Advanced and retarded Green's function

In summary, a good introductory book on advanced Green's function and its application to quantum mechanics transport problems is "Many-Particle Physics" by G.D. Mahan.
  • #1
anybody can recommend a good introducotry book on "advanced and retarded Green's function" and its application to QM, particularly transport problems. Thanks. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the system you are calculating the transport properties of??
  • #3
Dr Transport said:
What is the system you are calculating the transport properties of??

in semiconductor devices.
  • #4
Did u follow a rigurous solid state course?

  • #5
dextercioby said:
Did u follow a rigurous solid state course?


i guess so.. but many body problems in SS bandstructure calculations not touched on.
  • #6
I think Zapper could give u more assistance.It's his area of expertise.

  • #7
dextercioby said:
I think Zapper could give u more assistance.It's his area of expertise.


thanks for the tip. Will send him a PM to drop by my thread too. :-p
  • #9
dextercioby said:
He will.Trust me.:wink:


Gosh, I'm just way too predictable.

I strongly recommend G.D. Mahan's text "Many-Particle Physics". Here, the transport problem is dealt with in two (if not more, but I can't remember) different ways: the semi-classical treatment using Boltzmann transport equation, and the Kubo formulation that is quantum mechanical in nature. This is where the Green's function formulation comes into play, both directly and indirectly.

  • #10
Greens functions are not used in solving the Boltzmann equation, at least I have never seen that formalism used if it has. As for solving transport problems in devices, the Lattice Boltzmann equation is used. I have not looked at using the Kubo formulation so I cannot say.

If you are tring to do this analytically, it won't happen unless you use the relaxation time approximation and even then it will be tricky.

Mahan is a good place to start, Fetter and Walecka another. Many body formulations are very difficult to work with and take time to get used to. If your quantum theory is weak, it will be difficult but you can get thru it.
  • #11
Thank you people. Will get my hands on these 2 books first. :)

FAQ: Advanced and retarded Green's function

What is an advanced and retarded Green's function?

An advanced and retarded Green's function is a mathematical tool used in the field of quantum mechanics to describe the propagation of waves in a medium. It is a type of Green's function that takes into account both the past and future behavior of a system, making it especially useful for studying time-dependent phenomena.

How is an advanced and retarded Green's function different from a regular Green's function?

The main difference between an advanced and retarded Green's function and a regular Green's function is that the advanced and retarded version takes into account both the past and future behavior of a system, while a regular Green's function only considers the past behavior. This makes the advanced and retarded Green's function better suited for analyzing time-dependent phenomena.

What are some applications of advanced and retarded Green's functions?

Advanced and retarded Green's functions have a wide range of applications in physics, including quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics. They are particularly useful for studying time-dependent phenomena, such as scattering and propagation of waves in a medium.

How are advanced and retarded Green's functions calculated?

Calculating advanced and retarded Green's functions involves solving a set of differential equations, known as the Green's function equation. This equation can be solved analytically for simple systems, but for more complex systems, numerical methods may be used.

Can advanced and retarded Green's functions be used for non-linear systems?

Yes, advanced and retarded Green's functions can be used for non-linear systems. However, the equations become more complex and may require numerical methods to solve. In some cases, an advanced and retarded Green's function may not exist for a non-linear system.
