Adding a 3rd Polarizer Changes Light Passing Through It

  • Thread starter thenewmans
  • Start date
In summary: Thanks for the summary!In summary, the third polarizer is placed at an angle between the two orthogonal polarisers, now you have a random fraction which get through this third polarizer and also another random fraction that get through the final polariser.
  • #1
One time, I saw this experiment where 2 polarizers were offset by 90 degrees so that no light got through. Then a third polarizer was added in between so that some light got through. I don’t know how this works in either a classical physics explanation or in a QM explanation. Do the polarizers adjust the spin or angle of the photon? If so, I wouldn’t have expected that. I thought that the photons that make it through a polarizer come out in just the same condition as when they entered.

I ask because I’m thinking about what implications this might have in an entanglement experiment.
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  • #2
hi thenewmans! :smile:
thenewmans said:
… I thought that the photons that make it through a polarizer come out in just the same condition as when they entered.

nope, any thing getting through a "horizontal" polarizer comes out "horizontally" polarized :wink:
  • #3
Page on the "Dirac three-polarizers experiment" here:

Here's a java applet that allows you to recreate it:

One way of looking at this would be that traveling through a polarizer at a given angle "collapses" the photon's wave function so it is definitely able to make it through at that angle (and definitely blocked by a polarizer at 90 degrees to that angle), while at other angles it has some probability of getting through and some probability of getting blocked. You can probably also model this situation without the assumption of "collapse", just a wavefunction continuously evolving over time or doing a path integral to calculate the probability the photon will be seen at a detector past the final filter, though I'm not sure of the details.
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  • #5
It is worth noting that there is a very deep similarity between the 3 polarizer example and the" . I personally consider this to be the clearest evidence of two fundamental properties of quantum mechanics:

1) quantum particles have complex phases associated with their positions/trajectories
2) the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle .. i.e. the fundamental restriction on knowing precise values for non-commuting observables.
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  • #6
SpectraCat said:
It is worth noting that there is a very deep similarity between the 3 polarizer example and the" . I personally consider this to be the clearest evidence of two fundamental properties of quantum mechanics:

1) quantum particles have complex phases associated with their positions/trajectories
2) the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle .. i.e. the fundamental restriction on knowing precise values for non-commuting observables.

How is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle for quantum mechanics validated by the results of the 3 polarizers?
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  • #7
San K said:
How is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle for quantum mechanics validated by the results of the 3 polarizers?

I was referring to the triple Stern-Gerlach experiment ... but I expect you can draw the same conclusions from the polarization experiment, if you include field quantization in your description. I am not an expert on QFT though, so I am not completely sure.
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  • #8
San K said:
Maybe you are thinking that the randomness that allows the photons to pass through all the three polarizers, can mathematically be used to prove inherent randomness?

No, nothing like that. I am thinking that the polarization direction of a photon is much like the projection of a spin-1/2 particle on a space fixed axis. The triple SG shows that you can only know one spatial component (x OR y OR z) of the spin vector. I expect that QED shows that there is an equivalent restriction on what you can know about the polarization direction of a photon .. but like I said, I don't know that to be true.
  • #9
Wow, OK, all I got to say is this is why I love PF.

FAQ: Adding a 3rd Polarizer Changes Light Passing Through It

1. How does adding a third polarizer affect the light that passes through it?

Adding a third polarizer to the path of light will reduce the intensity of the light that passes through it. This is because polarizers are designed to only allow light waves that are aligned in a specific direction to pass through. When a third polarizer is added, it further limits the number of light waves that can pass through, resulting in a decrease in intensity.

2. Can adding a third polarizer change the color of light passing through it?

Yes, adding a third polarizer can change the color of light passing through it. This is because polarizers work by filtering out specific wavelengths of light. When a third polarizer is added, it can block out even more wavelengths, resulting in a change in color perception.

3. Is it possible to completely block out light by adding a third polarizer?

No, it is not possible to completely block out light by adding a third polarizer. While adding a third polarizer will reduce the intensity of light passing through it, there will still be some light that is able to pass through. This is because polarizers are not 100% efficient and some light will still be able to pass through even after multiple layers of polarizers.

4. Can adding a third polarizer affect the polarization of light passing through it?

Yes, adding a third polarizer can affect the polarization of light passing through it. This is because each polarizer has its own specific orientation, and when multiple polarizers are added, their orientations can interact with each other and change the polarization of the light passing through.

5. How does the angle of the third polarizer affect the light passing through it?

The angle of the third polarizer can greatly affect the light passing through it. If the third polarizer is aligned with the first two polarizers (parallel), it will allow more light to pass through than if it is perpendicular to them. This is because when polarizers are aligned, they act together to filter out the same wavelength of light, resulting in a greater reduction in intensity. If the third polarizer is at a 45-degree angle to the first two, it will allow even more light to pass through as it is filtering out different wavelengths than the other two polarizers.
