspar, a few quick questions about your responses.

Spoken like someone who has yet to "master" anything, cause you would know what is wrong, with what you are saying, if you had!

What exactly do you consider mastering something? I personally consider it to do a particular skill to the best of ones ability. The more you do it, you increase your ability.

And if you don't think I've mastered dirt bike riding in the 17 years I've been doing it, well, there is only one way to find out and I normally leave the doubter with a mouth full of dirt.

Anyhow, you also said:

Been there?? done that?? YUP!

Are you saying you're also an expierianced dirt bike rider? Surely a person of your age would surpass me in skill and be able to outrun me, by your logic.

But is it not possible to think that maybe, just maybe, In my short amount of time here, that I've actually been able to learn more then the person who taught me, simply because I've more information at my disposal?

Remember that little saying "Information is power". There is actually a reason they say that. My children will likely surpass me quicker then I surpassed my parents. Infact, I hope they do. I would love to have a 20 y/o kid by the time I'm 45 to teach me new things.

Think about it like this. Say, 200 years ago, it may have taken 2 weeks to prepare a field for the growing season. Now, thanks to increased knowledge, better equipment, and handed down expieriance that same field maybe prepared in a single day.

Unproven only according to you, lacking in complete knowledge of it, you ascribe yourself capable of judgment of it, which would automatically mean that you sit in judgment of your own ignorance, as well, how interesting...but you miss that...

Uhm, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I think if I was the only person that your claims were unproven too, then this would not be included in your signature:

Political Pri$oner, c|a|g|e|d in poverty...

Hey, off topic, but I've been wanting for a chance. If you've got some extremely advanced knowledge of gravity, and the governments will not back you, go black market with it. You make an anti gravity vehicle and I'll have 100 ppl to buy one from you in 2 minutes.
Physics news on
  • #37
But I can see this is turning into a parenting therapy session...

Nah. Carry on with your arguements. I'm only interested in watching how all these plays out.
  • #38
Originally posted by megashawn
Ok. Gaspar, a few quick questions about your responses. So you have proven very well that you do not read what you think your reading, as My Name IS Mr. Robin Parsons...kinda dumb Huh!

What exactly do you consider mastering something? I personally consider it to do a particular skill to the best of ones ability. The more you do it, you increase your ability.

And if you don't think I've mastered dirt bike riding in the 17 years I've been doing it, well, there is only one way to find out and I normally leave the doubter with a mouth full of dirt. Your profile says you were born in 1980, so you apparently have been dirt bike riding since you were four years old?? (Yes, I know it is possible, just that I have doubts about that, soo...)

Anyhow, you also said: When you quote people, please use the name of the person you are quoting, if that is too difficult for you, use the "quote button", otherwise don't expect to be understood, or necesarily responded to, least not by me, OK?
Are you saying you're also an expierianced dirt bike rider? Surely a person of your age would surpass me in skill and be able to outrun me, by your logic. Ha Ha, you ae either really not very bright, or know little about dirt bike riding, then again, if we could go back to a time where we were both the same ages, perhaps I could have, neither of us knows the answer to that one with any certainty!)
But is it not possible to think that maybe, just maybe, In my short amount of time here, that I've actually been able to learn more then the person who taught me, simply because I've more information at my disposal? Apparently you seem to think that the person who taught you, doesn't have access to the very same information, you claim, has advanced you, more then them, something about that smells kinda funny
Remember that little saying "Information is power". There is actually a reason they say that. My children will likely surpass me quicker then I surpassed my parents. Infact, I hope they do. I would love to have a 20 y/o kid by the time I'm 45 to teach me new things. Actually the saying is "Knowledge is power", NOT 'information' and there is a difference, a huge difference!
Think about it like this. Say, 200 years ago, it may have taken 2 weeks to prepare a field for the growing season. Now, thanks to increased knowledge, better equipment, and handed down expieriance that same field maybe prepared in a single day. Mostly due to the mechanizations that have taken place, a little progress in knowledge, but mostly due to the machines.
Uhm, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I think if I was the only person that your claims were unproven too, then this would not be included in your signature: Fun Guy, proven silly as he uses my signature to try to claim I am off topic, how stupid do you think the rest of the readers of these forums are, that they might fall for such an obviously stupid con job?

Hey, off topic, but I've been wanting for a chance. If you've got some extremely advanced knowledge of gravity, and the governments will not back you, go black market with it. You make an anti gravity vehicle and I'll have 100 ppl to buy one from you in 2 minutes.

How quickly the sarcastic are separated from the "thinking process", self-evident in this writting by the author who doesn't even know who he is addressing.

Thanks BYE!
  • #39

So you have proven very well that you do not read what you think your reading, as My Name IS Mr. Robin Parsons...kinda dumb Huh!

Hah, I have to give you this one. I was in a rush, and had just read something from gaspar, got confused apparently.

But as you can see, I've learned from my mistakes.

Now, that you've speant a whole post sidestepping the point, and tossing insults, I've got one for you, but of your own doing.

Your profile says you were born in 1980, so you apparently have been dirt bike riding since you were four years old?? (Yes, I know it is possible, just that I have doubts about that, soo...)

I was born in 1980. That makes me 23 years old. The current year is 2003. 17 is the number of years I've been riding.

Now, if we take 23 years, and subtract 17 from it, what remains?

Not 4.

haha, so as me and my impatient youthfullness has made a mistake, and you, in all your age and wisdom has made even a worse mistake, not being able to compute simple mathematics. Mine can be explained as ADD or some disorder. Yours can be explained as, ... well.

Fun Guy, proven silly as he uses my signature to try to claim I am off topic, how stupid do you think the rest of the readers of these forums are, that they might fall for such an obviously stupid con job?

No cletus. I am not suggesting you are off topic (as we now are) but in my final paragraph I was asking you a question about your sig. In that paragraph I said "Hey, off topic, but I've been wanting for a chance." in other words noting that the following was off the main topic.

Atleast I just got your name wrong, and I'm not even trying to be an ass yet.

And to everyone else, this is off topic, but is a dispute between young vs aged (i'll not call you old). If nothing else its an example of what's been said earlier on.
  • #40
OOOOOOOOOOH, 6 not 4...
scuza mea! mea Culpa!

Originally posted by cletus??
Uhm, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I think if I was the only person that your claims were unproven too, then this would not be included in your signature:

Apparently you don't know much about the world.

Originally posted by cletus??
Atleast I just got your name wrong, and I'm not even trying to be an ass yet.

Fooled me!

Originally posted by cletus??
(SNIP) Now, that you've speant a whole post sidestepping the point, and tossing insults, (SNoP)

Sidestepped what point, you made a point?? And what insults??

Originally posted by cletus??
Hey, off topic, but I've been wanting for a chance. If you've got some extremely advanced knowledge of gravity, and the governments will not back you, go black market with it. You make an anti gravity vehicle and I'll have 100 ppl to buy one from you in 2 minutes.

Only someone with little, if any, knowledge, would be suggesting to a flat-broke homeless man, that he should be building something that could easily cost into the millions, Ya know, like a space shuttle.

Please, demonstrate further, your clear "Information is Power".
  • #41
haha. I am not going to fuel this any further. I'm sorry for whatever circumstances have led to your current situation. It just seems that person possessing such knowledge as you (claim), should quite be able to get some support.

Really, I'm done with this. My apologys for this.

Parsons, feel free to pm with any further comments. This is not something that should take up server space, IMO.

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