Additional problems in Classical Mechanics

In summary, the first year physics/biology major is looking for difficult problems to tackle, but is having difficulty finding them. He has tried doing MIT problem sets from the OCW website, but most of them are not very hard. He has also tried solving problems from Kleppner and Kolenkow's Introduction to Mechanics (The book recommended in the course syllabus), but that too was not difficult. He has also tried making up his own problems.
  • #1
Since I cannot post this in the "Learning Materials" forum, I thought I'll just post it here.
I am a first year Physics/Biology major, and I am currently studying a course in classical mechanics. My problem is that I do not seem to find high level problems in mechanics anywhere online, or in books. I've tried doing MIT problem sets from their OCW website, but most of it, compared to our problems/tests are not very hard.
I've also tried solving problems from Kleppner & Kolenkow's Introduction to Mechanics (The book recommended in our syllabus), but that, too, wasn't difficult.

Does anyone know where I could find some difficult problems to tackle?

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  • #2
Maybe try making up your own. For example what is the torque on a telephone pole being lifted by a helium blimp over a lake of water. What buoyant force is required to do this. If the blimp drops the telephone pole in the lake with initial velocity vi, how deep will it go before it floats to the top, or will it sink?

Things like that
  • #3
That's actually a great idea. Thanks!
  • #4
I've found that the more surreal problems are usually funnier to solve. For example, how long does a thin upright pole of fixed density have to be in order to float unsuspended in midair at Earth's surface (moving with the Earth's rotation)?
  • #5
golanor said:
Since I cannot post this in the "Learning Materials" forum, I thought I'll just post it here.
I am a first year Physics/Biology major, and I am currently studying a course in classical mechanics. My problem is that I do not seem to find high level problems in mechanics anywhere online, or in books. I've tried doing MIT problem sets from their OCW website, but most of it, compared to our problems/tests are not very hard.
I've also tried solving problems from Kleppner & Kolenkow's Introduction to Mechanics (The book recommended in our syllabus), but that, too, wasn't difficult.

Does anyone know where I could find some difficult problems to tackle?


Have a look at the CM book by David Morin, or get an analytical mechanics book like Landau or Calkin and try to arrive to the same solutions using Newtonian mechanics.
  • #6
Lavabug said:
Have a look at the CM book by David Morin, or get an analytical mechanics book like Landau or Calkin and try to arrive to the same solutions using Newtonian mechanics.

Are you referring to L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifgarbagez (1976). Mechanics. Vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Butterworth–Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-7506-2896-9.
  • #7
I second the Morin recommendation. It's a great book of problems. My first recommendation would have been Kleppner but you said you have already done that one (although maybe in the process of choosing problems you missed the more difficult ones?). Good luck!
  • #8
I picked up the Morin book, it is wonderful, doesn't even feel like I'm reading a textbook.
Thanks again!
  • #9
try these
1. problems in general physics - I.E.Irodov
2. collection of problems in theoretical mechanics - I.V.Meshchersky

i hope these fit in the difficulty level u want.
  • #10
Thanks, i'll check them out.

FAQ: Additional problems in Classical Mechanics

1. What is Classical Mechanics?

Classical Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of macroscopic objects under the influence of forces. It is based on Newton's laws of motion and the concept of conservation of energy and momentum.

2. What are some examples of problems in Classical Mechanics?

Examples of problems in Classical Mechanics include projectile motion, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, and collisions between objects.

3. What are additional problems in Classical Mechanics?

Additional problems in Classical Mechanics refer to more complex and challenging scenarios that require a deeper understanding and application of the principles and laws of Classical Mechanics. These can include problems involving non-uniform forces, rotational motion, and systems with multiple interacting objects.

4. How can I solve additional problems in Classical Mechanics?

To solve additional problems in Classical Mechanics, it is important to have a strong foundation in the basic principles and laws of the subject. It is also helpful to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts and apply the relevant equations and concepts to each part.

5. Why are additional problems in Classical Mechanics important?

Additional problems in Classical Mechanics help to strengthen our understanding of the subject and develop our problem-solving skills. They also allow us to apply the principles of Classical Mechanics to real-world scenarios, making it a valuable tool for scientists and engineers in various fields.

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