Adiabatic heat exchanger problem

In summary, the conversation discusses a homework problem involving an adiabatic heat exchanger with propane gas and superheated steam. The problem also requires labeling the mass of the steam fed, which can be determined using heat balances and the specific enthalpy values from the steam tables.
  • #1
Adiabatic heat exchanger problem... Please Help!

I have this proplem as a homework assignment and I'm a bit stuck as houw to set it up. Here it is:

Propane gas enters a continuous adiabatic heat exchanger at 40 degrees C and 250 kPa and exits at 240 degrees C. Superheated steam at 300 degrees C and 5.0 bar enters the exchanger flowing countercurrent,y to the propane and exits as a saturated liquid at the same pressure.

I know how to draw the process flowchart, but the problem also asks to include in the labeling the mass of the steam fed (kg). I have no idea how to figure this out. Is it in some table, or chart?

Please Help, 'cause i am stumped!

-Thanks in advance...
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  • #2
Adiabatic heat exchanger

Couple of questions for you: Do you own a copy of the si steam tables? Are you familiar with heat balances?

Ok, i will try and point you in the right direction .

Q= Of the steam = Q of the water

Thus Q=McpDT m= mass of water/steam Kg Cp=Specific heat Dt= (Outlet Temp - Inlet)

So call steam 1 and Water 2


OR we can say that Q=m*Hf-Hg and take the data from the steam tables for steam as we know the conditions in and out! once we know Q ( H is Empalthy)

Good luck , hope this is some help...half asleep so probs wrote crap! lol :smile:
  • #3
i didn't mean water i meant
  • #4
The problem seems to relate to the Joules-Thompson effect...
  • #5
"adiabatic heat exchanger" implies the heat is transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid. The change in energy of the hot fluid = change in energy of the cold fluid, or rather rate of energy transfer from the hot fluid = rate of energy transfer to the cold fluid.

[tex]\dot{m_h}\,c_p_h\,\Delta{T_h}[/tex] = [tex]\dot{m_c}\,c_p_c\,\Delta{T_c}[/tex] where h and c are hot and cold, [tex]\dot{m}[/tex] is mass flow rate, cp is specific heat and [tex]\Delta{T}[/tex] is the change in temperature. Or instead of [tex]c_p\,\DeltaT[/tex], one could use the change in specific enthalphy directly, which one can find in a thermodynamic table as a funtion of temperature and pressure for the given fluid.
  • #6
Thats what i, but in laymen terms! :P

FAQ: Adiabatic heat exchanger problem

1. What is an adiabatic heat exchanger?

An adiabatic heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy between two fluids without any heat loss to the surroundings. This means that the heat exchanger is well-insulated and does not allow any heat to escape or enter from the outside.

2. How does an adiabatic heat exchanger work?

An adiabatic heat exchanger works by allowing two fluids to flow in opposite directions within a heat exchanger. The fluids are kept separate by a solid wall, but heat is able to transfer between them through the wall. As the hot fluid flows through the heat exchanger, it gives off heat to the cooler fluid, which absorbs the heat and increases in temperature.

3. What is the purpose of an adiabatic heat exchanger?

The purpose of an adiabatic heat exchanger is to efficiently transfer thermal energy from one fluid to another without any loss of heat to the surroundings. This is important in many industrial and scientific applications where precise control of temperature is necessary.

4. What are the key factors that affect the efficiency of an adiabatic heat exchanger?

The efficiency of an adiabatic heat exchanger is affected by factors such as the flow rate and temperature difference of the two fluids, the design and size of the heat exchanger, and the properties of the materials used in the construction of the heat exchanger.

5. What are some common problems that can occur with an adiabatic heat exchanger?

Common problems with adiabatic heat exchangers include fouling or buildup of deposits on the heat transfer surface, which can decrease the efficiency of the heat exchanger. Another issue is thermal stress, which can occur if there are large temperature differences between the two fluids. Additionally, leaks or cracks in the heat exchanger can lead to heat loss and decrease its effectiveness.

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