Additivity of lagrangian and constraints on multiplication by arbitrary const

In summary: L_{AB}(q_{A}, q_{B}, \dot{q}_{A}, \dot{q}_{B})where L_{A} and L_{B} are the Lagrangians of the individual systems, and L_{AB} is the interaction term.In summary, Landau's mechanics Vol I discusses the additivity of Lagrangians for a combined system composed of two non-interacting systems A and B. This additivity implies that the total Lagrangian can be expressed as the sum of individual Lagrangians multiplied by an arbitrary constant. However, this concept can be difficult to interpret and understand, as Landau is not always clear in his explanations. It is recommended to have a strong understanding of the subject
  • #1

I am using Landau's mechanics Vol I for classical mechanics. On page 4 he mentions for Lagrangian of a system composed of two systems A and B which are so far away so that their interactions can be neglected.

then for the combined system we have L = LA + LB

I'm trying to understand how this additivity implies only simultaneous multiplication of LA and LB by an arbitrary constant.

I think to establish it we might have to consider the difference in Lagrangian when A & B are close by and when they are far away.

Please guide. Any help will be appriciated.
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  • #2
I think that's a typical example of a "Landau-type" reasoning: there is certainly a very profound idea behind every single thing he expresses, but he's certainly not good at all in exposing these ideas. In reading Landau's books, one spends more time trying to interpret what he means, than on actually understanding the physical concepts. That's why, in my opinion, one has to read Landau's books only after he is very familiar with the subject: you don't learn with it, but you certainly get a deeper point of view.

In the specific case of the additivity of the lagrangians, I think he wants to say that exactly separate systems actually don't exist, so in principle you cannot define separate lagrangians. Only the total lagrangian exists, and you can multiply it by a constant. When you take the systems far away, you observe that the lagrangian tends to a sum of two lagrangians, and if you started with a total lagrangian multiplied by a constant, you end up with the two lagrangians multiplied by the same constant.
  • #3
Hey thanks. Does that mean it is meaningless to define the lagrangian of a system without referring to rest of the universe. We actually do it all the time by considering isolated systems and then deriving lagrangian by consideration of symmentries. In fact lagrangian of a two particle is written as the sum of two terms. One representing the lagrangian in case the particles are separated far enough. The other term representing the interaction of the two particles.
  • #4
somitra said:
Hey thanks. Does that mean it is meaningless to define the lagrangian of a system without referring to rest of the universe. We actually do it all the time by considering isolated systems and then deriving lagrangian by consideration of symmentries. In fact lagrangian of a two particle is written as the sum of two terms. One representing the lagrangian in case the particles are separated far enough. The other term representing the interaction of the two particles.

Yes, and introducing an interaction generally breaks the symmetry. For example, invariance under translations causes each individual momentum to be conserved, but when you introduce a translation-invariant interaction only the total momentum is conserved, because the interaction causes the system to be invariant only under a global translation.
  • #5
Ok, so, if you read what is the point of Lagrangians, you would have understood that they generate the equations of motion for the system:

\frac{d}{d t} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}_{i}} - \frac{\partial L}{\partial q_{i}} = 0

Now, two non-interacting system would mean that the equations of motion of system A do not contain any coordinates and speeds of system B and vice versa.

This is only possible if the total Lagrangian of the system is:

L(q, \dot{q}) = L_{A}(q_{A}, \dot{q}_{A}) + L_{B}(q_{B}, \dot{q}_{B})

FAQ: Additivity of lagrangian and constraints on multiplication by arbitrary const

1. What is the meaning of additivity of Lagrangian and constraints?

The additivity of Lagrangian and constraints refers to the property of a system where the total Lagrangian equals the sum of the Lagrangian of each individual component. Similarly, the total constraints of the system should also be equal to the sum of the constraints of each component. This property is important in the study of physical systems and their dynamics.

2. How does additivity affect the multiplication of arbitrary constants?

Additivity plays a crucial role in determining the effect of multiplying arbitrary constants in a system. If the Lagrangian and constraints are additive, then the multiplication of constants will not change the overall dynamics of the system. However, if the additivity property is violated, then the multiplication of constants may significantly alter the behavior of the system.

3. Can additivity of Lagrangian and constraints be violated?

Yes, the additivity property can be violated in certain systems. This can occur when there are strong interactions between components or when the components are highly dependent on each other. In such cases, the total Lagrangian and constraints may not be equal to the sum of the individual components, and the system may exhibit different dynamics.

4. What are the implications of violating additivity in a system?

If the additivity property is violated in a system, then the dynamics of the system may not be accurately described by the equations derived from the Lagrangian and constraints. This can lead to incorrect predictions and a lack of understanding of the system's behavior. It is important to carefully consider the additivity property when studying physical systems.

5. Is additivity a universal property in all systems?

No, additivity is not a universal property in all systems. It is a desirable property in many physical systems, but there are cases where the additivity property may not apply. This can occur in highly nonlinear systems or systems with strong couplings between components. It is important to carefully analyze each system to determine if the additivity property holds.
