Advanced probability theory books?

In summary, the best approach for someone with an incomplete understanding of Lebesgue integration would be to start with Billingsley and work their way up to Shiryaev. If they have a little more knowledge of measure theory, then Chung's book would be a good second choice.
  • #1
I'm interested in learning the calculus of general random variables, i.e. those that do not necessarily have a density or mass function - such as mixtures of continuous / discrete / Cantor-type variables.

There seem to be several different approaches:

1. Via densities, using delta functions etc, e.g. [tex]E[X]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x f(x)dx[/tex]

2. Via cumulative distributions, using Stieltjes-type integrals, e.g. [tex]E[X]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}xdF(x)[/tex]

3. Via probability measures, e.g. [tex]E[X]=\int x d\mu(x)[/tex]

Each seems to have a well developed rigorous theory. What would be the best approach to focus on, and what's a good accessible book on the subject?
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  • #2
If you learn (3), then you will develop (1) and (2) as part of the process. [itex]F(x) = \mu((-\infty,x])[/itex], and the probability density function [itex]f(x)[/itex] exists if [itex]F[/itex] is an absolutely continuous function.

I like Billingsley's because it's a very readable yet rigorous treatment that doesn't assume that you already know measure theory and Lebesgue(-Stieltjes) integration.
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  • #3
Thanks - sounds like measure theory is the way to go and will be useful for more advanced topics.

Having a very basic and incomplete knowledge of Lebesgue integration, I'm tossing up between Billingsley and Shiryaev's - the gist of the reviews seems to be that B is more of a gentle essay-style introduction whereas S is more concise and efficiently organized. Any thoughts on this?
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  • #4
bpet said:
Thanks - sounds like measure theory is the way to go and will be useful for more advanced topics.

Having a very basic and incomplete knowledge of Lebesgue integration, I'm tossing up between Billingsley and Shiryaev's - the gist of the reviews seems to be that B is more of a gentle essay-style introduction whereas S is more concise and efficiently organized. Any thoughts on this?

I haven't read Shiryaev's book, so I can't compare the two. Billingsley isn't organized as a reference; he deliberately interleaves the probability material with measure theory on an "as-needed" basis, which is nice because everything seems properly motivated as you read through it. I would not say that his book is gentle per se (parts of it are quite tough), but it flows pretty well and he does a good job letting you know what he's doing and why.

Besides Billingsley and Shiryaev, another commonly used probability book at this level is Chung's I've only skimmed it, and it looks fine, but a lot more dry than Billingsley. For example, Billingsley has a cool chapter about gambling theory, and often sprinkles interesting side topics such as "Strange Euclidean Sets" and the Banach-Tarski paradox, but Chung takes more of a no-nonsense approach. Chung is probably more appropriate for a graduate course, whereas Billingsley seems better for self-study. Just my opinion.
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FAQ: Advanced probability theory books?

1. What is the purpose of advanced probability theory books?

Advanced probability theory books are designed to provide a deeper understanding of the mathematical principles and techniques used in probability theory. They are intended for students and researchers who have a strong foundation in basic probability concepts and are looking to expand their knowledge in this field.

2. What topics are typically covered in advanced probability theory books?

Advanced probability theory books cover a wide range of topics, including measure theory, stochastic processes, random variables, and limit theorems. They may also delve into more specialized areas such as Bayesian inference, Markov chains, and martingales.

3. Who can benefit from reading advanced probability theory books?

Advanced probability theory books are beneficial for graduate students and researchers in fields such as mathematics, statistics, economics, and engineering. They can also be useful for professionals working in industries such as finance, insurance, and data analysis.

4. Are there any prerequisites for understanding advanced probability theory books?

Yes, it is recommended to have a strong understanding of basic probability concepts, calculus, and linear algebra before tackling advanced probability theory books. Some books may also require knowledge of measure theory and real analysis.

5. How can advanced probability theory books be helpful in practical applications?

Advanced probability theory books not only provide a theoretical foundation for understanding probability, but they also offer practical applications in fields such as finance, economics, and data analysis. By learning advanced techniques, readers can apply them to real-world problems and make more informed decisions.

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