Which QFT textbooks complement Schwartz, Zee, Peskin, and Mandl?

In summary, the book "QFT for the Gifted Amateur" is a good book for self-studying. However, I don't recommend the Zee book, and the Demystified books never seem to demystify anything.
  • #1
I'm self-studying QFT. I already have the books by Schwartz , Zee , Peskin and Mandl. I like to have as many books as possible. Would the book by Itzykson & Zuber be useful as a complement to these books or is it a bit out of date ?
Also does anybody have any opinions on the book "From Classical to Quantum Fields " by Baulieu and Ilipoulos ?
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  • #2
Ityzkson&Zuber is a very nice book, if you already know some QFT. The only book, I'd explicitly NOT recommend is Zee's "Nutshell". It's an amusing read if you know QFT already, but it's not accurate enough to learn it from scratch. In other words, the nutshell is too small for what Zee wants to pack into it. My favorite as an introductory textbook is Schwartz.

The ultimate reference is the three-volume work by Weinberg: S. Weinberg, Quantum theory of fields, 3 vols. Cambridge University Press

On the other hand, I'm not sure that it is a good idea to start with too many books at once. It's better to check out some in the beginning (your university library is your friend!) and then choose one which fits your needs best. Often different books have different conventions (e.g., for the Minkoski metric for instance you have the choice between east- and west-coast convention), and this can be quite confusion (particularly for a beginner in the field).
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Likes smodak and dyn
  • #3
Thanks. I don't know any QFT at the moment. I'm just starting that journey. So I'm looking for books that start from the beginning. At the moment I like the look of Schwartz and the book by Lancaster "QFT for the gifted amateur". But from my experience self-studying QM I have found that it's impossible to have too many books ! But I don't want out of date information or strange conventions/notation as QFT is difficult enough already.
  • #4
You can use "Quantum Field Theory Demystified" by David McMohan, a Tata McGraw-Hill publication.

And yes: self studying QFT is an appreciable endeavour. Have you finished Quantum mechanics?
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  • #5
Thanks. I have finished QM. I do actually like the Mcmahon books on relativity , QM and QFT. I notice they get quite a bad rep on here but I think they are very good as introductions.
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  • #6
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  • #7
dyn said:
Thanks. I have finished QM. I do actually like the Mcmahon books on relativity , QM and QFT. I notice they get quite a bad rep on here but I think they are very good as introductions.

I don't like books that have titles like "(Subject) - for dummies, for newbies, demystified, simplified etc ... ". I tried some but they were bad. They might be good on introductory topics but what is the point in reading a book after which you ought to read another. I prefer reading one good book rather 2 bad books.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #8
Buffu said:
I don't like books that have titles like "(Subject) - for dummies, for newbies, demystified, simplified etc ... ". I tried some but they were bad. They might be good on introductory topics but what is the point in reading a book after which you ought to read another. I prefer reading one good book rather 2 bad books.
I disagree. Not all books with that subject (s) are bad. :oldgrumpy:
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  • #9
I've never seen a better introduction than Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur. I don't recommend the Zee book, either, and the Demystified books never seem to demystify anything.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #10
Buffu said:
I don't like books that have titles like "(Subject) - for dummies, for newbies, demystified, simplified etc ... ". I tried some but they were bad. They might be good on introductory topics but what is the point in reading a book after which you ought to read another. I prefer reading one good book rather 2 bad books.
Unless you are exceptionally smart, the point of reading a simple book is to prepare you for the difficult one.
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Likes vanhees71 and smodak
  • #12
Is the book by Duncan a useful textbook for self-studying QFT from the beginning ? Does it cover everything that a standard textbook covers eg Peskin ?
Also I notice the Harris book is from 1972. Is it still relevant and is the terminology and notation still up to date ?
  • #13
dyn said:
Is the book by Duncan a useful textbook for self-studying QFT from the beginning ? Does it cover everything that a standard textbook covers eg Peskin ?
Also I notice the Harris book is from 1972. Is it still relevant and is the terminology and notation still up to date ?

Klauber or Lancaster Blundell will be better for starting.

In fact, there is another book that I like very much - it is not a QFT book exactly but describes the standard model pretty efficiently for a beginner (as a mini QFT introduction)

The Standard Model in a Nutshell by Goldberg
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  • #14
I recently started studying quantum field theory and after wasting a considerable amount of time going through a number of books, I chose
  • A First Book of Quantum Field Theory, 2nd Ed by Amitabha Lahiri and Palash B. Pal, Narosa
  • Lectures on Quantum Field Theory by Ashok Das, World Scientific.
What I found very appealing about these books was that they appear to be self contained. However these books don't have a lot of exercises and for that I am referring to another book,
  • Problem Book in Quantum Field Theory, by Voja Radovanovic, Springer.

FAQ: Which QFT textbooks complement Schwartz, Zee, Peskin, and Mandl?

What is quantum field theory (QFT)?

Quantum field theory is a theoretical framework used to describe the behavior of particles and their interactions in the context of quantum mechanics and special relativity. It combines the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to explain the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions with each other and with the forces in the universe.

Why are additional QFT textbooks needed?

Additional QFT textbooks are needed because quantum field theory is a complex and continually evolving field of study. As new discoveries and theories emerge, it is necessary to have updated and comprehensive textbooks that can provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

What are the key concepts covered in QFT textbooks?

QFT textbooks cover a wide range of key concepts, including quantum mechanics, special relativity, particle interactions, field theory, gauge theory, and symmetries. They also introduce mathematical tools such as Feynman diagrams, path integrals, and renormalization methods to help understand the behavior of particles and their interactions.

Who are the intended audience for additional QFT textbooks?

Additional QFT textbooks are typically intended for graduate or advanced undergraduate students in physics, mathematics, or related fields. They may also be useful for researchers and professionals in these fields who want to deepen their understanding of quantum field theory.

What are some recommended additional QFT textbooks?

Some recommended additional QFT textbooks include "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model" by Matthew D. Schwartz, "Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur" by Tom Lancaster and Stephen J. Blundell, and "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" by Michael Peskin and Daniel Schroeder. Other popular textbooks include "Quantum Field Theory" by Mark Srednicki and "Quantum Field Theory" by Claude Itzykson and Jean-Bernard Zuber.

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