Addition of a catagory for scientific and engeneering ethics?

  • Suggestion
  • Thread starter FireStorm000
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between science and ethics and the potential for a forum to explore applied ethics in the sciences. It is suggested that the forum should focus on professional decisions and the use of the scientific method as a premise, while avoiding certain topics such as the existence of God. The suggestion is made to start threads and potentially create a sub forum if there is enough interest.
  • #1
I know that philosophy, metaphysics, and the like are outside of the scope of this forum, but it seems to me that there are many cases where choices in the sciences come down to a question of ethics.
Regardless of the fact that it is not a scientific subject, it remains very intimately tied to the practice of science and engineering. We can't really have a complete discussion if we avoid such questions.
It could be interesting to open such issues to discussion. I'm not looking for open season to explore philosophy, so much as a forum of applied ethics, that is, how can we apply the concept of right and wrong to the professional decisions we make in the sciences. We could also debate with certain ideas already accepted as a premiss; we could, for example, say that one is not allowed to take the existence or non existence of any God or gods as a certainty, and thus it could not be used as a basis from which to argue(same goes for anything else which defies experimentation), which would make the moderation of discussions at least possible. The scientific method would also be taken as a premiss, which would keep things in fairly moderate territory.
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  • #2
Start some threads. If the subject catches on we will look into adding a sub forum. Thanks!

FAQ: Addition of a catagory for scientific and engeneering ethics?

1. What is the purpose of adding a category for scientific and engineering ethics?

The purpose of adding a category for scientific and engineering ethics is to promote ethical practices and decision-making in the scientific and engineering fields. It serves as a reminder to scientists and engineers to consider the ethical implications of their work and to ensure that their research and projects are conducted with integrity and in the best interest of society.

2. How will this category benefit the scientific and engineering communities?

This category will benefit the scientific and engineering communities by providing a framework for ethical decision-making and promoting responsible conduct in research and projects. It also helps to maintain public trust in the scientific and engineering fields by addressing potential ethical concerns and promoting transparency.

3. Who will be responsible for overseeing this category?

The responsibility for overseeing this category will likely fall under the jurisdiction of professional organizations and regulatory bodies in the scientific and engineering fields. These entities are responsible for setting ethical standards and guidelines for their respective fields and ensuring compliance among their members.

4. Will this category impose any restrictions on scientific and engineering research?

No, this category is not meant to impose restrictions on research. Rather, it is intended to promote ethical practices and decision-making in research. It may help identify potential ethical concerns and guide researchers in addressing them, but it should not hinder or limit the pursuit of scientific and engineering knowledge.

5. How can individuals in the scientific and engineering fields contribute to this category?

Individuals in the scientific and engineering fields can contribute to this category by familiarizing themselves with ethical principles and guidelines, and actively incorporating them into their work. They can also engage in discussions and debates surrounding ethical issues in their fields and advocate for ethical practices among their peers.

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